Academic Support Services
We are here to support your academic success.
From your first semester to your last, we are here to support you with resources that ensure you have a successful academic experience at Iona.
Whether you need help choosing courses, navigating through your new independence, or getting tutoring support, our many services and offices will make sure your needs are met and set you on the right path.
Academic Advising
Our dedicated advisers in the Center for Advising and Academic Services are here to keep you on track for academic success with guidance on course selection, choosing your major, satisfying requirements for degree completion, and much more!
All incoming freshmen, transfers and exploratory students are advised by the Center. Once a student has a declared major, they move to a dedicated adviser in their major's department.

Accessibility Services
Our Accessibility Services Office (ASO) is committed to ensuring equal educational access and opportunity for all enrolled students. We are dedicated to making all facilities, programs and activities accessible to you.
Whether you need academic accommodations such as extended time for tests or an alternate format, or a housing accommodation while living on campus – we can help!
You may begin the process for requesting accommodations once you have been accepted to the University. All information and documentation shared with ASO staff during the process will remain confidential.

Collegiate Science and Technology Entry Program (CSTEP)
The Collegiate Science and Technology Entry Program (CSTEP) at Iona University is an academic enrichment program designed to provide support to underrepresented minority or economically disadvantaged students pursuing careers in science, technology, engineering, mathematics (STEM), health-related fields and the licensed professions.

Comprehensive Assistance Program
The Comprehensive Assistance Program is here to provide extra skills-based support for students with diagnosed learning disabilities, AD/HD, traumatic brain injuries or that are on the autism spectrum.
This optional fee-based program is comprised of professional learning specialists who will help you gain confidence, and set and attain academic, personal and career goals. In the program, you will benefit from additional skills-based tutoring, advisement, and counseling to build skills and gain a higher level of independence.

Samuel Rudin Academic Resource Center
The Samuel Rudin Academic Resource Center is available to assist you in achieving your academic goals through individualized and group tutoring. Our peer and professional tutors provide academic coaching, as well as assistance with the skills you need to become a life-long, successful learner – all at no cost to you and at convenient times.
At the Rudin Center, you may also receive support with test-taking accommodations, note-taking services, and specialized tutorials on topics such as time management and study skills/habits.

When you need to research a topic for a project or paper, check out a book to explore, access multimedia sources, or just need a quiet place to study, Iona's Libraries are available and ready to help!
Our dedicated librarians can provide expert-level research assistance in-person, via phone, email or in a virtual online environment. Additionally, our Help Desk, located in Ryan Library, is your go-to for any technology challenges – forgotten passwords, getting connected to the internet, and more!
The Iona University Libraries include:
- Ryan Library, which houses the bulk of Iona's 250,000 volume print collection. It also contains multiple, comfortable study spaces for individual or group work.
- Helen T. Arrigoni Library & Tech Center, which is home to journal collections in the areas of Mass Communication, Education and Computer Science.
- Online Library, which is a vast collection of databases, e-journals, e-books, streaming media and is available 24/7 to our community, both on- and off-campus.

The Office of the Registrar maintains academic records, ensures integrity of academic policies and procedures, manages course scheduling, registration, grading and certifies degree completion.
The Registrar is your go-to for questions regarding:
- Course offerings
- Registration instructions and assistance
- Transcript requests
- Graduation requirements

TRIO - Student Support Services
The Student Support Services (SSS) TRIO program at Iona University provides opportunities for academic development, assists students with basic college requirements, and serves to motivate students toward the successful completion of their postsecondary education.

Ronald E. McNair Scholars Program
The Dr. Ronald E. McNair Scholars Program at Iona University provides opportunities for academic development, assists students with preparation for graduate studies (Ph.D.), and provides research funding for undergraduate students.