Alcohol and Other Drug Awareness
The Counseling Center provides assessment, education, and treatment services for students whose alcohol and/or drug use is affecting their college lives. At times, students may be referred for formal drug and alcohol evaluations if they are found to be in violation of the Student Code of Conduct policies related to alcohol and other drugs (AOD). Students referred for AOD concerns have the opportunity to: examine the factors which contribute to their alcohol and other drug use, develop a plan to adopt healthier behaviors, and obtain support in a non-judgmental setting.

Students concerned about their AOD use, those in recovery looking for support, or those concerned about the use of a loved one or peer, are also eligible for assessment, education, and treatment services. Contact the Counseling Center for more information.
Know your CUPSS! The following are signs of alcohol poisoning:
- Cold or clammy skin and noticeable changes in complexion
- Unconscious
- Puking and does not awaken
- Slow or irregular breaths
- Seizure
If you notice a friend exhibiting any of these symptoms, this is a medical emergency! Do not wait. Call Campus Safety at (914) 633-2560 and/or 911.
- Aware Awake Alive: learn the signs of Alcohol poisoning, check your BAC, watch Carson’s story, and make plans for safe decisions when going out.
- College Drinking Prevention: Every organ in your body is affected by alcohol. Check out the interactive body and other informative resources.
- National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism: Check out the signs that alcohol is causing harm and find resources to help a loved one
- Any drug that alters a person’s consciousness in a way that makes self-defense or sound decision making difficult can be used as a “date rape drug.” Alcohol is the drug most frequently used to facilitate sexual assault. Consent is clear, coherent, willing, and ongoing and cannot be given while intoxicated.
- Binge drinking is the practice of consuming large quantities of alcohol in a single session, usually defined as five or more drinks at one time for biological males, or four or more drinks at one time for biological females (about 2 hours).
- Blackouts are a definite sign that your body can no longer tolerate alcohol. A blackout is when you appear to be fully conscious while drinking but the next morning you cannot remember any of the events of the night. When memories from the night before are spotty and fragmented sometimes this is referred to as a “brown-out.” Blackouts are not the same as passing out. Passing out from excessive alcohol use can also occur. This is a loss of consciousness due to the body’s inability to process the amount of alcohol you have consumed and in some cases can be a precursor to alcohol poisoning. Blackouts, brownouts, and loss of consciousness are all serious medical events requiring follow-up with a health care provider.
- Death: About 1,825 college students, ages 18-24, die from alcohol-related unintentional injuries.
- Assault: About 696,000 students, ages 18-24, are assaulted by another student who has been drinking.
- Sexual Assault: About 97,000 students, ages 18-24, report experiencing alcohol-related sexual assault.
- Family History: Students with a family history of alcohol-use problems or drug abuse, or struggles with chronic depression or anxiety, are more vulnerable to developing substance dependency.
There are many resources available for students dealing with and recovering from substance dependency.
Resources at Iona University
- Counseling Center: (914) 633-2038
- Health Services: (914) 633-2548
Off-Campus Resources
- The Guidance Center of Westchester Sunrise Program: An outpatient clinic that implements evidence-based interventions to help participants achieve recovery from alcohol or other controlled substances. Sunrise is appropriate for anyone over the age of 18 who is living with addiction. Walk-in assessments are available every Wednesday, 3-6 p.m.
- The Hub: Specifically designed to help adolescents and young adults (ages 12-21) make sound and thoughtful decisions as they restore balance to their lives and recover from substance use. Located at 256 Washington Street, Mount Vernon, NY. For more information, call (914) 613-0700 x7104, or for after-hours assistance, call (914) 286-3350.
- METRO: A chemical dependency treatment center that focuses on recovery from opiate-based addiction, including addiction to heroin and prescription pain medications. This program uses medication-assisted treatment. METRO provides individual and group counseling, community-based referrals, and vocational and job assistance. METRO is for people 18 and older. Located at 20 Sickles Avenue, New Rochelle, N.Y. For more information, call (914) 613-0700 x7201, or for after-hours assistance, call (914) 286-3350.