Paolina Centonze, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Computer Science

Cyber Security Coordinator

Paolina Centonze
Murphy Center, Room 113H
(914) 633-2562 (914) 633-2562


  • Ph.D. in Mathematics, New York University (NYU)
  • MS, Computer Science, New York University (NYU)
  • BS, Computer Science, St. John's University

Dr. Paolina Centonze teaches courses in software security, web security, mobile security, cloud security, big data security and program analysis for security. Her research interests include language-based security, mobile computing and cyber security.

Paolina Centonze, Ph.D., is an associate professor in the Computer Science Department at Iona University, New Rochelle, New York, conducting research in the area of cybersecurity.  She is the Managing Director of the Cybersecurity Program at Iona University, which she created in 2011. This program has been approved by the New York State Education Department.  Prof. Centonze has also been responsible for the National Centers of Academic Excellence in Cyber Operations (CAE-CO) designation, a National Security Agency (NSA) accreditation for the BS and BA degrees in Computer Science with a Concentration in Cybersecurity. In addition to teaching and conducting research, she is responsible for cybersecurity course design and development, program accreditation, student advisement, student research activities, collaboration with external institutions, and coordination with other programs and departments across the University.

Prof. Centonze received her Ph.D. in Mathematics and M.S. degree in Computer Science from New York University in 2008 and 2005, respectively, and her B.S. degree Summa Cum Laude from St. John’s University, New York in 2003.

Prof. Centonze’s expertise in Cybersecurity has roots in the industry too as she was a Research Staff Member at the IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center in Yorktown Heights, New York (2005-2010).  She was also an Adjunct Professor of Computer Science at Fordham University, New York (2015-2016).

Prof. Centonze is the author of 24 scientific journal articles and conference papers, and the inventor of 14 patents in the area of Cybersecurity, all filed and granted by the US Patent and Trademark Office.

  • Ph.D. in Mathematics with a minor in Computer Science, New York University, 2008
    • Ph.D. thesis: An Algebra for Access Control
  • Master of Science Degree in Computer Science, New York University, 2005
    • M.S. degree thesis: Static Analysis for J2EE Role-Based Access Control Policy Validation
    • Recipient of merit-based scholarship comprehensive of full-tuition remission
  • Bachelor of Science Degree Summa cum Laude in Computer Science with a Minor in Mathematics, St. John’s University, New York, May 2003
    • GPA: 3.98
    • Full, merit-based scholarship and full-tuition remission

Iona University, Computer Science Department
08/11 – Now, Managing Director, Cybersecurity Program
08/18 – Now, Associate Professor, Tenured
08/12 – 08/18, Assistant Professor, Tenure Track

New York University
05/10 - 08/10, Adjunct Professor, Computer Science Department

IBM Research
05/05 - 04/10, Research Staff Member, Department of Cybersecurity, IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, NY

New York University, Computer Science Department
07/03 - 05/05

  • Graduate Research Assistant and Teaching Assistant at New York University
  • Member of the IBM T. J. Watson Research Center and New York University joint team constructing mathematical models of programs using IBM Research’s Watson Libraries for Analysis (WALA) static analysis engine for automatic detection of security vulnerabilities in code


  1. Timothy Strowbridge, Paolina Centonze. 3D Printing Security: Using UUID-based Text Watermarking to Secure GCODE Files. International Journal of Cyber-Security and Digital Forensics (IJCSDF), Vol. 11, No. 2, 2023, pp. 11-19
  2. Jason Meza, Paolina Centonze. Blueprint Key: A Tool for a Novel Layer of XML Encryption. International Journal of Cyber-Security and Digital Forensics (IJCSDF), Vol. 9, No. 2, 2023, ­­­pp. 102-112­­­
  3. Ileana Palesi, Paolina CentonzeComparative Malware Testing Analyses for Android Mobile Apps. International Journal of Cyber-Security and Digital Forensics (IJCSDF), Vol. 9, No. 1, 2023, pp. 55-70
  4. Paolina CentonzeSecurity and Privacy Frameworks for Access Control of Big Data Systems. Full research paper. In the Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Security (ICAIS 2019), New York University, New York, USA. July 26-28, 2019
  5. Paolina Centonze. Security and Privacy Frameworks for Access Control of Big Data Systems.  In the Proceedings of the Computers, Materials & Continua Journal (CMC), Vol. 59, No. 2, pp. 361-374, 2019
  6. Michael Nelson, Paolina Centonze. GPS Spoofing for Android and iOS Mobile Systems.  The Fourteenth International Conference on Internet Monitoring and Protection (ICIMP), Nice, France, 2019
  7. Chelsea Ramsingh, Paolina Centonze. Program Analysis for Database Injections.  International Journal of Computers and Technology (IJCT). ISSN-2277-3061, Vol. 16, No. 6, pages 6977-6987, September 2017
  8. Stephen Rodriguez, Paolina CentonzeMulti-Layered Dynamic Encryption Security Scheme for Cloud Data Storage.  International Journal of Computers and Technology (IJCT).  ISSN-2277-3061, Vol. 16, No. 3, pages 6233-6239, June 2017.
  9. Stephen Rodriguez, Paolina CentonzeDynamic Encryption Key Security Scheme (DEKSS) for Mobile and Cloud Systems.  Proceedings of the Fourth IEEE/ACM International Conference on Mobile Software Engineering and Systems (MOBILESoft), Buenos Aires, Argentina, May 2017
  10. Paolina CentonzeCloud Auditing and Compliance.  Peer-reviewed Book Chapter, included in the Book: Security, Privacy, and Digital Forensics in the Cloud and Big Data Era, Editors: Lei Chen and Hassan Takabi, John Wiley and Sons (USA) and HEP (China), November 2017
  11. Walter Squires, Paolina Centonze.  Cross-platform Access-rights Analysis of Mobile Applications.  Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE/ACM International Conference on Mobile Software Engineering and Systems (MOBILESoft 2016), Austin, Texas, May 201.
  12. Marco Pistoia, Omer Tripp, Paolina Centonze, Pietro Ferrara. Detection, Correction and Visualization of Security Vulnerabilities in Mobile Apps. Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Mobile Development Lifecycle (MobileDeLi), Pittsburgh, PA, October 2015
  13. Paolina Centonze, Marco Pistoia, Omer Tripp.  Access-rights Analysis in the Presence of Subjects. Proceedings of the 29th European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming (ECOOP), Prague, Czech Republic, July 2015
  14. Marco Pistoia, Omer Tripp, Paolina Centonze, Joseph W. Ligman.  Labyrinth: Mobile Data-leakage Detection with Visually Configurable Confidentiality Sources.  Proceedings of the 16th IEEE International Conference on Mobile Data Management (MDM), Pittsburgh, PA, June 2015
  15. Omer Tripp, Marco Pistoia, Paolina CentonzeApplication and User-Sensitive Privacy Enforcement in Mobile Systems.  Proceeding of the Second ACM International Conference on Mobile Software Engineering and Systems (MOBILESoft), Florence, Italy, May 2015
  16. Karthik Sourirajan, Paolina Centonze, Mary Helander, Kaan Katircioglu.  Carbon Management in Assembly Manufacturing Logistics.  IBM Journal on Research and Development, Yorktown Heights, NY, Vol. 53, No. 3, 2009
  17. Anshul Sheopuri, Jose Gomes, Sai Zeng, Paolina Centonze, Ioana Boier-Martin.  A Heuristic to Enable Auditing Decisions in Travel and Entertainment Expense Management. In Poster Proceedings of the Third Annual Machine Learning Symposium. The New York Academy of Sciences, New York, NY, October 2008
  18. Paolina CentonzeAn Algebra for Access Control.  Ph.D. Dissertation.  New York University (NYU), Department of Mathematics, May 2008
  19. Paolina Centonze, Robert J. Flynn, Marco Pistoia.  Combining Static and Dynamic Analysis for Automatic Identification of Precise Access-Control Policies.  In Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC 2007), Miami Beach, FL, December 2007
  20. Paolina Centonze, Gleb Naumovich, Stephen J. Fink, Marco Pistoia.  Role-Based Access Control Consistency Validation.  In Proceedings of the ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis (ISSTA 2006), Portland, ME, July 2006
  21. Gleb Naumovich and Paolina CentonzeStatic Analysis of Role-Based Access Control in J2EE Applications. ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes, 29(5):1-10, September 2004.  Also in Proceedings of the Workshop on Testing, Analysis and Verification of Web Services (TAV-WEB 2004), co-located with ISSTA 2004, Boston, MA, July 2004
  22. Paolina CentonzeStatic Analysis for J2EE Role-Based Access Control Policy Validation.  Master of Science Research Thesis.  New York University, Department of Computer Science, New York, NY, May 2005
  23. Paolina Centonze, Marco Pistoia, Lawrence Koved.  Extracting Security Role Requirements From Enterprise Applications.  Security and Privacy Technology Conference, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, Hawthorne, NY, May 2004
  24. Paolina Centonze, Gleb Naumovich, Stephen J. Fink, Marco Pistoia.  Role-Based Access Control Consistency Validation.  IBM Research Report, RC23876 (W0602-110), Yorktown Heights, NY, February 2006
  1. John Millar and Paolina Centonze. Examples of Using NTRU Cryptosystems in Modern Developments for 5G Authentication. Proceedings of the 37th Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC 2021), Work In Progress (WiP) track, December 2021
  2. Paolina Centonze. Security Flows in Apache Dig Data System. Proceedings of the 34th Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC), San Juan, Puerto Rico, December 2018
  3. Joshua Gitter and Paolina Centonze. Comparative Analyses and New Solutions to Reduce SQL Injections.  Proceedings of the 34th Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC), San Juan, Puerto Rico, December 2018
  4. Chelsea Ramsingh and Paolina CentonzeProgram Analysis for Database Injections.  Proceedings of the 4th National Science Foundation (NSF) Women in Cybersecurity (WiCyS) Conference, Tucson, AZ, March 2017
  5. Paolina Centonze. Cyber Threats Attacks, Challenges and Analyses in the Dig Data Era.  Full Day Professional Tutorial. Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC), Orlando, FL, December 2017
  6. John Rocco and Paolina Centonze. Static Detection of Integrity and Confidentiality in Mobile Applications. Proceedings of the 34th Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC 2016), Work in Progress (WiP) track. Los Angeles, CA, December 2016
  7. Stephen Rodriguez and Paolina Centonze. Dynamic Encryption Strategy (DEKSS): A New Security Model for Securing Customer Data with Cloud Services. Proceedings of the 34th Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC 2016), Working In Progress (WiP) track. Los Angeles, CA, December 2016
  8. Paolina Centonze. Program Analysis and Machine Learning to Improve Security and Privacy. Tutorial Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC 2016), Los Angeles, CA, December 2016
  9. Paolina CentonzeSecurity and Privacy Analysis for Next Generation Malware. Tutorial Proceedings of the 31st Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC 2015), Los Angeles, CA. December 2015
  10. Paolina CentonzeCloud Security and Privacy.  Peer-reviewed Conference Tutorial.  Tutorial Proceedings of the 30th Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC 2014), New Orleans, LA, December 2014
  1. System, method and apparatus for simultaneous definition and enforcement of access-control and integrity policies.  Granted as Patents No. US-9836608-B2 (December 2017), US-9607154-B2 (March 2017), US-20170039375-A1 (February 2017), US-20150089637-A1 (March 2015), US-8572727-B2 (October 2013) and US-20110126282-A1 (May 2011)
  2. Method and system for run-time dynamic and interactive identification software authorization requirements and privileged code locations, and for validation of other software program analysis results.  Granted as Patents No. US-9449190-B2 (September 2016), US-20090007223-A1 (January 2009) and US-20070261124-A1 (November 2007)
  3. Static analysis for verification of software program access to secure resources for computer systems.  Granted as Patents No. US-8793800-B2 (July 2014) and US-8683599-B2 (March 2014)
  4. Carbon management for sourcing and logistics.  Granted as Patents No. US-8606621-B2 (December 2013), US-20130117061-A1 (May 2013), US-20130013367-A1 (October 2013), US-8346595-B2 (January 2013) and US-20100131316-A1 (May 2010)
  5. Automatic optimization of string allocations in a computer program.  Granted as Patent No. US-8473899-B2 (June 2013)
  6. Static analysis for verification of software program access to secure resources for computer systems.  Granted as Patents No. US-8381242-B2 (February 2013), US-20130031622-A1 (January 2013), US-20120331547-A1 (December 2012) and US-20120023553-A1 (January 2012)
  7. Unchanged Object Management.  Granted as Patents No. US-20120331445-A1 (December 2012) and US-20120089962-A1 (April 2012)
  8. System and method for the automatic identification of subject-executed code and subject-granted access rights.  Granted as Patents No. US-8332939-B2 (December 2012) and US-20080201693-A1 (August 2008)
  9. System and method for the automatic evaluation of existing security policies and automatic creation of new security policies.  Granted as Patents No. US-8230477-B2 (July 2012) and US-20080201760-A1 (August 2008)
  10. System and method for the automatic verification of privilege-asserting and subject-executed code.  Granted as Patents No, US-8006233-B2 (August 2011) and US-20080201688-A1 (August 2008)
  11. Automatic Optimization of String Allocations in a Computer Program.  Granted as Patent No. US-20110145785-A1 (June 2011)
  12. Apparatus, System, Method and Computer Program Product for Analysis of Fraud in Transaction Data.  Granted as Patent No. US-20080109272-A1 (May 2008)
  13. Method and system for the creation of service clients.  Granted as Patent No. US-20070260737-A1 (November 2007)
  14. System, apparatus, and method for identifying authorization requirements in component-based systems.  Granted as Patent No. US-20050262487-A1 (November 2005)
Date Achievement

August 2018

  • Tenured Associate Professor of Computer Science at Iona University

May 2016

  • Br. Arthur Loftus Outstanding Student Research Award presented by the Iona University President, Joseph E. Nyre, Ph.D., at the Honors Ceremony for actively engaging in research and scholarly activities with undergraduate and graduate students

April 2015

  • Academic Innovation Grant awarded by the Iona University President, Joseph E. Nyre, Ph.D., for allowing the school to achieve the National Centers of Academic Excellence in Cyber Operations (CAE-CO) designation, a National Security Agency (NSA) accreditation for the Computer Science program with a concentration in Cybersecurity


  • 14 IBM Invention Achievement Awards

Sep 2010; Dec 2008; Apr 2007

  • Three IBM Invention Plateaus for outstanding contributions to IBM’s Intellectual Property

Jul 2006

  • IBM First Patent Filing Award

May 2005

  • Selected for a Research Internship at IBM Research (acceptance rate less than 3%)

June 2004

  • Research Fellowship at New York University, for one academic year, comprehensive of stipend and full-tuition remission

May 2004

  • IBM Research Invention Achievement Award

June 2003

  • Research Fellowship from the New York State Center for Advanced Technology in Telecommunications (CATT) for one academic year, comprehensive of stipend and full-tuition remission scholarship

May 2003, Aug. 2002, and May 2001

  • Named to the St. John’s University Annual College of Professional Studies Dean’s Honor List of students awarded academic distinction for outstanding scholastic performances

Mar. 2003

  • Named to St. John’s University College of Professional Studies’ Honors Society

Aug. 2001-May 2003

  • St. John’s University Full-Tuition Presidential Scholarship for three academic years (only two years used because graduated in May 2003)

Apr. 2001

  • Unisys Corporation Scholarship

Oct. 2000

  • Rice Foundation Technology Scholarship

Oct. 2000

  • Certificate of Merit from New York State Senator, Nicholas A. Spano

May 2000 and Dec. 1999

  • Named to St. John’s University Annual College of Professional Studies President’s Honor List of students awarded academic distinction for outstanding scholastic performances

Prof. Paolina Centonze has been the Managing Director of the Cybersecurity Program in the Computer Science Department at Iona University since 2011. In her role, Prof. Centonze directs the design and development of the Concentration in Cybersecurity programs: BA, BS, MS and 5-year BS/MS and BA/MS degrees.  Under Prof. Centonze’s supervision, these programs have been approved by the New York State Education Department.  Prof. Centonze has also been responsible for the National Centers of Academic Excellence in Cyber Operations (CAE-CO) designation, a National Security Agency (NSA) accreditation for the BS and BA degrees in Computer Science with a Concentration in Cybersecurity.

Below is the list of the new courses that Prof. Centonze designed, developed, taught and kept updated over the years as part of the Cybersecurity concentration programs:

  1. CS 455 Cybersecurity Operations
  2. CS 456 Web and Mobile Application Security
  3. CS 475 (undergraduate) and CS 777 (graduate): Computer Networks & Networking Programming
  4. CS 477 (undergraduate) and CS 779 (graduate): Networks Security
  5. CS 474 (undergraduate) and CS 775 (graduate): Mobile Application Security
  6. CS 315 (undergraduate) and CS 615 (graduate): Software Security
  7. CS 472 (undergraduate) and CS 771 (graduate): Web Application Security
  8. CS 409 (undergraduate) and CS 709 (graduate): Cryptography
  9. CS 422 (undergraduate) and CS 798 (graduate): Database Security
  10. CS 412 (undergraduate) and CS 712 (graduate): Program Analysis for Security
  11. CS 413 (undergraduate) and CS 713 (graduate): Cloud Security and Privacy

In the areas of Computer Science, Cybersecurity and Software Engineering, Dr. Centonze teaches the following courses regularly (at least once a year) at Iona University, New Rochelle, N.Y.:

  1. CS 143 (undergraduate): Introduction to Cybersecurity.  Core University course: accessible to students at the entire University for any major and part of the core requirements
  2. CS 481 (undergraduate): Software Project Development: Design
  3. CS 482 (undergraduate): Software Project Development: Implementation
  4. CS 474 (undergraduate) and CS 775 (graduate): Mobile Application Security
  5. CS 315 (undergraduate) and CS 615 (graduate): Software Security
  6. CS 201 (undergraduate) and CS 500 (graduate): Computer Science I
  7. CS 202 (undergraduate): Computer Science II
  8. CS 474 (undergraduate) and CS 775 (graduate): Mobile Application Security
  9. CS 472 (undergraduate) and CS 771 (graduate): Web Application Security
  10. CS 412 (undergraduate) and CS 712 (graduate): Program Analysis for Security
  11. CS 413 (undergraduate) and CS 713 (graduate): Cloud Security and Privacy
  12. CS 143 (undergraduate): Introduction to Cyber Security as a Core College course
  13. CS 140 (undergraduate): Computers, Technology and Society
  14. CS 140 (undergraduate, Learning Community): Computers, Technology and Society.  Course integrated with other arts and science courses and taught in collaboration with other faculty members from different departments
  15. CS 140 (undergraduate, Distance Learning): Computers, Technology and Society.  Online course

Additionally, Dr. Centonze has been an Adjunct Professor at other universities, and designed, developed, updated and taught the following courses:

  1. CISC 6800 (graduate): Malware Analytics, Computer and Information Science Department, Fordham University, New York, 2015 and 2016
  2. CS 9053 (graduate): Introduction to Java, New York University, Fall 2010 semester
  3. CS 9163 (graduate): Application Security, New York University, Fall 2010 semester

While a graduate student, Dr. Centonze was the teaching assistant for the following courses: Linear Algebra, Theory of Computation, Algorithms I and II, Software Engineering, and Databases, New York University (NYU), 2003-2005

Prof. Centonze has been often asked to review the work of her peers in the industry and academia, particularly in the areas of Mobile Computing and Cybersecurity:

  1. Program Committee Memberof Industry Track ofthe 25th IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation (ICST), Porto, Portugal, October 24-28, 2020
  2. Program Committee Member of the Research Technical Track ofthe 16th International Wireless Communications & Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC 2020),Limassol, Cyprus, June 15-19, 2020
  3. Program Committee Member of the Professional Tutorial Track of the 35th Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC), San Juan, Puerto Rico, USA. December 3-7, 2019
  4. Program Committee Member of the Research Technical Track, in the 4th International Symposium on Mobile Internet Security (MobiSec 2019), Taichung, Taiwan, October 17–19, 2019
  5. Program Committee Memberof theTools Demos and Mobile Apps and of the Technical Papers Track of the 7th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Mobile Software Engineering and Systems (MOBILESoft), Montréal, Canada, May 25-26, 2019
  6. Program Committee Member of the Research Technical Track of the 15th International Wireless Communications & Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC 2019), Tangier, Morocco, June  2019
  7. Program Committee member of the Tool Demos and Mobile Apps Track and Technical Papers Track of the 5th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Mobile Software Engineering and Systems (MOBILESoft), Gothenburg, Sweden, May 27-June 3, 2018
  8. Co-Chair of the Tools Demos and Mobile Apps Trackof the 4th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Mobile Software Engineering and Systems (MOBILESoft), Buenos Aires, Argentina, May 22-23, 2017
  9. Program Committee member of the Main Track of the 4th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Mobile Software Engineering and Systems (MOBILESoft), Buenos Aires, Argentina, May 22-23, 2017
  10. Co-Chair of the Work In Progress (WiP) Track, Poster Track, and Professional Tutorial Track of the 33rd Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC), Orlando, Florida, USA. December 4-8, 2017
  11. Reviewer of book chapter Combining Static and Dynamic Analysis and Machine Learning for Automatic Detection of Security Vulnerabilities in Mobile Apps,included in book Mobile Application Development, Usability, and Security,EditorSougata Mukherjea, IGI Global, 2016
  12. Reviewer of book chapter Confidentiality of Data in the Cloud: Conflicts Between Security and Cost, included in book Security, Privacy, and Digital Forensics in the Cloud and Big Data Era, editors Lei Chen and Hassan Takabi, John Wiley and Sons (USA) and HEP (China), 2016
  13. Reviewer of the book chapter: Risk Management and Disaster Recovery in the Cloud. Itwill be included in the Book: Security, Privacy, and Digital Forensics in the Cloud and Big Data Era, editors Lei Chen and Hassan Takabi, to be published by John Wiley and Sons (USA) and HEP (China), November 2016
  14. Program Committee Member of the 1st International Workshop on Mobile Development, co-located with SPLASH 2016 ACM SIGPLAN conference, Amsterdam,  Netherlands,October 30 – November 4, 2016
  15. Program Committee Member of the Tutorial Track of the 32nd Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC 2015), Los Angeles, California. December 5-9, 2016
  16. Program Committee Member of the 3rd ACM International Conference on Mobile Software Engineering and Systems (MOBILESoft), Austin, TX, May 16-17, 2016
  17. Program Committee Member of the 9th ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Programming Languages and Analysis for Security (PLAS 2014), Uppsala, Sweden, July 2014
  18. Associate Program Committee Member of the 28th Annual IFIP WG 11.3 Working Conference on Data and Applications Security and Privacy (DBSec 2014), Austria, Vienna, July 2014
  19. Associate Reviewer for the IBM Journal on Research and Development (an IEEE Journal), Volume 57, Issue 6, November/December 2013
  20. Reviewer of the book Enterprise Java Security, Addison-Wesley, Boston, MA, February 2004
  1. Michael Brand, Paolina Centonze. A Novel Method For Mitigation Of XML External Entity Attacks.  Honors Master Thesis and Poster Presentation at the 14th Annual Iona Scholars Day,  April 2023. Thesis advisor
  2. Stephen Rodriguez, Paolina Centonze. Dynamic Encryption Key Scheming Strategy (DEKSS): A New Security Model for Securing Customer Data within Cloud Services.  Master Thesis in Computer Science, Iona University, Spring 2017.  Thesis Advisor
  3. Chelsea Ramsingh, Paolina Centonze.  Program Analysis for SQL Injections.  Master Thesis in Computer Science, Iona University, Spring 2017. Thesis Advisor
  4. Walter Squires, Paolina Centonze.  Mobile Security Analysis for Android and iOS.  Peer-reviewed poster presentation to the 7th Annual Iona Scholars Day, presentation at the 2nd Annual Science Symposium, sponsored by Iona University and ConEdison, Inc., and Honors Undergraduate Thesis, Iona University, April 2016.  Thesis Advisor
  5. Michael Brown, Paolina Centonze.  A Contemporary Comparison of Comprehensive Perimeter and Authentication Techniques for Hadoop and Big Data.  Master Thesis in Computer Science, peer-reviewed poster presentation at the 7th Annual Iona Scholars Day, and the 2nd Annual Science Symposium sponsored by Iona University and ConEdison, Inc., Iona University, April 2016.  Thesis Advisor
  6. Monica Suleiman, Paolina Centonze.  Ensuring Confidentiality of Personal Health Records in Cloud Services by Using Access Control.  Peer-reviewed poster presentation at the Seventh Annual Iona Scholars Day, and Master Thesis in Computer Science, Iona University.  Thesis Advisor
  7. Monica Suleiman, Paolina Centonze.  Ensuring Confidentiality of Personal Health Records in Cloud Services by Using of Access Control.  The 2nd Annual Science Symposium, sponsored by Iona University and ConEdison, Inc., Iona University, April 2016
  8. Vanessa Santana, Paolina Centonze, Security Study and Comparative Analysis of Mobile Programming Languages and Their Security Mechanisms.  Peer-reviewed poster presentation to the 7th Annual Iona Scholars Day and Master Thesis in Computer Science, Iona University, April 2016.  Thesis Advisor
  9. Walter Squires, Paolina Centonze. Deep Analysis of Mobile Applications. Honors Master Thesis Defense. February 2016.  Iona University. Thesis Advisor
  10. Walter Squires, Paolina Centonze. Program Analysis for Android Mobile Applications. Peer-reviewed poster presentation at the 6th Annual Iona Scholars Day, Iona University, April 2015
  11. Walter Squires, Paolina Centonze.  Permission Analysis for Android Applications. Presented at the 1st Science Symposium, Iona University, March 2015
  12. Kester Guischard, Paolina Centonze. Security Analysis to Identify iOS Overprivileged Applications. Peer-reviewed poster presentation at the 6th Annual Iona Scholars Day, April 2015 and at the 1st Science Symposium, Iona University, March 2015
  1. Paolina Centonze. Cybersecurity Skills Required for Academic Programs. Proceedings of the 5th NSF National Women in Cybersecurity (WiCyS) Conference, Chicago, IL on March 23-24th, 2018
  2. Paolina Centonze.  Analysis of WikiCentral.  Poster Presentation.  IBM Academy of Technology (AoT).  IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, New York, June 2009
  3. Paolina Centonze.  The Mathematical Theory of Partially Ordered Sets and Lattices and Its Applicability to Computer Science.  Seminar Series, IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center, New York, May-September 2007 (for a total of 12 seminars)
  4. Paolina Centonze.  Access Control Explorer (ACE).  University Seminar.  Department of Computer and Information Science, New York University, New York, NY, October 2007
  5. Paolina Centonze.  Static Analysis for Role-Based Access Control Policy Validation.  University Seminar, University of Maryland, Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, College Park, MD, USA, March 2007
  6. Paolina Centonze.  Static Analysis for Role-Based Access Control Policy Validation. University Seminar, Programming Languages Research Group (PROLANGS), Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ, USA, February 2007
  7. Paolina Centonze.  Role-Based Access Control Consistency Validation.  University Seminar., Stevens Institute of Technology, Computer Science Department, Hoboken, NJ, USA, May 2006
  8. Paolina Centonze.  An Algebra for Access Control.  University Seminar,  New York University, Department of Computer and Information Science, March 2006
  9. Paolina Centonze.  Using Static Program Analysis for Stack-Inspection- and Role-Based Access Control Systems Security.  University Seminar, École Normale Supérieure, Paris, France, October 2005
  10. Paolina Centonze.  Automatic Verification of the Security Principle of Complete Mediation Using Static Analysis.  Industry Seminar.  IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, New York, August 2005
  11. Paolina Centonze.  Using Program Analysis to Extend J2EE Access Control from Methods to Data.  Invited Industry Seminar.  IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, Hawthorne, NY, September 2004
  12. Paolina Centonze. Static Analysis of Role-Based Access Control in J2EE Applications.  Workshop Presentation.  ACM TAV-WEB Workshop co-located with ISSTA Conference, Boston, MA, July 2004
  13. Paolina Centonze.  J2SE and J2EE Security.  University Seminar.  New York University, September 2003
  • Featured on News 12 in a story on international "Ransom-ware" cyber attack. Iona University, New Rochelle, N.Y. May 2017.
  • Featured in the Winter 2016 issue, Iona University Magazine. Faculty Focus Interview. January 2016.
  1. Theory of Computation, Algorithms, Abstract Interpretation, Program Analysis, Compilers
  2. Language-Based Security, Cybersecurity, Mobile Security Analysis, Cloud Security and Privacy/Big Data
  3. Malware Analysis
  4. Machine Learning for Security
  5. Programming languages: Java, Python, PHP, JavaScript, SQL, Pascal, Fortran.
  6. Mobile applications (iOS and Android) and their security implications
  7. Databases: IBM DB2, JDBC, SQL, Alphablox
  8. Web design and implementation: HTML, XML, CSS, Java, JavaScript, JSON, AJAX, Flash
  9. Operating systems: Windows, UNIX, MacOS
  10. Applications: LaTeX, Microsoft Office

Dual citizenship: American and Italian

  1. English
  2. Italian (native)