My Iona

Learning in Retirement at Iona University

Learning in Retirement at Iona University (LIRIC) serves the intellectual and social needs of a vibrant community of lifelong learners. Members have a thirst for learning and intellectual stimulation and we provide that through courses, lectures, trips and more.

Courses are taught by LIRIC members and by experts from the larger community. Each session’s offerings cover a broad range of academic and cultural topics as well as the occasional practical (legal, medical or financial) matter. There are no tests or grades. Trips to places of cultural interest are planned for each semester.

LIRIC is a not-for-profit organization sponsored by Iona University and affiliated with the Road Scholar Institute Network (RSIN).


Membership is open to all persons of retirement age. Membership entitles you to attend as many of LIRIC’s classes, films, and lectures as you like.

Fall and spring sessions are each eight weeks long, with classes meeting off-campus on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays, and on the Iona campus on Fridays. LIRIC meets off-campus for four days each during January and July intersessions.

LIRIC members also have full privileges at the Iona University Library.

LIRIC accepts new members at any time, but does not prorate fees. You may join for the full year or for the second half only. One fee entitles members to attend all courses, with the exception of Tai Chi.

  • Full-Year Membership (October to August): $200 for individuals
    • Includes fall and spring semesters plus the January and July intersessions
  • Half-Year Membership (March to August): $115 for individuals
    • Includes spring semester plus the July intersession

Join By Credit Card

Request Catalog OR pay by check


LIRIC Program Information

LIRIC is run by a group of dedicated, creative volunteers. We govern ourselves through an executive board and formulate our own by-laws, policies and procedures. The LIRIC board is made up of the officers and the chairs of our standing committees. Our curriculum committee designs our programs and arranges for presenters from among our members, Iona faculty and the community at large. All members of LIRIC are encouraged to suggest courses, speakers and presenters and to assist in arranging for them. Our Hospitality committee provides us with daily coffee and cookies, and arranges several luncheons each year, some of which are free. Other volunteers edit or write articles for our newsletter, collect membership checks, arrange trips and special events, even stuff envelopes for mailings. LIRIC also has a paid director who is our liaison with Iona University and oversees daily operations.


  • Suzanne Page, Ph.D.

Board Members

  • President: Shirley Radcliffe
  • Vice Presidents: Bob Kent & Linda Levine
  • Secretary: Lannie Spalding
  • Treasurer: Martha Johnson
  • Comptroller: Lois Lovisolo
  • Member Liaison: Beth Hofstetter & Dawn Vetrano

Committee Chairs

  • Curriculum: Linda Whetzel
  • Hospitality: Gail Apfel
  • Membership: Lorraine Rosano
  • Newsletter Editor: Monica Grey
  • Publicity: vacant
  • Trip Coordinator: Dianne Heim

Representatives at Large

  • Greg Koster
  • Chris McCormick
  • Jeanne de Saint Ouen



Great Decisions

8 Sessions

March 3, 10, 17, 24, 31;

April 7, 21, 28

10:30-11:45 A.M.

Great Decisions is a course sponsored by the Foreign Policy Association that encourages people to learn about and discuss U.S. foreign policy. Each session includes a 30-minute DVD for background and then a discussion led by LIRIC members. Although it is not required, participants who wish to get the most from the course should purchase a copy of the Great Decisions Briefing Book ($35.00 + shipping) and do the readings for each class. Copies may be ordered directly from The Foreign Policy Association by calling 1-800-477-5836 between 10:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, or online at

  • March 3
    • America at a Global Crossroads
    • Presenter: Jim O’Neill
  • March 10
    • The Evolution of U.S. Leadership in the Global Economy
    • Presenter: Andrew Harrison
  • March 17
    • U.S. – China Relations in Tense Times
    • Presenter: Paul Zerzan
  • March 24
    • India Between China, the West, and the Global South
    • Presenter: Jim O’Neill
  • March 31
    • International Climate Cooperation in an Era of Geopolitical Turmoil
    • Presenter: Fred Towers
  • April 7
    • The Future of NATO and European Security =
    • Presenter: Adrienne Weiss-Harrison
  • April 21
    • A.I. and American National Security
    • Presenter: Paul Zerzan
  • April 28
    • American Foreign Policy in the Middle East: Taking Stock and Looking Ahead
    • Presenter: Fred Towers


8 sessions

March 3, 10, 17, 24, 31;

April 7, 21, 28

10:30-11:45 A.M.

Canasta, a card game in the rummy family, originated in Uruguay and is the Spanish word for “basket” (you gather a “basket-full” of 7 cards for a canasta!).Popular in the US in the early 1950s, it is enjoying a revival as card players discover/rediscover it. Enmeshed in melding, freezing, baiting and signaling, Canasta engages cognitive activity to analyze, strategize and plan tactical moves - all well rewarded when you “go” Canasta!


Lori Blumenfeld played Canasta in the ‘50s as a teenager and loved the game. She took a refresher course two years ago and discovered that not only did she still love it, but she made new friends with whom she continues to play weekly.

Why Not Wine? What is it, where does it come from, how do you buy it?

4 sessions

March 3, 10, 17, 24

12:30-1:45 P.M.

This course is designed for anyone who would like a better appreciation of wine. How is it made and where? What are the characteristics of wine grapes and the regions in which they are grown? How do you cut through all the promotional hype and buy wine for your own enjoyment? We shall end with a tasting which will focus on just four of the most popular varieties.


John Ward has been a wine drinker since his student days in Paris in 1962, and his appreciation is informed by a degree in chemistry. On Cape Cod in 2010 he organized a 30-person monthly wine-tasting group which is still running. In addition, he attended Cornell’s Cuvee course and has made wine himself from Winexpert kits.

Author! Author!

4 sessions

March 31;

April 7, 21, 28;

12:30-1:45 P.M.

March 31

Four authors talk to us about their books, how they came to write them, and where you can get them.
Shen’s Unlikely Journey: From Confucian China to the

Court of Louis XIV The telling of a carefully researched historical event with added fictional elements

Ten free copies of the book will go to people who really want to read it and will make the time to do so! Information on how to purchase it in paperback or on Kindle will be provided. Author: Robert Henrey, who’s spoken at LIRIC on language and culture.

April 7

Painful Joy: A Holocaust Family Memoir

A journey of discovery about the author’s parents, both Holocaust survivors who met after their liberation, including their lives before the war, what they lost (everyone) and endured during the Holocaust and the traumas that remained.

Copies of the book ($20 cash or check) will be available for sale and signing by the author. Also available from Amazon.
Author:Max J. Friedman, LIRIC member

April 21

The Art of Trader Joe’s: Discovering the Hidden Art Gems of America's Favorite Grocery Store
Embracing the intersection of art and pop culture, this book uncovers the secret and surprising stories behind the art at Trader Joe's, from the store's product packaging to its handmade murals and signs. Copies of the book will be available for sale and signing by the author. The cost is $25 for paper and $35 for hardcover, and it’s available on> Author: Julie Averbach, who’s given us tours of MOMA, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Paris, and the Art Institute of Chicago.

April 28

The Path to Immortality
An in-depth examination of the “secret” knowledge of immortality according to the ancient wisdom of the East
Author: Wenling Wang is a lifelong Tai Chi practitioner and a Yoga instructor.


8 Sessions

March 3, 10, 17, 24, 31;

April 7, 21, 28;

2- 3:15 P.M

A plethora of playwrights have set their works in vibrant, cosmopolitan New York City, and this semester we will take a look at four of them – some familiar to you, some not -- chosen last summer by longtime course instructor Len Poggiali.

All LIRIC members are welcome to come and read the plays aloud (scripts will be provided) or to sit and listen. After a while, the listeners often become readers, but the readers never seem to become strictly listeners. This is not an acting class, so little direction to a single reader is ever given, except a very rare and very gentle, “A little louder, please.” The readings are arranged so that everyone who wants to read gets a chance to do so, and “missing” a class is never an issue.

  • March 3 & 10
    • A Thousand Clowns by Herb Gardner
  • March 17 & 24
    • A Memory of Two Mondays by Arthur Miller
  • March 31 & April 7
    • My Sister Eileen by Joseph Fields and Jerome Chodorov
  • April 21 & 28
    • Laura by Vera Caspary and George Sklar

Presenter: This semester the class will be led by Andy Harrison, one of a quartet of enthusiastic members who have stepped up in the absence of a formal instructor.

Note: This spring we are seeking an individual interested in Theater and willing to pre-read and select a short series of plays for the Fall 2025 semester and beyond. If this sounds like you and you’re willing to do a little extra work, please contact Curriculum Chair Linda Whetzel, 718-324-1120,

Art Workshop

8 sessions

March 3, 10, 17, 24, 31

April 7, 21, 28

2-3:15 P.M.

LIRIC’s Art Workshop has evolved from a Watercolor Workshop into a multi-media Art experience. All skill levels are welcome. If you enjoy painting, drawing, coloring, even doodling, the Art Workshop is the creative place to be. Unleash your “inner artist” and express yourself in a friendly, well lighted, atmosphere. A list of suggested materials can be provided, or bring what you already have from home, and be prepared to enjoy yourself.For more information contact Gail Apfel at

Instructor: Gail Apfel is a graduate of the High School of Music and Art and has participated in classes at the Westchester Art Workshop as well as art classes through Road Scholar and the Hudson River Museum. She chairs LIRIC’s Fine & Performing Arts Committee.


Tai Chi

7 sessions

March 4, 18, 25

April 1, 8, 22, 29

9-10 A.M.

Pre-registration and an additional fee of $56.00 are required for this class. The registration form is at the end of this catalog.

Tai Chi, as it is practiced in the west today, can perhaps best be thought of as a moving form of yoga and meditation combined. In Chinese philosophy and medicine, “chi” is a vital force that animates the body; thus one purpose of Tai Chi is to enhance the health and vitality of the practitioner. Tai Chi also fosters a calm and tranquil mind by focusing on the precise execution of the exercises.
Learning to do them correctly provides a practical method for improving balance, posture, alignment, fine-scale motor control, rhythm of movement, and breathing. Tai Chi has been recommended as an adjunct therapy for chronic pain, arthritis, insomnia, asthma, high blood pressure, Parkinson’s, Multiple Sclerosis and fibromyalgia.

Instructor: Domingo Colon is the owner of the Tai Chi School of Westchester in Bronxville. He has been practicing Tai Chi since he was fifteen, and is the teacher of other Tai Chi masters as well as a frequent judge at Tai Chi competitions.

A Memoir-Writing Workshop

7 sessions

March 4, 18, 25;

April 1, 8, 22, 29

9-10:15 A.M.

Right now, you can begin to re-experience, and reflect on, the work of your life – the exciting, wonderful, and even the unhappy events. Your grandmother’s cookies. The house that nurtured you for years and years. A special and meaningful person. A dear friend. A diving catch at a Little League baseball game. A crocheted afghan made with Mom, Grandma or Aunt Bea.

In this class, we sit and recall events that to others might mean little, but to ourselves are filled with richness. Through recollection, reflection, creation, you can return to a special day, a week, a year — experiences that you are invited to remember and put on paper via memoir writing.

Contact the instructor at to register for this limited enrollment class.

Instructor: Bill Wertheim has taught both memoir writing and poetry workshops throughout Westchester for over ten years. He holds a BA in English Literature from Columbia, an MA from SUNY Stony Brook, and is currently at work producing a volume of his poetry and writing his own memoirs.

The Science Corner

5 sessions

March 4, 18, 25;

April 1, 8

10:30-11:45 A.M.

This five-session series will explore the mind, the body, and the ethical issues that can arise when they intersect. To begin with, however, we’ll hear from Joyce about Forensic Anthropology

  • March 4
    • I have a Bone to Pick with You: How Forensic Anthropology Solves Crimes
  • March 18 & 25
    • Ethical Issues in Contemporary Society Presenter:
    • Joyce Kent, who coordinated this program, is the retired chairperson of Science at New Rochelle High School where she introduced a course on Bioethics.
  • April 1 & 8
    • Addiction
    • These two sessions will delve into the complexities and contradictions of how addiction is understood in the medical, psychological, and sociological communities. The effects of framing addiction as a moral issue will be touched on, as will the nuanced definitions of abuse, dependence, and addiction.
    • Presenter: Noelle Elia is a retired psychotherapist with 30 years experience. With a B.A. in Psychology from Iona and an MSW from Columbia, she spent the early part of her career working in Montefiore’s Substance Abuse Program.

Television from the 1950s through the 1980s and its Impact on American Culture

2 sessions

April 22 and 29

10:30-11:45 A.M.

As someone who grew up in the early days of television, your childhood memories as well as your current behavior were likely significantly shaped by this new medium. These two classes will take a closer look at how early television likely influenced your experiences.

  • April 22
    • 1950s: The Golden Age
    • 1960s: Social Change
  • April 29
    • 1970s: Pushing Boundaries
    • 1980s: Commercialization and Fragmentation
  • Presenter: Jim Fauvell taught at New York Institute of Technology for 39 years and was chairperson of their Communication Arts Department for 15 years.

What’s Opera Doc? – How to Listen to and Understand Opera

7 sessions

March 4, 18, 25;

April 1, 8, 22, 29;

12:30-1:45 P.M.

This series will provide a listener’s introduction to Opera as a unique marriage of words & music plus theatrical staging in which the whole is greater than its parts. Each session will begin with a presentation by Prof. Robert Greenberg (The Great Courses), followed by excerpts from one of the operas discussed on the DVD.We will begin with two sessions of Introduction, featuring Puccini’s Turandot and Bizet’s Carmen.Then two sessions on the Bel Canto style of opera, featuring Rossini’s Barber of Seville; two sessions on the Verismo style, featuring Puccini’s Tosca; the final session will be an introduction to German Opera, with a surprise finale.

Presenter: Gregory Koster, LIRIC’s jazz expert, has been a classical fan since the early ‘60s and presented a course called Classical Music 101 at LIRIC in 2019-2020.

Basic Spanish and Beyond

7 sessions

March 4, 18, 25;

April 1, 8, 22, 29;

2-3:15 P.M

This is a multi-level Spanish language acquisition course highlighting pronunciation, conversation, grammar, readings on varied subjects, and – songs, If you can’t say it, you can sing it!

Instructor: Rosalie Hollingsworth taught Spanish and bilingual subjects in New York City for some 35 years. Afterwards she taught Spanish classes to retired teachers at the UFT. She brings her expertise in both language and music to LIRIC with this class.

Spring Salmagundi

7 sessions

March 4, 18, 25;

April 1, 8, 22, 29;

2-3:15 P.M.

This series of unrelated talks ends a long day, but it has something for everyone – so stick around if a topic appeals to you. (There’s a surprise for you on the very last day.)

  • March 4
    • Securing Your Legacy: Estate Planning Basics
    • Presenter:Seth Thompson, CFP, Financial Advisor Morgan Stanley Wealth Management
  • March 18
    • More Than Bunnies and Easter Eggs: The Origins and History of the Celebration of Lent and Easter
    • Presenter:Rev. Vaughn J. Fayle, Arts & Languages Department
  • March 25
    • Give Back, Get Inspired: A Panel on Local Volunteer Opportunities
    • Coordinators: David Gonsalves and Marty Kanengiser April 1 The 7th Regiment of N.Y. & the Park Avenue Armory Presenter: Brigadier General (ret’d) Thomas J. Principe
  • April 8
    • The National Debt: Issues and Implications
    • Presenter:Ted Francavilla
  • April 22
    • The End of British Colonization in India
    • Presenter:Kobie Thakar
  • April 29
    • Congratulations and Happy Birthday! The History of Greeting Cards
    • Presenter: Jo-Anne Weinberg


Wednesdays are special at LIRIC. Classes are suspended that day to allow for additional intellectual and artistic pursuits off site. The familiar is intertwined with the new in often off-beat adventures. The goal is to expose our members to things and places that enrich and feed the mind as well as the soul.

Space is limited, so LIRIC members receive first priority. Information about our trips is included with this catalog. Trip planner Dianne Heim likes to travel far and near. With so many things to see in the world, Dianne would like to share with you some of those in our own backyard.

Spring trips at a glance, with the deadlines to register, so you can make your plans.


Music: Meaning and Morality

4 sessions

March 6, 13, 20, 27

10:30-11:45 A.M. 

Music occupies a unique and central role in human experience; its meaning far exceeds its entertainment value. As an art form, music is not only a source of immense pleasure, it necessarily contributes to, reflects, and, in some instances, is identified with a cultural ethos; as embedded in religious ritual, it has spiritual significance; it characteristically defines individual, societal, and generational thought and behavior; and it embodies features that give rise to human emotions. In such respects, music also bears a unique relationship to morality. It contributes to (or may detract from) the cultivation of virtues and the development of moral character; it enhances our understanding of good and evil; it informs our sense of right and wrong and inspires actions that have moral value.
Through a consideration of classical and contemporary philosophical sources as well as listening to various forms of music, this course examines the place of music in lived experience and considers its normative dimension as a source of moral influence.

Presenter: Professor Emeritus Alex Eodice hails from the Philosophy Department of Iona University, where he served as department chair.

A History of the World in 6 Glasses

4 sessions

April 3, 10, 24;

May 1

10:30-11:45 A.M

Thirst is deadlier than hunger, and for most of human existence water satisfied our thirst, but in the past 10,000 years six manufactured beverages have emerged almost as important. Beer. Wine. Spirits. Coffee. Tea. Coca Cola. These 6 have been used as currency, in religious rites, as political symbols, markers of status, and sources of artistic inspiration among other functions. According to Tom Standage, author and editor at The Economist, they have influenced global history.

Using Mr. Standage’s book as a guide, in these four classes one of our favorite
presenters will be taking us from the Stone Age through the twenty-first century by way of a metaphorical glassful of each.

Presenter: Shirley Radcliffe, in addition to being LIRIC’s president, is one of our most popular presenters. After teaching in the New York City public schools formore than 38 years, and ending her pre-retirement at Manhattanville College, she brought her considerable talents to LIRIC where she’s offered
courses on literature, language, dining, clothes, pre-Columbian history, art,being WEIRD, Chaucer’s Prologue to The Canterbury Tales as history, and most recently, Happiness.

Lesser-Known Presidents

4 sessions

March 6, 13, 20, 27;

12:30-1:45 P.M.

Most people know the last few presidents, as well as Washington, Lincoln, and a few others. Our speaker, Mark Fichtel, has chosen eight more late 19th century, early 20th century presidents that he believes are not well-known and will tell their stories in entertaining and well-illustrated talks.

  • March 6 James Garfield and Chester Arthur,
  • March 13 Grover Cleveland and Benjamin Harrison,
  • March 20 William McKinley and Howard Taft,
  • March 27 Warren G. Harding and Calvin Coolidge.
  • Presenter:Mark D. Fichtel

African Colonization

3 sessions

April 3, 10, 24

12:30-1:45 P.M.

In the 1880s European nations “scrambled” for colonies in Africa. The first European country to discover its vastness and wealth was Portugal, and today six African nations use Portuguese as their national language. King Leopold II of Belgium, whose exploitation and brutality are legendary, held the Congo as his personal colony from 1885 to 1908 when it was given to the Belgian government. The Congo became independent in 1960 and decades of killing and instability followed. Now, in the twentyfirst century, China and Russia are making inroads throughout the continent. Is their involvement improving the lives of the African people?

Presenter: Lois Lovisolo is one of our most popular speakers, as well is a member of the Curriculum Committee and LIRIC’s Comptroller. In past semesters she has presented informative classes on the history and geography of many countries of the world and this semester she takes on Africa.

Literary Discussion: A Selection of Notable Works

7 sessions

March 6, 13, 20, 27;

April 3, 10, 24.

2– 3:15 p.m.

Last summer the New York Times canvassed literary luminaries asking them to identify the best works of the first quarter of the twenty-first century. The Times published a list of the one hundred works named most often. Unsurprisingly, readers had mixed reactions. The Times received letters expressing appreciation for some of the works included in the list, dismay over omissions, or a combination of the two, and they published a list of the one hundred works most often extolled by readers. This spring, the Literary Discussion class will provide LIRIC members the opportunity to share thoughts and feelings about some of the works included in at least one of the two lists. As in prior semesters, we can explore themes, character development, favorite scenes, and craftsmanship; in addition, let’s discuss whether we agree that the work merits recognition for literary excellence.

  • March 6 Olive Kitteridge, by Elizabeth Strout
    • Presenter: Kobie Thakar
  • March 13Small Things Like These, by Claire Keegan
    • Presenter: Beth Hofstetter
  • March 20 Bel Canto, by Ann Patchett
    • Presenter: Kobie Thakar
  • March 27 Short works by Alice Munro (distributed on 3/20)
    • Presenter: Rick Leibert
  • April 3 Homegoing, by Yaa Gyasi
    • Presenter: Paulette Gabbriellini
  • April 17 Short works by Lydia Davis and George Saunders (distributed on 4/3)
    • Presenter: Jeanne de Saint Ouen
  • April 24 James, by Percival Everett
    • Presenter: Linda Whetzel

Attendees are encouraged, but not required, to read the works in advance of the session in which they are discussed. All are welcome!

Mah Johngg

7 sessions

March 6, 13, 20, 27;

April 3, 10, 24.

2– 3:15 p.m

Mah Jongg, a tile-based game thought to have originated in China several hundred years ago, spread throughout the world during the twentieth century.While it involves a degree of chance, it is a game of skill, strategy and calculation – all of which you willlearn in this class which is open not only to beginners who want to learn the fundamentals but also to those who already know how to play. You will need a 2024 Mah Jongg card, which can be purchased from Amazon, the Mah Jongg League, or at a local store. Also obtain a 2025 card as we will use it in April.


Lecture Series: The Mid-Twentieth Century (1945-1959): A Changing World

6 sessions

March 7, 14

April 4, 11, 25;

May 2.

1– 2:15 p.m.

Bob Dylan may not have written the times they are a changin’ till 1963, but in fact the world was changing a number of years before that, as most of us can attest. World War II ended, but the Cold War began and schoolchildren were taught to “take cover” under their desks. Consumerism ruled, Levittown was built, and people moved to the suburbs. Truman integrated the military and the Supreme Court outlawed segregation in the schools. Radio was eclipsed by a media called television, and now you could see the Lone Ranger instead of just hearing him. The beatnik era began, with writers and artists rejecting mainstream culture and values. Globally, a modern state of Israel was founded and colonialism waned as countries gained independence. We lived it; now hear from the experts about this era.

  • March 7 Advances in Medicine and Health Care Presenter:
    • Professor Kavita R. Dhanwada, Dean, New York-Presbyterian Iona School of Health Sciences
  • March 14 Post-War Prosperity and the Emergence of a New Middle Class
    • Presenter: Professor James T. Carroll, History Department
  • March 21 No Class
  • March 28 No Class
  • April 4 The 1950s: Hollywood’s Best and Worst Decade
    • Presenter: Professor Dean Defino, Director of Film Studies
  • April 11 The Rise of Television in Post WWII America
    • Presenter: Professor Mitchell Bard, Chair, Media & Strategic Communication Department
  • April 25 The Founding of Modern Israel, 1945-1949
    • Presenter: Rabbi Evan Hoffman,
    • Congregation Anshe Sholom in New Rochelle
  • May 2 The Abstract Expressionists and Beatnik Counter-Culture
    • Presenter: Dr. Kristy Caratzola, Arts & Languages Department

Film Course

3 sessions

March 7, 14;

April 11.

2:30 – 4:45 p.m.

Please note that this is an abbreviated program as we were not able to find rooms for all the proposed dates. The remaining four films will be shown in Romita on four Fridays in June.
Mid-century America saw many changes. The end of WWII brought prosperity to some and disillusionment to others. 'Rosie the Riveter' could do a man’s job, but would domesticity fulfill this mid-century woman? There was television and time-saving appliances, but also the atomic bomb. The fear of nuclear annihilation and the threat of communism fueled the Cold War and ignited the Red Scare, McCarthyism, blacklisting, and the Korean War. On the home front, Brown versus the Board of Education made segregation unconstitutional, and Brando transformed classical acting into the method. The times indeed were changing

March 7

  • The Front,1976, 95 minutes
  • This movie provides a context for what happened in the ‘50s, when actors, writers, and directors were blacklisted because they were accused of being communists.

March 14

  • On the Waterfront,1954, 108 minutes
  • With an absolutely stellar cast (Brando et al.) and directed by Elia Kazan, we see the violence, corruption and racketeering on the waterfrontof the 1950s.

March 21, 28, and April 4

  • No Class

April 11

  • The Defiant Ones ,1958, 96 minutes
  • The film tells the story of two escaped prisoners, one white, one black, who are shackled together and must cooperate to survive. It stars Tony Curtis and Sidney Poitier, both of whom were nominated for Academy Awards.

Instructor: Cheryl Passavanti is a learning facilitator and lecturer on current topics about and through film. A frequenter of film festivals and film clubs, she has brought her expertise to the New Rochelle Resource Center, the Adult Education program in New Rochelle, and, in the last few years, to LIRIC.

Class Representative: Lorraine Rosano

The films to be viewed in June are:

  • The Day the Earth Stood Still 1951 92 minutes
  • Double Indemnity 1944 107 minutes
  • The Rose Tattoo 1955 117 minutes
  • Pillow Talk 1959 102 minutes


Four Thursdays: January 9, 16, 23 & 30

11a.m.-12:15 p.m.

12:15-1 p.m.

1-2:15 p.m.

11 a.m.– 12 :15 p.m.


In the Lapidus Room.


January 9

John Jay and Jay Heritage: Achieving Sustainability at Historic Sites Through Accessibility and Inclusion

Presenter: Suzanne Clary, President, Jay Heritage Center

January 16

Save the Sound

Presenter: David Ansel, VP of Water Protection

January 23

Freedomland U.S.A. More Definitive History

Presenter: Mike Virgintino, Author (Note: A different talk on Freedomland than his last one — and lots more memorabilia!)

January 30

Westchester Politics and Issues

Presenter: Judah Holstein, Westchester District 10 County Legislator

1-2:15 p.m.


In the Lapidus Room.


January 9

The Most Famous Non-famous Musical Film Star: The Secret Singer

What do West Side Story, The King and I, and My Fair Lady have in common?
(Note: This first class runs until 2:30 p.m.)

Presenter: Louise Edeiken

January 16

Biblical and Martyred Women in Western Art

Presenter: Mark D. Fichtel

January 23

More Biblical and Martyred Women in Western Art

Presenter: Mark D. Fichtel

January 30

North American Indian Art

Presenter: Jack Rosenbluth

Course Descriptions: Monday

Newsworthy Topics

7 sessions
October 7, 14, 21, 28;
November 4, 18;
December 2.
10:30 – 11:45 a.m.

Each session will delve into recent news stories within a specific field such as geopolitical concerns or scientific advances. (Although the November elections are certainly a newsworthy topic this semester, we will not be covering them in this class since we are devoting Tuesdays at 12:30 p.m. to various aspects of the elections.) We encourage your active participation in this current events course and will leave plenty of time for civil discourse and a lively informative discussion.

  • October 7: Science w/Joyce Kent
  • October 14: The Middle East w/Jim O’Neill
  • October 21: Modern China w/Fred Towers
  • October 28: Russia/China Relations w/Muhammed Saleem
  • November 4: Business w/Roseanne Klein
  • November 18: Medicine w/Adrienne Weiss-Harrison
  • December 2: U.S./China Relations w/Fred Towers & Jim O’Neill

Class Representative: Joyce Kent


7 sessions
October 7, 14, 21, 28;
November 4, 18;
December 2.
10:30 – 11:45 a.m.

Canasta, a card game in the rummy family, originated in Uruguay and is the Spanish
word for “basket” (you gather a “basket-full” of 7 cards for a canasta!). Popular in the
US in the early 1950s, it is enjoying a revival as card players discover/rediscover
it. Enmeshed in melding, freezing, baiting and signaling, Canasta engages cognitive
activity to analyze, strategize and plan tactical moves - all well rewarded when you
“go” Canasta!

Instructor: Lori Blumenfeld played Canasta in the ‘50s as a teenager and loved
the game. She took a refresher course two years ago and discovered that not only did
she still love it, but she made new friends with whom she continues to play weekly.

Fall Cornucopia

7 sessions
October 7, 14, 21, 28;
November 4, 18;
December 2.
12:30 – 1:45 p.m.

Join us for any or all of these single presentations on a variety of topics.

  • October 7 
    Getting to Know You
    An interactive class offering the opportunity to get to know other
    LIRIC members.
    Presenter: Linda Creary
  • October 14 
    Forensic Fact Check: Why Everything You Love About CSI Is Wrong
    Presenter: Julie Burrill, SUNY at Stony Brook
  • October 21 
    Tour of The Art Institute of Chicago
    Presenter: Julie Averbach, smARTee Tours
  • October 28 
    Getting Unstuck: Managing Life’s Transitions and Losses
    Presenter: Emily Laitmon, LCSW, Psychotherapist
  • November 4 
    The New NYC Skyline
    Presenter: Michael Molinelli, Architect
  • November 18 
    Forgiveness: A Bold Choice for a Peaceful Heart
    Presenter: Noelle Elia, Social Worker
  • December 2 
    Learn to Admire, if Not Love, Reptiles and Amphibians
    Presenter: Dianne Heim


7 sessions
October 7, 14, 21, 28;
November 4, 18;
December 2.
2:00 – 3:15 p.m.

The lives of actors, writers, producers, and directors have been the subject of plays written by theater people from before Shakespearean times to the present. In this semester we will read full-length and one-act comedies and dramas dealing with the mishaps of aspiring performers, or the desperate attempts of a down-and-out actor to regain his fame, or a pair of characters living in a nightmare spoof of a mystery play, or perhaps even an excerpt from a play written by the Bard of Avon himself. (Specific play titles will be announced in the fall, and scripts will be supplied at that time.)

All LIRIC members are welcome to come and read the plays aloud or to sit with us and listen. After a while, the listeners often become readers, but the readers never seem to become strictly listeners. This is not an acting class, so little direction to a single reader is ever given except a very rare and very gentle, “A little louder,  please.” And missing a class is never an issue! 

Presenter: Iona graduate and an M.F.A. in Drama recipient from Carnegie-Mellon University, Len Poggiali directed over forty full-length plays and dozens of shorter works in high school, college, and community productions in Pittsburgh, Syracuse, and Westchester.

Art Workshop

7 sessions
October 7, 14, 21, 28;
November 4, 18;
December 2.
2:00 – 3:15 p.m.

LIRIC’s Art Workshop has evolved from a Watercolor Workshop into a multi-media Art experience. All skill levels are welcome. If you enjoy painting, drawing, coloring, even doodling, the Art Workshop is the creative place to be. Unleash your “inner artist” and express yourself in a friendly, well lighted, atmosphere. A list of suggested materials can be provided, or bring what you already have from home, and be prepared to enjoy yourself. For more information contact Gail Apfel at

Instructor: Gail Apfel is a graduate of the High School of Music and Art and has participated in classes at the Westchester Art Workshop as well as art classes through Road Scholar and the Hudson River Museum. She chairs LIRIC’s Fine & Performing Arts Committee.

Course Descriptions: Tuesday

Tai Chi

8 sessions
October 8, 15, 22, 29;
November 5, 12, 19;
December 3.
9:00 – 10:00 a.m.

Pre-registration and an additional fee of $64.00 are required for this class. The
registration form is at the end of this catalog.

Tai Chi, as it is practiced in the west today, can perhaps best be thought of as a moving form of yoga and meditation combined. In Chinese philosophy and medicine, “chi” is a vital force that animates the body; thus one purpose of Tai Chi is to enhance the health and vitality of the practitioner.  Tai Chi also fosters a calm and tranquil mind by focusing on the precise execution of the exercises. Learning to do them correctly provides a practical method for improving balance, posture, alignment, fine-scale motor control, rhythm of movement, and breathing. Tai Chi has been recommended as an adjunct therapy for chronic pain, arthritis, insomnia, asthma, high blood pressure, Parkinson’s, Multiple Sclerosis and fibromyalgia.

  • Instructor:
    • Domingo Colon is the owner of the Tai Chi School of Westchester in Bronxville. He has been practicing Tai Chi since he was fifteen, and is the teacher of other Tai Chi masters as well as a frequent judge at Tai Chi competitions.

A Memoir Writing Workshop

8 sessions
October 8, 15, 22, 29;
November 5, 12, 19;
December 3.
9:00 – 10:15 a.m.

Right now, you can begin to re-experience, and reflect on, the work of your life – the exciting, wonderful, and even the unhappy events. Your grandmother’s cookies. The house that nurtured you for years and years. A special and meaningful person. A dear friend. A diving catch at a Little League baseball game. A crocheted afghan made with Mom, Grandma or Aunt Bea.

In this class, we sit and recall events that to others might mean little, but to ourselves are filled with richness. Through recollection, reflection, creation, you can return to a special day, a week, a year — experiences that you are invited to remember and put on paper via memoir writing

  • Instructor:
    • Bill Wertheim has taught both memoir writing and poetry workshops throughout Westchester for over ten years. His BA degree in English Literature is from Columbia University; he holds an MA degree from SUNY at Stony Brook, an MSW degree in Social Work from Hunter College, and is currently at work producing a volume of his poetry and writing his own memoirs.

Contemporary Problems: Philosophical Solutions?

4 sessions
October 8, 15, 22, 29;
10:30 – 11:45 a.m.

In this four-part series, faculty from Iona’s Philosophy Department will discuss a range of contemporary problems and explore how philosophy can help us make headway in addressing these problems. The goal will not necessarily be to find solutions (though if we happen upon any, be sure to grab them!), but to at least better understand the nature of the problems themselves.

The problems we will discuss will include the ethical, social and political implications of the development and implementation of AI (artificial Intelligence) and other algorithmic systems, how to best understand the concept of freedom and responsibility in a world of scientifically explicable causes, and more.

Coordinator: This program was coordinated by Gregory Nirshberg, of Iona’s Philosophy Department, who spoke with LIRIC in the spring as part of the Neuroscience series.


4 sessions
November 5, 12, 19;
December 3
10:30 – 11:45 a.m.

The questions: what is happiness and how can it be achieved have engaged
mankind forever.

Aristotle believed happiness was doing the moral thing.
Freud posited that happiness is pleasure – something we strive to achieve but
never manage to prolong.
Mark Twain wrote: "To be busy is man's only happiness."

In The Geography of Bliss, the NPR reporter, Eric Weiner, a self-described grump, recounts his travels to 10 countries that rate high on the World Database of Happiness. His descriptions of national characteristics in countries as different as Bhutan and the Netherlands or Switzerland and Qatar are amusing and thought provoking.

In this class the presenter will summarize Weiner's conclusions about the definition of happiness based on his travels, the definitions of happiness in the works of some notable thinkers and writers, and the recent scientific findings in the field of human psychology and biology.

Presenter: Shirley Radcliffe, in addition to being LIRIC’s president, is one of our most popular presenters. After teaching in the New York City public schools for more than 38 years, and ending her pre-retirement at Manhattanville College, she brought her considerable talents to LIRIC where she’s offered courses in a wide range of subjects, most
recently Chaucer’s Prologue to The Canterbury Tales as history.

Mass Media’s Impact on Society

3 sessions
October 8, 15, 22.
12:30 – 1:45 p.m.

The goal of this discussion-based class is to gain a broad understanding of the
role of media in our lives and our society. We will explore topics such as how
social media impacts the way we think, what media literacy is in the Digital age,
how to navigate the media in this election cycle, and how to relate to young
people who live in a virtual, online world.

  • October 8
    A brief history of the development of the media and its impact on cultures.
  • October 15 
    How the evolution of broadcast television, cable, streaming, and social media shapes our views today.
  • October 22 
    The Presidential election and the importance of Media Literacy. Media Bias, Deep Fakes, Artificial Intelligence. How to navigate the lies, grievances and misinformation in a red state/blue state, poll-driven environment.

Presenter: Jim Fauvell taught at New York Institute of Technology for 39 years and was chairperson of their Communication Arts Department for 15 years.

Kent’s Comments

3 sessions
October 29;
November 5, 12.
12:30 – 1:45 p.m.

This fall Kent’s Comments will cover both the November elections and recent Supreme Court decisions, as well as the public’s declining respect for its impartiality. There will be predictions of election results for the Presidency, the Senate, the House, governorships, and state legislatures – followed, of course, by a discussion of the election outcomes and the implications thereof.

Presenter: Bob Kent is an attorney specializing in health care and human resources. With a JD from Harvard Law School and an MBA from NYU, he has been keeping LIRIC informed about the presidency and the Supreme Court for the last eight years.

Exploring the Symbols and Language of Hate

1 session
November 19.
12:30 – 1:45 p.m.

Presenter: Steve Goldberg, who has given us courses on hate and the history of
antisemitism in the past, returns to discuss the symbols and language
of hate. The retired chair of the Social Studies Department at New
Rochelle High School, he is presently Director of Education at the
Holocaust and Human Rights Education Center in White Plains.

Spanish (La clase de español)

7 sessions
October 8, 15, 22, 29;
November 5, 12, 19.
2:00 – 3:15 p.m.

This is a multi-level Spanish language acquisition course highlighting pronunciation, conversation, grammar, readings on varied subjects, and – songs. If you can’t say it, you can sing it!

Instructor: Rosalie Hollingsworth taught Spanish and bilingual subjects in New York City for some 35 years. Afterwards she taught Spanish classes to retired teachers at the UFT. She brings her expertise in both language and music to LIRIC with this class.

All That Jazz – ‘Soundies’ & ‘Lost Albums’

4 sessions
October 29;
November 5, 12, 19.
2:00 – 3:15 p.m.

This series of All That Jazz will focus on newly discovered ‘lost albums’ by great jazz artists. We will start with a selection of ‘Soundies’, three-minute films from the 1940s that played on jukebox-like Panorams and featured music, dancing and stars like Duke Ellington, Count Basie, Stan Kenton, and Gene Krupa (digitally remastered on BluRay in 2023). Then a double bill of Thelonious Monk in Palo Alto in 1968 (restored and released in 2024) and the unlikely duo of Chet Baker and Jack Sheldon in 1972 (released in 2024); and we’ll end with two sets by a pre-Bossa Nova Stan Getz Live at the Village Gate in 1961 (released in 2019).

Presenter: Gregory Koster has been a Jazz fan since the early 60s, was a Jazz  DJ in college, contributed Jazz reviews and surveys to The Sensible Sound magazine for over 15 years, and is Past President of the PJS Jazz Society in Mount Vernon.

Course Descriptions: Wednesday

Wednesdays are special at LIRIC. Classes are suspended that day to allow for additional intellectual and artistic pursuits off-site. The familiar is intertwined with the new in often off-beat adventures. The goal is to expose our members to things and places that enrich and feed the mind as well as the soul.

This fall we have some very different trips planned, one to a museum and a chocolate factory, one to the Hudson Park Children’s Greenhouses (where you’ll go home with a potted amaryllis bulb) and the last to the theater for a production of A Christmas Story. Space is limited, so LIRIC members receive first priority. Information about our trips may be included in your welcome packet when you join, or as a separate mailing. 

Trip planner Dianne Heim likes to travel far and near. With so many things to see in the world, Dianne would like to share with you some of those in our own backyard.

Course Descriptions: Thursday

Please Note: LIRIC will not meet on two Thursdays: October 17 and 24. Our new landlords were unable to provide us with the space.

Dutch Masters: The Age of Rembrandt

6 sessions
October 10, 31;
November 7, 14, 21;
December 5.
10:30 – 11:45 a.m.

In the third and last segment of lectures on the art of 17th century Holland presented by the Great Courses professor William Kloss, we will focus on Vermeer and Rembrandt. Showing two 25-minute videos each week, retired librarian and long-time LIRIC member and presenter Jo-Anne Weinberg will moderate the class, lead the discussion, and provide additional information

Lesser-Known Presidents

6 sessions
October 10, 31;
November 7, 14, 21;
December 5.
12:30 – 1:45 p.m.

Most people know the last few presidents, as well as Washington, Lincoln, and a few others. Our speaker, Mark Fichtel, has chosen twelve 19th century presidents that he believes are not well-known and will tell their stories in entertaining and well-illustrated talks.

  • October 10 James Monroe and John Quincy Adams
  • October 31 Martin Van Buren and William Henry Harrison
  • November 7 John Tyler and James Knox Polk
  • November 14 Zachary Taylor and Millard Fillmore
  • November 21 Franklin Pierce and James Buchanan
  • December 5 Andrew Johnson and Rutherford B. Hayes

Presenter: Mark D. Fichtel

Literary Discussion

6 sessions
October 10, 31;
November 7, 14, 21;
December 5.
2:00 – 3:15 p.m.

Readings for the Literary Discussion class will provide us with the opportunity to deepen our understanding of China’s rich history. We’ll be transported to the Forbidden City during the Qing dynasty with Anchee Min’s historical novel, Empress Orchid. We’ll learn about life in an early 20th century Chinese farming community from Pearl Buck’s Pulitzer Prize winning novel, The Good Earth. And in our third full-length work, Sijie Dai’s semi-autobiographical novel Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress, a young man describes being “re-educated” during the Cultural Revolution. The Westchester Library System owns many copies of these books including some electronic versions. A diverse assortment of short works will allow us to sample liter ture from several different time periods. Some selections date from long before the founding of the People's Republic of China; others are contemporary works, some of which have been banned in China, by award-winning authors such as Mo Yan and Yan Lianke.

  • October 10 
    Empress Orchid, by Anchee Min
    Presenter: Linda Whetzel
  • October 31 
    The Good Earth, by Pearl S. Buck
    Presenter: Mary Ann Preiato
  • November 7 
    Short Works (Paper copies will be distributed at the 10/31 session.)
    Presenter: Kobie Thakar
  • November 14 
    Short Works (Paper copies will be distributed at the 11/7 session.)
    Presenters: Barbara Hickey and Kobie Thakar
  • November 21 
    Short Works (Paper copies will be distributed at the 11/14 session.)
    Presenter: Rick Leibert
  • December 5 
    Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress, by Sijie Dai
    Presenter: Elizabeth Ward

Attendees are encouraged, but not required, to read the works in advance; all are

Course Representative: Kobie Thakar

Mah Jongg

6 sessions
October 10, 31;
November 7, 14, 21;
December 5.
2:00 – 3:15 p.m.

Mah Jongg, a tile-based game thought to have originated in China several hundred years ago, spread throughout the world during the twentieth century. While it involves a degree of chance, it is a game of skill, strategy and calculation – all of which you will learn in this class which is open not only to beginners who want to learn the fundamentals but also to those who already know how to play. You will need a 2024 Mah Jongg card, which can be purchased from Amazon, the Mah Jongg League, or at a local store.

Instructor: Linda Levine

Course Descriptions: Friday

Lecture Series: China

8 sessions
October 11, 18, 25;
November 1, 8, 15, 22;
December 6.
1:00 – 2:15 p.m.

Class meets in
Romita Auditorium
in Ryan Library

This is, as you can see, an eclectic series on China, taking us from ancient days to the
21st century, and touching on its culture and religion as well as its history.

  • October 11 
    Introduction to China: From Ancient China to the First Unified Empires
    Presenter: Dr. Yasuhiro Makimura, History Department
  • October 18 
    Foundations of China: Politics, Religion, and Ethnicity, or
    What does it Mean to Be Chinese?
    Presenter: Dr. Yasuhiro Makimura, History Department
  • October 25 
    Chinese Dance: Embodiment of History, Beauty, and Culture
    Presenter: Dr. Hannah Park, Arts & Languages Department
  • November 1 
    The Cultural Richness Reflected in China's Ancient Script
    Presenter: Robert Henrey
  • November 8 
    Chinese Gods, Goddesses, and Myths
    Presenter: Nanako Sakai, Religious Studies Department
  • November 15 
    China: From Empire to People’s Republic
    Presenter: Kobie Thakar
  • November 22 
    The Great Cities of China: Hong Kong, Shanghai, Beijing
    Presenter: Lois Lovisolo
  • December 6 
    China’s Economy in the 21st Century
    Presenter: Dr. Wei (Helene) He, Chair of Finance Department,
    LaPenta School of Business

Film Course: Chinese Films

8 sessions
October 11, 18, 25;
November 1, 8, 15, 22;
December 6.
2:30 – 4:45 p.m

Class meets in Romita Auditorium in Ryan Library

The world’s most populous nation has been slow in developing its own film industry. After the Japanese invasion of Shanghai in 1937, many filmmakers fled to Hong Kong or Taiwan. The reopening of the Beijing Film Academy in the late 1970s led to a surge in creativity and produced a group of cinematic masters known as the “Fifth Generation.” However, after the 1989 massacre in Tiananmen Square, Chinese film production lost much government support and became dependent on Japanese and German financing, which in turn influenced the genre. Rumor is that China is mining talent from the Sundance Institute to enrich its film-making prowess.

  • October 11 
    Hollywood Chinese, 2007, 90 minutes
    A documentary examining the Chinese American role and influences in Hollywood from
    the first Chinese American film produced in 1917 until contemporary times.
  • October 18 
    Raise the Red Lantern, 1991, 125 minutes
    Oscar-nominated for Best Foreign Language Film, this movie, set in 1920s China,
    examines the fierce competition for his attention and favor among the four wives of
    wealthy Master Chen.
  • October 25 
    King of Masks, 1995, 91 minutes
    A childless street performer who practices the dying art of the change-mask technique
    in 1930s China buys what he believes is an orphan boy in a desire to pass on his art.
  • November 1 
    To Live, 1994, 135 minutes
    Pulled from Chinese distribution because of “anti-communist views,” this film depicts
    the life of a Chinese family from the 1940s gambling dens to the hardships of the
    Cultural Revolution in the 1960s.
  • November 8 
    The Wedding Banquet, 1993, 106 minutes
    Recently made into a Broadway musical, Ang Lee’s film tells the story of a gay landlord
    and his female tenant who agree to a marriage of convenience to silence his nagging
    parents. All is well until his parents come to visit!
  • November 15 
    Shower, 1999, 92 minutes
    A wealthy young businessman’s icy attitude toward his working-class background is
    about to thaw as he is forced to reconnect with his elderly father and mentally
    challenged younger brother who together run a public bathhouse.
  • November 22 
    Internal Affairs, 2002, 101 minutes
    This brilliantly acted and directed movie, winner of 27 Asian film awards, was the basis
    for Scorsese’s The Departed. Who is the mole in the police department and who the
    undercover cop in this tour de force of characterization and action?
  • December 6 
    House of Flying Daggers, 2004, 119 minutes
    With a plot centered around deception, deceit, and devotion, this visually spectacular
    film features a style of martial arts known as wuxia, and contains both outstanding
    acting and dazzling choreography.

Instructor: Cheryl Passavanti is a learning facilitator and lecturer on current topics about and through film. A frequenter of film festivals and film clubs, she has brought her expertise to the New Rochelle Resource Center, the Adult Education program in New Rochelle, and, in the last few years, to LIRIC.

Class Representative: Lorraine Rosano

Summer Intersession at a Glance 

Four Tuesdays July 9, 16, 23, 30

All classes meet at Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church
Intersection of Mill Rd. & North Ave. New Rochelle, NY


11 a.m. — 12:15 p.m.


12:15 — 1 p.m.


1 — 2:15 p.m.


11 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.

Rejoice, history buffs, as we visit the people and places of yesteryear!

July 9

Whaling, Whalers, and Whaling Communities: Work and Workers in an Early American Industry

Presenter: Laura M. Chmielewski, Associate Professor of History, SUNY Purchase, St. Paul’s Church

July 16

The Etruscans
Presenter: Lois Lovisolo

July 23

The Story of Old Glory:Thirteen Stars to Fifty
Presenter: Sheila Marcotte, Founder and Former President, Eastchester Historical Society; Eastchester Councilwoman

July 30

Westchester County Historical Society: Treasures and Triumphs
Presenter:Patrick Raftery, Westchester County Historical Society


1 – 2 :15 p.m.

Join us for an eclectic mix of lectures.

July 9

Where is the Global Study of Religion Going? Some Challenges and Convergences
Presenter: Father Vaughn J. Fayle, OFM, PhD, Visiting Professor of Religion and Philosophy, Iona University

July 16

More Biblical Women in Western Art
Presenter: Mark D. Fichtel

July 23

Senior Self-Defense and the Martial Arts
Presenter: Sara Furlong

July 30 12:30 p.m.

General Membership Meeting, Elections and Lunch

Contact Us

Learning in Retirement at Iona University

Stormy Weather: In the event of bad weather, LIRIC closings will be announced by email (from and a message will be put on LIRIC’s answering machine (914) 633-2675.