John L. Theodore, Ph.D.

- Office:
- New Rochelle Campus: Doorley Hall, Ground Floor, Room 010; Bronxville Campus: Sieker, Room 109
- Phone:
- (914) 633-2164 (914) 633-2164
- Email:
- Ph.D., Yeshiva University
- BA, SUNY at Binghamton
Dr. John Theodore teaches courses at the undergraduate level in developmental psychology, psychological tests and measurements, psychology of human sexuality, and social psychology. On the graduate level he teaches courses in basic interviewing and counseling practices, behavioral assessment and intervention, and he oversees the internship for Mental Health Counseling students in community/clinical. His current research interests involve psychosocial issues in individuals afflicted with infectious diseases. Dr. Theodore's scientific contributions have included original research and presentations related to HIV, quality of patient care, cardiovascular health, depression, sexual risk-taking behavior and substance abuse.
Theodore, J.L. (2019). Teaching graduate students how to clinically address varied symptoms of psychosis via role-play. In S. Baker (Ed.) Teaching Tips: A Compendium of Conference Presentations on Teaching, 2017-18. Retrieved from the Society for the Teaching of Psychology web site:
Swencionis, C., Smith-Wexler, L., Lent, M.R., Cimino, C., Segal-Isaacson, C.J., Ginsberg, M., Caban-Pocai, A., Wassertheil-Smoller, S., Theodore, J.L, & Wylie-Rosett, J. (2019). Triggers of lapse and relapse of diet and exercise in behavioral weight loss. Obesity, 27(6), 888-893.
Theodore, J.L., & Macchia, J.M. (2017). Learning assessment, treatment and prevention of suicidality via role-play. In R.L. Miller (Ed.), Teaching tips: A compendium of conference presentations on teaching, 2015-16 (pgs. 99-101). E-book: Society for the Teaching of Psychology, Division 2 of the American Psychological Association.
Theodore, J.L. (2014). Teaching clinical treatment and client negotiation skills via role-play. ERIC Digests, ED552832, pgs. 43-44.
Theodore, J. L., Shidlo, A., Zemon, V., Foley, F.W., Dorfman, D., Dahlman, K.L., & Hamid, S. (2013). Psychometrics of an internalized homophobia instrument for men. Journal of Homosexuality, 60(4), 558-574.
Hoover, K.W., Butler, M., Workowski, K., Follansbee, S, Gratzer, B., Hare, B., Johnston, B., Theodore, J.L., Tao, G., Smith, B., Chorba, K., Kent, C.K. (2012). Low rates of hepatitis screening and vaccination of HIV-infected MSM in HIV clinics. Sexually Transmitted Diseases, 39(5), 349-353.
Hoover, K.W., Butler, M., Workowski, K., Carpio, F., Follansbee, S, Gratzer, B., Hare, B., Johnston, B., Theodore, J.L., Wohlfeiler, M., Tao, G., Brooks, J.T., Chorba, T., Irwin, K., Kent., C.K. (2010). STD screening of HIV-infected MSM in HIV clinics. Sexually Transmitted Diseases, 37(12), 771-776.
Theodore, J.L. (2010). Group counseling role-play in the classroom. ERIC Digests, ED512755, pgs. 48-51.
Theodore, J.L. (2009). Simulation of initial assessments in classroom settings via role-play. ERIC Digests, ED507995, pgs. 58-60.
Theodore, J.L., & Koegel, H.M. (2002). The impact of depression on sexual risk-taking behavior of HIV-negative gay men. New York State Psychologist, 14(1), 22-27.
Theodore, J.L., & Macchia, J.M. (March, 2016). Classroom role-play of smoking cessation treatment using the Transtheoretical Model [Abstract]. Proceedings and Abstracts from the 87th Annual Meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association. Volume 87, pg. 32.
Theodore, J.L. (2014). Helping undergraduate students understand neuropsychological test selection via role-play [Abstract]. Abstracts of the 4th Vancouver International Conference on the Teaching of Psychology. Psychology Leaning and Teaching, 13(2), 161-164.
Theodore, J.L. (March, 2013). Teaching psychology students how to create clinical treatment plans via role-play [Abstract]. Proceedings and Abstracts from the 84th Annual Meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association. Volume 84, pg. 45.
Theodore, J.L. (2012). Teaching clinical skills to psychology students via role-play [Abstract]. Abstracts and Paper Presentations at VICTOP Conference held at Vancouver, Canada, 29-31, July, 2011. Psychology Leaning and Teaching, 11(2), 256-287.
Johnston, B.E., Theodore, J.L., LaSala, A., D’Angelo, K., Tinsman, R. (July, 2010). Factors associated with syphilis relapse/reinfection or development of neuro- or systemic syphilis [Abstract]. AIDS 2010 Conference Abstract, International AIDS Society (IAS).
Johnston, B.E., Theodore, J.L., LaSala, A., D’Angelo, K., Tinsman, R. (July, 2010). Intervention to improve diagnosis of syphilis [Abstract]. AIDS 2010 Conference Abstract, International AIDS Society (IAS).
Johnston, B., Carasso, E., Marchand, E., Shapiro, S., Jenkins, S., Natwin, G., Miller, M., Hamid, S., & Theodore, J. (July, 2008). Treatment of HCV/HIV co-infection in a diverse population with substantial co-morbidity [Abstract]. AIDS 2008 Conference Abstract (CD-ROM 17500), International AIDS Society (IAS).
Maloney, T., & Theodore, J. L. (Spring 2015). Regional Chapter News. Westchester NYMHCA. NYMHCA Quarterly Newsletter.
Theodore, J. L., & Maloney, T. (Winter 2015). Regional Chapter News. Westchester NYMHCA. NYMHCA Quarterly Newsletter.
Theodore, J. L., & Maloney, T. (Fall 2014). Regional Chapter News. Westchester NYMHCA. NYMHCA Quarterly Newsletter.
Maloney, T., & Theodore, J. L. (Summer 2014). Regional Chapter News. Westchester NYMHCA. NYMHCA Quarterly Newsletter.
Theodore, J. L., & Maloney, T. (May 2014). Chapter News. Westchester Chapter. NYMHCA Quarterly Newsletter.
Maloney, T., & Theodore, J. L. (February 2014). Chapter News. Westchester Chapter Update. NYMHCA Quarterly Newsletter.
Theodore, J. L., & Maloney, T. (Fall 2013). Chapter News. Westchester Chapter. NYMHCA Quarterly Newsletter.
Theodore, J. L., & Maloney, T. (Summer 2013). Chapter News! Westchester Chapter. NYMHCA Quarterly Newsletter.
Theodore, J. L., & Maloney, T. (Spring 2013). Chapter News: Westchester Chapter. NYMHCA Quarterly Newsletter.
Theodore, J. L., & Maloney, T. (Fall 2012). Chapter Reports: Westchester Chapter Updates. NYMHCA Newsletter.
Maloney, T., & Theodore, J. L. (February 2012). Chapter Reports: Westchester Chapter Updates. NYMHCA Newsletter.
Theodore, J. L., & Maloney, T. (Fall 2011). Regional Chapter News: The Westchester NYMHCA Chapter. NYMHCA Newsletter.
Maloney, T., & Theodore, J. L. (Winter 2011). Regional Chapter News: Westchester NYMHCA Interest Group. NYMHCA Newsletter, Vol. 12., p. 8.
Theodore, J.L., & LaRuffa, G.M. (August 7, 2020). Teaching differential diagnosis via classroom role-play using a neuropsychological testing model. Poster presented at the 128th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association (virtual conference).
Theodore, J.L. (August 10, 2018). Teaching graduate students how to clinically address varied symptoms of psychosis via role-play. Poster presented at the 126th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA.
Theodore, J.L., & Macchia, J.M. (August 5, 2016). Learning assessment, treatment and prevention of suicidality via role-play. Poster presented at the 124th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Denver.
Theodore, J.L., & Macchia, J.M. (April 1, 2016). Using the Transtheoretical Model for classroom-based clinical role-play of substance abuse treatment. Oral presentation of paper at the 30th Annual Conference on the Teaching of Psychology, Tarrytown, N.Y.
Theodore, J.L., & Macchia, J.M. (March 4, 2016). Classroom role-play of smoking cessation treatment using the Transtheoretical Model. Poster presented at the 87th Annual Convention of the Eastern Psychological Association, New York.
Theodore, J.L., Shidlo, A., & Macchia, J.M. (August 8, 2015). Gay-affirmative counseling and changes in depression among men with internalized homophobia. Poster presented at the 123rd Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Toronto.
Theodore, J.L., & Macchia, J.M. (March 28, 2015). Teaching students SOAP and DAP note construction via clinical role-play. Oral presentation of paper at the 29th Annual Conference on the Teaching of Psychology, Tarrytown, N.Y.
Theodore, J.L. (August 7, 2014). A study of criterion-related validity for the Multi-Axial Gay Men's Inventory (MAGI). Poster presented at the 122nd Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C.
Theodore, J.L. (April 4, 2014). Teaching clinical treatment planning and client negotiation skills via role-play. Oral presentation of paper at the 28th Annual Conference on the Teaching of Psychology, Tarrytown, N.Y.
Theodore, J.L. (July 25, 2013). Helping undergraduate students understand neuropsychological test selection via role-play. Oral presentation of paper at the 4th Vancouver International Conference on the Teaching of Psychology, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
Theodore, J.L. (March 2, 2013). Teaching psychology students how to create clinical treatment plans via role-play. Poster presented at the 84th Annual Convention of the Eastern Psychological Association, New York.
Theodore, J.L. (August 4, 2012). Teaching skills of individual psychotherapy to graduate psychology students via role-play. Poster presented at the 120th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Orlando, Fla.
Theodore, J.L. (July 29, 2011). Teaching clinical skills to psychology students via role-play. Oral presentation of paper at the 3rd Vancouver International Conference on the Teaching of Psychology, Vancouver, British Columbia: Canada.
Theodore, J.L., Shidlo, A., Hamid, S., LaSala, A. (August 12, 2010). Validity testing of an internalized homophobia instrument via regression analyses. Poster presented at the 118th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, San Diego.
Johnston, B.E., Theodore, J.L., LaSala, A., D’Angelo, K., Tinsman, R. (July 19, 2010). Intervention to improve diagnosis of syphilis. Poster presented at the XVIII International AIDS Conference, Vienna.
Johnston, B.E., Theodore, J.L., LaSala, A., D’Angelo, K., Tinsman, R. (July 19, 2010). Factors associated with syphilis relapse/reinfection or development of neuro- or systemic syphilis. Poster presented at the XVIII International AIDS Conference, Vienna.
Theodore, J.L. (March 19, 2010). Group counseling role-play in the classroom. Oral presentation of paper at the 24th Annual Conference on the Teaching of Psychology, Tarrytown, N.Y.
Theodore, J.L., Shidlo, A., Hamid, S. (August 6, 2009). Factor analysis of an internalized homophobia instrument. Poster presented at the 117th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Toronto.
Theodore, J.L. (March 21, 2009). Simulation of initial assessments in classroom settings via role-play. Oral presentation of paper at the 23rd Annual Conference on the Teaching of Psychology, Tarrytown, N.Y.
Theodore, J.L., & Koegel, H.M. (May, 2001). Depression, risky sexual behavior, and HIV-prevention counseling among gay men. Poster presented at the 64th Annual Convention of the New York State Psychological Association, Albany, N.Y.
Simoni, J.M., Cooperman, N.A., Ortiz, M.Z., Goodry, E., Theodore, J.L., & Liker, E.M. (August, 1999). Stressors and strengths among women living with HIV/AIDS. Poster presented at the 4th International Conference of the Biopsychosocial Aspects of HIV, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
Spano, C.M., Johr, G., Theodore, J.L., & Simoni, J. (August, 1999). Drug use and sexual safety among HIV positive women. Poster presented at the 107th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Boston.
Swencionis, C., Theodore, J., Cimino, C., Peters, M., & Wylie-Rosett, J. (August, 1999). Types of relapse in diet and exercise in weight control. Poster presented at the 107th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Boston.