My Iona

Return to Campus Information & Protocols

Gaels Take Care of Gaels

At Iona, we live by a fundamental credo that “Gaels Take Care of Gaels.” Everyone living, learning or working on campus knows this was especially true through the COVID-19 pandemic. Now, as we embrace the “new normal,” we must remain vigilant. Many positive strides have been made in protecting against the virus, but we will not let down our guard when it comes to keeping our community healthy and safe.

Based on the reality that the pandemic continues and guided by health officials, public policies and clinical care guidelines, below are protocols that are currently in place. Please review them in their entirety. Also note, the University will continue to monitor campus, local and national data, guidelines and policies and will update protocols as needed.

COVID-19 Protocols

The following information is accurate as of September 24, 2024.

positive Covid Results

  • All symptomatic students should test for Covid and Flu. 
  • If you test positive for Covid, upload your results to the Health Portal under 
    “Uploads” -> Covid Results.
  • Contact Health Services at or call (914) 633-2548.
  • When possible, return home. If you are not able to return home, isolate yourself and wear a facemask. 
  • The affected Covid student is to remain in isolation and wear a facemask. Strict handwashing is recommended for all students. 
  • You may return to class and to all college activities when you are fever free for 24 hours without the aid of fever reducing medications.
  • Fever free is defined as a temperature less than 101.5°F
  • As each student’s symptoms varies, please contact Health Services for clinical guidance of your specific symptoms. 
  • Students are responsible for contacting their individual instructors to keep current on their class assignments. 


Iona University is committed to providing students with the highest quality of care to support students’ personal and academic success. However, it is a reality that students may become ill. Health Services works diligently to assist students in diagnosing & treating students with illnesses or who do not feel well. The office can also assist students by alerting campus partners, including Residential Life and Academic Affairs staff. 

The well-being of the Iona community relies on its members (students, faculty, and staff) to be aware of and adhere to these rules and policies.



  • If possible, return home to isolate yourself while you are recovering. 
  • Students who are not able to return home must isolate in place in their residence. Limit time spent out of isolation and wear a facemask when around others, e.g., roommates/suitemates. 
  • Pay particular attention to your health during this time. Follow the instructions of health care providers, continue to do those things to improve your health.
  • Contact your professors to make them aware of any classes that may be missed and to stay on top of any related coursework.  


  • You may return to class and to all University activities when you are fever- free (body temperature less than 101.5°F for 24 hours without the aid of fever reducing medications).

Each student is different; symptoms and treatment may vary. Please contact Health Services for clinical guidance for your specific symptoms and condition