My Iona

Locating Items in the Library


Collection Locations

  1. Make sure the item is marked "Available" in WorldCat
  2. Look in the Location Field of the item record for Call Number
  3. Find it:
Call NumberLocation
001-3413rd Floor, South Wing
342-7993rd Floor, West Wing
800-8332nd Floor, East Wing
833.91-843.9142nd Floor, South Wing
844-9992nd Floor, West Wing
Driscoll (Br. John Driscoll Collection)3rd floor, Spiritual Masters Athenaeum
Faculty Author (Faculty Authors Collection)Main Floor East, Faculty Authors Bookcase, Castle Wing
Leisure CollectionMain Floor East, Leisure Collection Bookcase, Castle Wing
I (Br. Charles B. Quinn / Irish Collection)2nd Floor, South Wing
Merton Wisdom Coll. (Thomas Merton Wisdom Collection)3rd floor, Spiritual Masters Athenaeum
Msgr. Loughman Coll. (Msgr. Kenneth Loughman Collection)3rd Floor, Spiritual Masters Athenaeum
Q or QQ (Oversized Books)3rd Floor, West Wing
Quinlan Coll. (Quinlan Collection)3rd floor, Spiritual Masters Athenaeum
R (Reference)Main Floor, Reference Room
Spir. Inst. (Iona Spirituality Institute Collection)3rd Floor, Spiritual Masters Athenaeum

If number is preceded by any of the following:

  • DVD
  • CAS (audiocassette)
  • CRJ (Criminal Justice Thesis Collection)
  • Honors (Honors Thesis)
  • F (Microform)
  • LAC (Library of American Civilization)
  • LEL (Library of English Literature)


Ask for it at the Ryan Help Desk

If number is preceded by any of the following:

  • ERIC ED Microfiche
  • CC (Curriculum Collection)
Ask for assistance at the Arrigoni Main Desk