Lubomir Ivanov, Ph.D.

Chair, Computer Science Department

Professor of Computer Science

Game Development Coordinator

Contact for All Undergraduate Programs

Lubo Ivanov
Murphy Center, Room 113J
(914) 633-2342 (914) 633-2342


  • Ph.D., Computer Science
  • MS, Computer Science
  • BS, Computer Engineering

Dr. Lubomir Ivanov teaches a wide variety of courses ranging from mobile- and web applications development to computer organization and architecture, and parallel and scientific computing. He is the coordinator of the Game Development concentration, and teaches all game development and virtual reality course in the department. Dr. Ivanov's current research interests are in natural language processing, authorship attribution, as well as in applied virtual reality.

L. Ivanov, “Abstractness/ Concreteness as Stylistic Features for Authorship Attribution”, Digital Humanities Conference (DH 2022), Tokyo, Japan, (converted to virtual due to Covid-19), 7/2022.

L. Ivanov, “Optimizing the User Experience in VR-based Anti-Bullying Education”, UMAP’22 Conference, Barcelona, Spain, 7/2022.

G. Berton, S. Petrovic, M. Crowder, L. Ivanov, “Identifying 'A Slave': Exploring a Mystifying Letter to Thomas Jefferson”, accepted, Cornel University Press Quarterly, Fall 2021.

L. Ivanov, “Haiku Author Recognition”, Digital Humanities Conference (DH 2020), Ottawa, Canada, 7/2020.

L. Ivanov, J. Dunn, “Automatic Identification of Guitar Types from Prerecorded Audio”, FLAIRS’33, Miami, FL, 5/2020.

L. Ivanov, N. Ramos, “Bully: A Virtual Environment for Anti-Bullying Education”, FLAIRS’33, Miami, FL, 5/2020.

L. Ivanov, B. Neilsen, “Consonance as a Stylistic Feature for Authorship Attribution of Historical Texts”, submitted to Text, Speech, and Dialog (TSD’19) conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 9/19

L. Ivanov, “Comparing Assonance and Consonance for Authorship Attribution”, Digital Humanities Conference (DH 2019), Utrecht, The Netherlands, 7/19

L. Ivanov, “Learning Patterns of Assonance for Authorship Attribution of Historical Texts”, FLAIRS-32 conference, Sarasota, FL, USA, 5/19

L. Ivanov, A. Aebig, S. Meerman, “Lexical Stress-Based Authorship Attribution with Accurate Pronunciation Patterns Selection”, Text, Speech, and Dialog (TSD’18) conference, Brno, Czech Republic, 9/18

L. Ivanov, “A Game Development Course for Non-CS Majors”, 9th annual Int.Conf. on Education and New Learning Technologies (EDULEARN’17), Barcelona, Spain 7/17 

L. Ivanov, “Using Alliteration in Authorship Attribution of Historical Texts”, Text, Speech, and Dialog (TSD’16) conference, Brno, Czech Republic, 9/16

S.Petrovic, G.Berton, R.Schiaffino, L.Ivanov “Examining the Thomas Paine Corpus: Automated Computer Author-Attribution Methodology Applied to Thomas Paine’s Writings”, Book chapter in “New Directions in Thomas Paine Studies, Edition: 1, Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan US, Editors: S. Cleary I. Stabell, DOI: 10.1057/9781137589996, 02/16 

S.Petrovic, G.Berton, S.Campbell, L.Ivanov, “Attribution of 18th Century Political Writings Using Machine Learning”, Journal of Technologies in Society, v.11, issue 3, pp.1-13, 10/15 

L.Ivanov, “3D Game Development with Unity in the Computer Science Curriculum”, Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges, v.31, issue 1, pages 167-173, 10/15

L.Ivanov, S.Petrovic, “Using Lexical Stress in Authorship Attribution of Historical Texts”, Chapter, Lecture Notes in Computer Science: Text, Speech, and Dialogue, v.9302, pp.105- 113, 9/15 

M.Brown, J.Robinette, M.Suleiman, C.Vrahimis, L.Ivanov, “Project iSoothe”, NCUR 2015 

L.Ivanov, "Collaborative Software Development: The Thomas Paine Encyclopedia", Proceedings of FECS'14, (ISBN #: 1-60132-271-2, pages 394-398), Las Vegas, NV, 7/21- 24/2014 

S.Petrovic, G.Berton, R.Schiaffino, L.Ivanov, "Authorship Attribution of Thomas Paine Works", Proceedings of the International Conference on Data Mining DMIN'14 (ISBN #: 1- 60132-267-4, pages 182-188), 7/12-24/2014 

D.Lomibao, L.Ivanov, “Real-Time Magnification of Imperceptible Motion in High- Definition Video Using a GPU”, CCSC Mid-South Conference, Memphis, TN, 4/14

N.Cherkaoui, L.Ivanov, “A CUDA C Implementation of the Kinetic Monte Carlo Algorithm for Atomic Simulations”, CCSC Mid-South Conference, Memphis, TN, 4/14

S. Petrovic, L.Ivanov, G.Berton, R.Schiaffino, “Authorship Attribution of Thomas Paine Works”, Interdisciplinary Social Sciences Conference, Prague, Czech Republic, 7/13 

Lubomir Ivanov joined Iona University in 1999. Prior to that Dr. Ivanov taught at Stevens Institute of Technology in New Jersey, where he completed a Ph.D. degree in Computer Science, MS in Computer Science, and a BS in Computer Engineering. At Iona, Dr. Ivanov has taught a wide variety of courses including data structures and algorithms, computer organization and architecture, and operating system design. Dr. Ivanov introduced several new courses into the undergraduate and graduate Computer Science curriculum including advanced computer architecture, parallel and scientific computing, mobile applications development, and web applications development.
 Dr. Ivanov has been actively involved in numerous research projects in areas as diverse as authorship attribution, automatic music style/instrument recognition, chemical process modeling, and parallel image/video processing. At present, Dr. Ivanov is also engaged in several collaborative projects with psychology, including a virtual reality simulator for anti-bullying education, and a comprehensive software suite to assist those suffering from non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI) behavior. Dr. Ivanov's work has been published and presented at many top conferences and journals in computer science.

At Iona, Dr. Ivanov has chaired and served on several departmental and college-wide committees, including the Faculty Senate and the Committee on Academic Affairs. From 2006-2009, Dr. Ivanov served as chair of the Computer Science Department.