Mitchell T. Bard, Ph.D.

Chair, Media & Strategic Communication Department

Associate Professor, Media & Strategic Communication Department

Mitchell Bard
Murphy Center, Third Floor, Room 337
(914) 633-2459 (914) 633-2459


  • Ph.D., University of Wisconsin
  • MA, University of Wisconsin
  • JD, University of Miami School of Law
  • BA, Brandeis University

Dr. Mitchell Bard teaches classes related to journalism and film in the Media & Strategic Communication Department, including media writing, broadcast journalism, and short film production. His research focuses on how the atomization of the 20th century mass media system has affected news in the 21st century on TV, the internet and social media. He is the co-author of Journalism in the Generation Z Age, published by Lexington Books (Rowman & Littlefield).


Co-author, "Journalism in the Generation Z Age," Lexington Books (Roman & Littlefield)

Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

Sole author, “Propaganda, Persuasion or Journalism? Fox News’ Prime-Time Coverage of Health Care Reform in 2009 and 2014,” Electronic News.
Co-author, “Even a Celebrity Journalist Can't Have an Opinion: Post-Millennials’ Recognition and Evaluation of Journalists and News Brands on Twitter,” Electronic News.
Sole author, “The Role of Differing Host Styles in Fox News’ Prime-Time Coverage of Health Care Reform in August 2009,” Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly.
Co-author, “‘Filmed in Front of a Live Studio Audience’: Using Laughter to Offset Aggression in Political Entertainment Programming,” Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media.
Co-author, “The Correspondent, the Comic, and the Combatant: The Consequences of Host Style in Political Talk Shows,” Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly.

Invited Book Chapter

Sole author, “From Fox News to Fake News,” in Communication in the Age of Trump. New York: Peter Lang. 

Law Reviews

Co-author, “Judicial Elections and Issue Advertising: A Two State Study,” University of Arkansas at Little Rock Law Review.
Co-author, “An Opening for Quid Pro Quo Corruption? Issue Advertising in Wisconsin Judicial Races Before and After Citizens United,” 16(2) The Journal of Appellate Practice and Process.
Co-author, “Milwaukee Radio Public File Data, 1998-2011: An Empirical Analysis of Issue Advertising After the BCRA and Citizens United,” 24(1) University of Florida Journal of Law and Public Policy.
Co-author, “Citizens United, Issue Ads, and Radio: An Empirical Analysis,” 20 CommLaw Conspectus.

Dr. Mitchell Bard has extensive experience as a writer and editor for publications in a variety of media, including producing content for websites in the early years of the emergence of the Internet. He served as a featured blogger for the Huffington Post from 2008 to 2018. He has also written, produced, and directed numerous projects, including feature films, short films, and music videos. 

Dr. Bard serves as the faculty adviser to Iona's student-run newspaper, The Ionian. 

His scholarship has included peer-reviewed journal articles and an invited book chapter on disinformation and propaganda, and he co-authored a book, Journalism in the Generation Z Age, that was based on numerous studies, including three Twitter-based experiments. He has presented his research at peer-reviewed conferences in his field, especially at the annual national Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication conference.