My Iona

Commencement 2024

Join us as we continue to celebrate the Class of 2024!

Title IX FAQs

Please explore the frequently asked questions regarding Title IX below. If you have further questions or require assistance, please visit the main Title IX page or contact

Jennifer Lykins, Title IX Coordinator, can be reached at (914) 633-2455 or

Iona University takes immediate action to address sexual misconduct and its effects, and to help prevent its recurrence. Review the Sexual Misconduct Policy for Students to learn about our processes.

The majority of Iona University employees are designated as Responsible Employees. This means that if they learn about a possible sexual misconduct incident, they are obligated to contact the Title IX Coordinator. Responsible Employees include all faculty, staff, administrators, as well as RA’s Orientation Leaders and Campus Ministers. Reports from Responsible Employees allow the Title IX Coordinator to inform students who may experience harm about their rights and resources.  

There are certain campus roles who are privileged under the law and who, therefore, are generally prohibited from disclosing information they receive without the permission of the person(s) who shared the information with them. At Iona University this includes all counseling center clinicians and Pastoral Counselors. 

Contacting the Title IX Coordinator is not the same as filing a formal complaint; the Title IX Coordinator is a resource to help students make an informed decision about which pathways are right for themselves. Iona University encourages all persons who believe they may have been the subject of sexual misconduct to speak with the Title IX Coordinator about the incident because, even if no formal complaint is commenced, that information will help the University identify any concerns about sexual misconduct to address them. Speaking to the Title IX Coordinator will allow any student affected to be supported by the University, and also will allow the University to consider whether there are broader issues for the community that need to be addressed.

Please note that counseling center clinicians and Pastoral Counselors provide a free and safe environment to talk confidentially regarding your concerns and are not mandatory reporters in disclosing sexual misconduct concerns to Title IX.

All other members of Iona University appreciate the privacy concerns inherent in allegations of sexual misconduct and only share the relevant information about the allegation with individuals on a “need-to-know” basis. Relevant information includes the identities of the individuals involved (if they know) and the nature of the conduct. The University respects the privacy concerns of those who may be the subject of or witness to sexual misconduct incidents, but the University also has an obligation to keep the community safe and to address incidents of alleged misconduct that it knows about or reasonably should know about.

There is no time limit for reporting incidents. We do encourage reporting an incident as soon as possible in order to maximize our ability to respond promptly and effectively.

If you believe you have information on a Title IX concern and wish to file a complaint with the University, you are encouraged to contact the Title IX Coordinator to obtain information about the investigation process and ensure you have the necessary support. Jennifer Lykins, Title IX Coordinator, can be reached at (914) 633-2455 or

Complaints may also be made at the Department of Campus Safety and Security: (914) 633-2560. This line is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

You can also report a complaint of sexual misconduct online via the form below.  

Report Sexual Misconduct

Iona University has a responsibility to respond to reports of sexual misconduct and attend to the needs of all students who are involved. Reports of sexual misconduct are taken with the utmost seriousness, and the student(s) will be promptly referred to the appropriate persons or resources for assistance. There is a distinction between seeking support, resources, and reporting options and initiating a disciplinary process, and it is vital for people to understand the difference. Students can expect to receive a call or an email outreach outlining information on and off campus resources and a link to our Sexual Misconduct Policy. Individuals can choose not to move forward with the University’s disciplinary process, but still receive support services. In rare circumstances, the Title IX Coordinator may need to move forward with an investigation based on information already received. If this happens, the students will be notified.

The University is also responsible to ensure that the individual charged with committing sexual misconduct is treated fairly. Individuals are presumed innocent unless proven responsible and will also be referred to appropriate services for assistance.

Title IX Staff will discuss with students who express a concern about sexual misconduct the interim protective measures and/or reasonable accommodations that may be available, including, but not limited to:

  • Changes to academic, living, dining, working, or transportation situations
  • Obtaining and enforcing a University-issued no contact directive
  • Assistance in obtaining an order of protection or no contact order in State court
  • Medical assistance
  • Legal/law enforcement options
  • Safety planning
  • On- and off- campus referrals and resources
  • Assistance with accessing and navigating campus and local health and mental health services, counseling, and advocacy

If a formal Title IX process is requested, interim measures are subject to review and revision at any time prior to the conclusion of an investigation. Following an investigation, additional measures may be put in place, and interim measures may become permanent.

Title IX investigations can be straightforward or complex, which can create variations with the timeline. As a result, it is not possible to create a strict timeline for every case. The University is committed to a complete and impartial investigation of reports of Title IX related issues. The University will strive to conclude an investigation within a reasonable amount of time from when the University has received official notice from a reporter to proceed with formal investigation.

Iona University and Title IX prohibits retaliation for any individuals participating in an investigation, including the complainant, the respondent and any witness or other persons who have provided or may provide information during the process. Retaliation can take many forms, including the dissemination of information in a manner intended to pressure or shame participants and witnesses (such as, through social media) or to discourage participants or witnesses from assisting with that process. If you believe you are experiencing retaliation for filing a report, please contact the Title IX coordinator immediately.