Nilofer Naqvi, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Psychology

- Office:
- Doorley Hall, Ground Floor
- Phone:
- (914) 633-2379 (914) 633-2379
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- Ph.D., Graduate Center, CUNY
- MA, Columbia University, Teacher’s College
- BA, University of Reading
Dr. Naqvi teaches courses in dynamics of group process, behavioral assessment and intervention, intellectual assessment, personality assessment, and advanced lifespan development. Her research interests are in the identification and assessment of children with disabilities specifically Autism, in low and middle income countries.
Naqvi, N.C., Wong-Goodrich, S.J.E., Martinage, A., Gordon, S. & DeCuffa, J. (submitted to International Journal of Teacher Education and Professional Development). "Teacher Training on Autism in Tanzania", Perspectives from the field.
Harrison, A.J., Bradshaw, L.P., Naqvi, N.C., Paff, M.L.,& Campbell, J.M (2017). "Development and Psychometric Evaluation of the Autism Stigma and Knowledge Questionnaire (ASK-Q)", Journal of Autism and Development Disabilities. doi: 10.1007/s10803-017-3242-x
Naqvi, N. C. , Johnson, H, Sophal,S, Vibol, D, & Verkulien, J. (2014). "Cambodian Caregiver’s Self-Efficacy and Knowledge Beliefs Regarding their Children with Developmental Disabilities: An Exploratory Study", International Journal of Disability, Community and Rehabilitation, 13 (1). Published online.
Naqvi, N. C., & Siegel, D (2013). "The ASD NEST student", In Cohen, S. & Hough, L.(Eds.). The ASD NEST model. New York: AAPC Publishing.
Naqvi, N.C., Martinage, A. & Martino, D. (October 2018). Autism Knowledge Training for Teachers in Tanzania: The Mobile Phone Solution. Poster Presented at the New York Association of School Psychologists Annual Convention, Lake Placid, NY.
Naqvi, N.C. & Huk, O. (March 2018). Applying Cross Battery Analysis to Contemporary Intellectual Assessment. Poster Presented at the Eastern Psychological Association, Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA.
Naqvi, N. C., Martinage, A., Gordon, S., & De Cuffa, J., (February, 2018). Teacher Training on Autism in Tanzania. Paper Presented at the National Association of School Psychologists Annual Convention, Chicago, Il.
Naqvi, N.C., Martinage, A., Gordon, S. & DeCuffa, J., (May, 2017). Assessing Knowledge of Autism Spectrum Disorders in Tanzania: Results from an Intensive Four-day training on ASD for Special Educators. Poster presented at the International Meeting for Autism Research, San Francisco, CA.
Naqvi, N.C., Decuffa, J., & Gordon, S. (May, 2017). The Experiences of Special Needs Teachers working with children with ASD in Tanzania. Poster presented at the International Meeting for Autism Research, San Francisco, CA.
Naqvi, N.C. & Martinage, A. (April 2017). Reflections on the delivery of Autism Awareness and Education Trainings in Tanzania. Paper presented at the Globalization of Autism Symposium, Queen Mary’s College, London, UK
Naqvi, N.C. (July 2014). Training Special Education Teachers in Autism Spectrum Disorders: A pilot project in Tanzania. Poster presented at Implementing Implementation Science Conference. Cambridge, U.K.
Hough L., Bleiweiss, J., Naqvi, N.C., & Landou A. (May 2011). School-Based Assessment and Academic Interventions for Children with High Functioning Autism. Paper presented at the YAI Network Annual Conference, New York, NY.
Naqvi, N.C. (April, 2011). Building and Maintaining International Research Collaborations. Invited Presenter on panel. Biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development. Montreal, Canada.
Naqvi, N.C. (April 2009). Children with Autism and Developmental Delays: Research and Experience from a Global Perspective. Paper presented at the Frontiers in Research and Practice on Autism Spectrum Disorders Symposium, New York, NY.
Naqvi, N.C. (August 2009). Paternal Knowledge, Self-Efficacy and Child Development: A Cambodian Perspective. Poster presented at the American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Toronto, Canada.
Naqvi, N.C. (February 2009). Paternal Knowledge, Self-Efficacy and Child Development: A Cambodian Perspective. Poster presented at the National Association of School Psychologists Annual Convention, Boston, MA.
Naqvi, N.C. & Saul, J., (February 2008). Community-based Family Resilience Approaches to Working with Trauma-exposed Children. Poster presented at the National Association of School Psychologists Annual Convention, New Orleans, LA, February 2008