Patricia Oswald, Ph.D.
Professor of Psychology
Graduate Coordinator, I/O
Director & Coordinator of Internships

- Office:
- Doorley Hall, Ground Floor
- Phone:
- (914) 633-2374 (914) 633-2374
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- Ph.D., Social and Organizational Psychology, Columbia University
- M.Phil.,Social and Organizational Psychology, Columbia University
- MA, Psychological Assessment and Counseling, Long Island University
- BA, State University of New York
Dr. Patricia Oswald teaches courses on both the undergraduate and graduate levels in general psychology, introductory statistics, advanced statistics, social and personality psychology, work performance prediction and assessment. She also advises students in psychology internships. Her research interests include the areas of leadership style; self-promotion and selection; empathy and helping behavior; organizational issues related to gender-based stereotyping, work roles, and selection; and using technology to teach psychology. Dr. Oswald also enjoys exploring the use of technology in teaching, especially in her quantitative research methods courses.
- Oswald, P., & Zaromatidis, K. (in press). What’s next? Preparing psychology majors for life following graduation. ERIC Digests.
- Zaromatidis, K., & Oswald, P. A. (2014). Infusing issues of sexual diversity through the use of discussion boards. ERIC Digests, ED52832.
- Oswald, P. A., & Zaromatidis, K. (2013). Assessing student learning outcomes in the psychology major. ERIC Digests, ED543391.
- Zaromatidis, K. & Oswald, P. A., (2012). Using introductory psychology courses to measure institutional core curriculum goals. ERIC Digests, ED534556.
- Oswald, P. A., & Zaromatidis, K. (2011). Development of an Institutional Review Board process for student research projects. ERIC Digests, ED21107.
- Oswald, P. A. (2010). Statistics and research methods: Introductory and advanced concepts. NY: GMP, Inc.
- Zaromatidis, K., & Oswald, P. A. (2010). Infusing psychology courses with professional level experiences. ERIC Digests, ED512755.
- Zaromatidis, K., & Oswald, P. A. (2009). Using oral presentations as an effective teaching tool. ERIC Digests, ED507995.
- Oswald, P. A., & Zaromatidis, K. (2009). A student perspective on traditional, hybrid, and distance learning courses. ERIC Digests, ED504072.
- Zaromatidis, K., & Oswald, P. A. (2008). The hybrid course: Comparison to traditional and distance learning courses. ERIC Digests, ED499916.
- Oswald, P. A., & Zaromatidis, K. (2007). Using an electronic portfolio system in program evaluation. ERIC Digests, ED495834.
- Zaromatidis, K., & Oswald, P. A. (2006). Distance learning in psychology. ERIC Digests, ED493513.
- Oswald, P. A., & Zaromatidis, K. (2005). Integrating learning goals and performance outcomes in the undergraduate psychology curriculum. ERIC Digests, ED490667.
- Oswald, P. A. (2004). An examination of the current usefulness of the Bem Sex Role Inventory. Psychological Reports, 94, 1331-1336.
- Oswald, P. A. (2003). Sex-typing and prestige ratings of occupations as indices of occupational stereotypes. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 97, 953-959.
- Oswald, P. A. (2003). Does the Interpersonal Reactivity Index Perspective-Taking Scale predict who will volunteer? Perceptual and Motor Skills, 97, 1184-1186.
- Oswald, P. A. (2003). Advanced statistics and research methods for the behavioral sciences. Bloomington, IN: AuthorHouse, Inc.
- Zaromatidis, K., & Oswald, P. A. (2003). Including research in a research methods course. ERIC Digests, ED.
- Oswald, P. A. (2002). The interactive effects of affective demeanor, cognitive processes, and perspective-taking focus on helping behavior. The Journal of Social Psychology, 142(1), 120-132.
- Oswald, P. A. (2000). Subtle sex bias in empathy and helping behavior. Psychological Reports, 87, 545-551.
- Oswald, P. A. (2000). Using the personal computer to teach statistics. In D. Johnson & M. E. Ware (Eds.), Handbook of Demonstrations and Activities in Teaching of Psychology Vol. 1 (2nd ed.). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
- Oswald, P.A., Flanagan, R., Kim, K., & Zaromatidis, K. (2000). Integrating technology in psychology: A panel discussion. ERIC Digests, ED450632.
- Oswald, P. A. (1999). Integrating computers in the psychology curriculum: A model course. ERIC Digests, EJ545305.
- Oswald, P. A. (1999). The effects of cognitive and affective perspective taking on empathic concern and altruistic helping. In B. J. Caskey (Ed.), Stand: Social Psychology. Braintree, MA: Coursewise Publishing, Inc.
- Oswald, P. A. (1999, February 1). When bystanders just stand by: Are “Good Samaritan” laws the answer? Hot Topics:
- Oswald, P. A. (1999). Using the personal computer to teach statistics. In C. Brewer & M. E. Ware (Eds.) Handbook for Teaching Statistics and Research Methods (2nd ed.), pp. 63-66. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.
- Oswald, P. A. (1998). Integrating computers in the behavioral science curriculum. ESCCC Proceedings, 98, 222-229.
- Judd, P. C., & Oswald, P. A. (1997). Employment desirability: The interactive effects of gender-type profile, stimulus sex, and occupation. Sex Roles: A Journal of Research, 37, 467-476.
- Oswald, P. (1996). The effects of cognitive and affective perspective-taking on empathic concern and altruistic helping. The Journal of Social Psychology, 136, 613-623.
- Oswald, P. A. (1996). Classroom use of the personal computer to teach statistics. Teaching of Psychology, 23, 124-126.
- Oswald, P. A. (1996). Distance learning in psychology: Organizing, managing, and mentoring. ERIC Digests, ED405024.
- Oswald, P. A. (1995). Using personality scales as an experiential learning activity. ERIC Digests, ED389370.
- Oswald, P. A. (1993). The personal computer in the classroom: An assessment of student learning of statistics. ERIC Digests, ED365398.
- Oswald, P. A. (1995). Using BMDP New System in teaching research methods in the behavioral sciences. Journal of Computing in Small Colleges, 11, 69-72.
- Oswald, P. A. (1994). Using computer software in the teaching of statistics: A comparison of MYSTAT and ASP. Journal of Computing in Small Colleges, 10, 47-50.
- Oswald, P. A. (1992). The effects of cognitive and affective perspective taking induction on empathy and altruism (Published doctoral dissertation). Ann Arbor, MI: UMI, 5712.
- Niblock, K., & Oswald, P. (April 2015). Employee selection: Implications of self-promotion, immigrant status, and vacancy length. Presented at the 30th Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP), Philadelphia, PA.
- Oswald, P., & Zaromatidis, K. (March 2015). What's next? Preparing psychology majors for life after graduation. Paper presented at the 29th Annual Conference on the Teaching of Psychology, Tarrytown, NY.
- Zaromatidis, K., & Oswald, P. A. (April 2014). Infusing Issues of sexual diversity through the use of discussion boards. Paper presented at the 28th Annual Conference on the Teaching of Psychology, Tarrytown, NY. (Abstract published in the TOP Conference Proceedings, 28, p. 5).
- Oswald, P. A. & Zaromatidis, K. (April 2013). Assessing student learning outcomes in the psychology major. Paper presented at the 27th Annual Conference on the Teaching of Psychology, Tarrytown, NY.
- Zaromatidis, K. & Oswald, P. A., (March 2012). Using introductory psychology courses to measure institutional core curriculum goals. Paper presented at the 26th Annual Conference on the Teaching of Psychology, Tarrytown, NY.
- Oswald, P. A., & Zaromatidis, K. (March 2011). Development of an institutional review board process for student research projects. Paper to be presented at the 25th Annual Conference on the Teaching of Psychology, Tarrytown, NY.
- Zaromatidis, K., & Oswald, P. A. (March 2010). Infusing psychology courses with professional level experiences. Paper presented at the 24th Annual Conference on the Teaching of Psychology, Tarrytown, NY.
- Zaromatidis, K., & Oswald, P. A. (March 2009). Using oral presentations as an effective teaching tool. Paper presented at the 23rd Annual Conference on the Teaching of Psychology, White Plains, NY.
- Oswald, P. A., & Zaromatidis, K. (March 2008). A student perspective on traditional, hybrid and distance learning courses. Paper presented at the 22nd Annual Conference on the Teaching of Psychology, White Plains, NY.
- Zaromatidis, K., & Oswald, P. A. (March 2007). The hybrid course: Comparison to traditional and distance learning courses. Presented at the 21st Annual Conference on the Teaching of Psychology, Kerhonson, NY.
- Oswald, P. A., & Zaromatidis, K. (March 2006). Using an electronic portfolio system in program evaluation. Presented at the 20h Annual Conference on the Teaching of Psychology, Monticello, NY.
- Zaromatidis, K., & Oswald, P. A. (March 2005). Distance learning in psychology. Presented at the 19th Annual Conference on the Teaching of Psychology, Monticello, NY.
- Oswald, P. A., & Zaromatidis, K. (March 2004). Integrating learning goals and performance outcomes in the undergraduate psychology curriculum. Presented at the 18th Annual Conference on the Teaching of Psychology, Monticello, NY.
- Ciaccio, V., & Oswald, P. A. (August 2003). The childfree: Motivations for childfreedom and social/political views. Presented at the 111th Convention of the American Psychological Association, Toronto, Canada. (Abstract to be published in the APA Proceedings, vol. 111).
- Francese, T., & Oswald, P. A. (June 2003). Gender differences in the strategies used in conflict situations. Presented at the 66th Annual Meeting of the New York State Psychological Association, Herhonken, NY.
- Francese, T., & Oswald, P. A. (May 2003). Evaluating the Francese Internal-External Happiness Scale. Presented at the 71st Annual Hunter College Psychology Conference, New York, NY.
- Francese, T., & Oswald, P. A. (March 2003). Is happiness internally or externally motivated? Presented at the 74th Annual Meeting Eastern Psychological Association, Washington, DC. (Abstract published in the Proceedings and Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of EPA, 74, p. 24).
- Zaromatidis, K., & Oswald, P. A. (March 2003). Including research in a research methods course. Paper presented at the 17th Annual Conference on the Teaching of Psychology, Ellenville, NY.
- Montoya, T., Oswald, P., & Robertello, L. (June 2002). Using gender role, gender, and ethnicity as predictors of depression. Presented at the 65th Annual Convention of the New York State Psychological Association, Verona, NY.
- Oswald, P., Zaromatidis, K., LaSusa, J., & Sheridan, B. (April 2002). Incorporating SPSS in an introductory statistics course without a laboratory period. Paper presented at the 16th Annual Conference on the Teaching of Psychology.
- Oswald, P. A. (October 2001). Subtle sex bias in empathy and helping behavior. Presented at the 41st Annual Meeting of the New England Psychological Association, Danbury, CT. (Abstract published in the Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of NEPA, 41, p. 9).
- Zaromatidis, K., Oswald, P., Francese, T., Robertello, L., Carlo, R., & Frances, T. (March 2001). Beyond the classroom: Using extracurricular activities to teach psychology. Paper presented at the 15th Annual Conference on the Teaching of Psychology, Ellenville, NY.
- Carlo, R., Oswald, P., & Racanello, D. (April 2001). Gender, attractiveness, and job desirability. Presented at the 72nd Annual Meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association, Washington, DC. (Abstract published in the Proceedings and Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of EPA, 17, p. 40).
- Indriolo, R., & Oswald, P. (April 2001). The effects of parental mediation styles on children’s value of television. Presented at the 72nd Annual Meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association, Washington, DC. (Abstract published in the Proceedings and Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of EPA, 72, p. 66).
- Ochoa, R. & Oswald, P. (April 2001). The effects of defendant’s disability and participants’ gender on sentencing. Presented at the 72nd Annual Meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association, Washington, DC. (Abstract published in the Proceedings and Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of EPA, 72, p. 84).
- Oswald, P.A., Flanagan, R., Kim, K., & Zaromatidis, K. (April 2000). Integrating technology in psychology: A panel discussion. Paper presented at the 14th Annual Conference on the Teaching of Psychology, Ellenville, NY (Abstract published in Resources in Education, March 2001).
- Oswald, P. A. (March 2000). The interactive effects of affective demeanor, cognitive processes, and perspective-taking focus on empathy and altruism. Presented at the 71st Annual Meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association, Baltimore, MD. (Abstract published in the Proceedings and Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of EPA, 71, p. 16).
- Oswald, P. A. (October 1999). Do occupational stereotypes still exist? Presented at the 39th Annual Meeting of the New England Psychological Association, Hartford, CT. (Abstract published in the Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the NEPA, 39, p. 7).
- Oswald, P. A. (March 1999). Integrating computers in the psychology curriculum: A model course. Paper presented at the 13th Annual Conference on the Teaching of Psychology, Ellenville, NY (Abstract published in Resources in Education, March 2000).
- Oswald, P. A. (October 1998). Integrating computers in the behavioral science curriculum. Paper presented at the 14th Annual Eastern Small College Computing Conference, Poughkeepsie, NY.
- Byrons, P. A., & Oswald, P. A. (March 1998). The interactive effects of self-esteem, introversion, and gender on volunteerism. Presented at the 69th Annual Meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association, Boston, MA. (Abstract published in the Proceedings and Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of EPA, 69, p. 60).
- Mullen, M., & Oswald, P. A. (March 1997). Interactive effects of sex, living arrangement, and stress on alcohol usage among college students. Presented at the 68th Annual Meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association, Washington, DC. (Abstract published in the Proceedings and Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of EPA, 68, p. 29).
- Oswald, P. A. (August 1996). Computers and research methods: A comparison of BMDP New System and Classic. Presented at the 104th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Toronto, Canada. (Abstract published in the APA Program and Abstracts, 104, p. 99).
- Oswald, P. A. (March 1996). Distance learning in psychology: Organizing, managing, and mentoring. Presented at the 10th Annual Conference on the Teaching of Psychology, Ellenville, NY (Abstract published in Resources in Education, July 1997).
- Judd, P. C., & Oswald, P. A. (March 1996). The effects of gender-typed profile, stimulus sex, and gender-typed occupation on stimulus desirability. Presented at the 67th Annual Meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association, Philadelphia, PA. (Abstract published in the Proceedings and Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of EPA, 67, p. 49).
- Oswald, P. A. (January 1996). Improving attention, oral skills, and course performance using the summary-critique method. Presented at the 18th National Institute on the Teaching of Psychology, St. Petersburg Beach, FL.
- Oswald, P. A. (October 1995). Using BMDP New System in teaching research methods in the behavioral sciences. Presented at the 11th Annual Eastern Small College Computing Conference, New Rochelle, NY.
- Oswald, P. A. (March 1995). Using personality scales as an experiential learning activity. Paper presented at the 9th Annual Conference on the Teaching of Psychology, Ellenville, NY (Abstract published in Resources in Education, March 1996).
- Oswald, P. A. (March 1995). Perspective-taking, self-monitoring, and self-evaluations of an oral presentation task. Presented at the 66th Annual Meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association, Boston, MA. (Abstract published in the Proceedings and Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of EPA, 66, p. 31).
- Oswald, P. A. (October 1994). Using computers in teaching statistics. Paper presented at the 10th Annual Eastern Small College Computing Conference, Rochester, NY.
- Oswald, P. A. (April 1994). The effects of cognitive and affective perspective taking induction on empathy and altruism. Presented at the 65th Annual Meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association, Providence, RI. (Abstract published in the Proceedings and Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of EPA, 65, p. 19).
- Oswald, P. A. (March 1993). The personal computer in the classroom: An assessment of student learning of statistics. Paper presented at the 7th Annual Conference on the Teaching of Psychology, Ellenville, NY (Abstract published in Resources in Education, May, 1994).
- Oswald, P. A. (October 1992). Using the PC in the classroom: An evaluation of student learning. Paper presented at the Fall Meeting of the Westchester County Psychological Association, Valhalla, NY.
- Oswald, P. A., Zaromatidis, K., Levine, J., & Indenbaum, G. (Eds.). (2008). Proceedings and Conference Papers of the 22nd Annual Conference on the Undergraduate Teaching of Psychology. Eric Digests, ED504072.
- Zaromatidis, K., Oswald, P. A., Levine, J., & Indenbaum, G. (Eds.). (2007). Proceedings and Conference Papers of the 21th Annual Conference on the Undergraduate Teaching of Psychology. Eric Digests, ED499916.
- Oswald, P. A., Zaromatidis, K., Levine, J., & Indenbaum, G. (Eds.). (2006). Proceedings and Conference Papers of the 20th Annual Conference on the Undergraduate Teaching of Psychology. Eric Digests, ED495834.
- Zaromatidis, K., & Oswald, P. A., Levine, J., & Indenbaum, G. (Eds.). (2005). Proceedings and Conference Papers of the 19th Annual Conference on the Undergraduate Teaching of Psychology. Eric Digests, ED493513.
- Oswald, P. A., & Zaromatidis, K., Levine, J., & Indenbaum, G. (Eds.). (2004). Proceedings and Conference Papers of the 18th Annual Conference on the Undergraduate Teaching of Psychology. Eric Digests, ED490667.
- Zaromatidis, K., & Oswald, P. A., Levine, J., & Indenbaum, G. (Eds.). (2003). Proceedings and Conference Papers of the 17th Annual Conference on the Undergraduate Teaching of Psychology. Eric Digests, ED.