My Iona

Faculty Senate Minutes, April 27, 2023

April 27, 2023, 3:30 p.m., In Person

Present:  D. DeFino (Chair),  D. Brophy (Secretary), M. Bard, , B. Gaines, C. Carlson, D. Gunn, A. Howerton-Fox, L. Ivanov, Y. Kang, A. Kelso,  R. Korpan, E. Mariola, H. Park, S. Petrovic, A. Qayyum, A. Rosenfeld, M. Veyvoda
Excused: G. Barry, C. Dougherty, K. Engemann, J. Haber, M. Higgins, N. Kyaw, C. Solorio

D. DeFino called the meeting to order at 3:35 p.m.  Quorum was met.

Minutes of 3/30/23 approved by e-mail

Announcements: None

Guests:  S. Carey, T. Mulligan
The Senate welcomed the President and Provost and discussed Communication and Continuity, Advisement, Follett deal, Workload policy

Action Item:  Election of the Senate/Council Chair, Secretary, and Executive Committee

Aaron Rosenfeld unanimously elected Chair, Ben Gaines unanimously elected Secretary
Executive Committee unanimously approved: C. Carlson, D. Gunn, A. Howerton-Fox, Y. Kang, A. Kelso, A. Qayyum
Item closed

Action Item: Selection of Members of the Faculty Senate Awards Ad-Hoc Committee

The Senate approved D. Brophy, A. Howerton-Fox, and M. Veyvoda to serve on the committee
Item closed

Action Item: Seating Appointed Committees

The Senate appointed faculty to vacant 2023-24 committee seats as follows:

Advancement: Y. Makimura, B. Sengupta, L. Poupis
Athletics: J. Bresln, B. Lynch
Diversity: T. Pope, N. Vidal-Finnerty, M. Butler
Libraries and IT: E. Mariola
Student Life: T. Lyle, M. Volza, D. Haughey

Arts Council: P. Caballero-Alias, O. Huk
Commencement: N. Iliescu, D. Brown
Core: K. Gmuer, J. Perry
Honors Council: C. Andruk, B. Gaines, D. Gunn, L. Ivanov
IRB: T. D’Aversa, S. Wong-Goodrich
Item closed

Action Item: SAC Recommendation for HR&C Membership

A SAC proposal to increase staff membership on HR&C from 6 to 7 staff members (to match the earlier Senate recommendation that would increase faculty membership from 5 to 6) was unanimously endorsed
Item closed

Action Item: Endorsement of Provost’s Proposal to Redesignate T. Moretti from “Interim Associate Provost” to “Associate Provost”

The Senate unanimously endorsed T. Moretti
Item closed

Action Item: Endorsement of Provost’s Proposal to Appoint A. Munsch Chief Diversity Officer, Reporting to the Provost

The Senate tabled the discussion
Item remains open

Discussion Item: Review of Annual Senate Survey Results

The Senate will review written comments before sending the results to the Administration and full faculty
The Senate discussed ways to improve communication between the Senate and the faculty

There being no other business, D. DeFino adjourned the Faculty Senate meeting at 6:50 p.m.