My Iona


The Counseling Center provides outreach to the campus community as experts in the field of college mental health by providing the campus with resources, guidance and consultation. Outreach will occur in available direct to student pathways and indirectly through the campus community.

The Counseling Center provides a variety of interactive, innovative, and engaging programs on mental health topics most important to university life. Areas of expertise include suicide prevention, mental health and well-being, interpersonal violence prevention, and substance abuse prevention. Call us to collaborate on an event or arrange a visit to a class or event!

Requesting Outreach

Requests for outreach must be submitted with a minimum of two weeks advance notice for planned events. For other events occurring in response to world/community/campus events/incidents, please submit the request at your earliest convenience. During periods of high demand or lack of expertise on a particular subject, we regret that we will not be able to meet all requests. In those situations, every effort will be made to provide information and referral to external resources. Please complete with as much detail as possible to ensure a timely response. Incomplete requests will be returned for completion before review.

Request an Outreach Program

Contact Us

Counseling Center

Spellman Hall, Room 4-203 (second floor)

The Counseling Center is staffed in person Monday-Friday, 9 a.m.–5 p.m., on all dates that University offices are open. Call us at (914) 633-2038 or stop in during walk-in hours.

Academic Year Walk-in Hours: Monday-Thursday, 10 a.m. -  3 p.m., on a first-come, first-served basis. When classes are not in session or during breaks and summer sessions, please call the Counseling Center (at 914) 633-2038 to schedule a time that is convenient for you.

After Hours Counseling: Students can speak to a counselor after hours by calling the Counseling Center at (914) 633-2038. This number is answered 24/7, 365 days a year.

Instagram: @ionacounselingcenter

(914) 633-2038 (914) 633-2038