My Iona

Support for Pregnancy and Related Conditions

Iona University is committed to creating a welcoming, accessible, and inclusive environment for pregnant and parenting students, as well as students experiencing pregnancy related conditions.

Title IX prohibits discrimination based on sex in education programs or activities including academic, educational, extracurricular, athletic, and other programs or activities of schools. This prohibition includes discrimination against pregnant or parenting students. If you feel that you have been subject to discrimination based on your status as a pregnant or parenting student, or your experiencing of a pregnancy related condition (included, but not limited to, miscarriage, termination of pregnancy, or lactation), please contact the Title IX Coordinator, Jenn Lykins at or fill out our Sex-based Discrimination Form.

Reasonable Accommodations

Iona University is committed to providing a supportive environment for all students and employees, including those who are pregnant or experiencing pregnancy-related conditions. To help facilitate this, the University will provide reasonable accommodations to students and employees for pregnancy or related conditions.

Examples of reasonable accommodations may include: 

  • Excused absences 
  • Extra time on assignments 
  • Rescheduling exams missed due to pregnancy or childbirth 
  • Seating accommodations  
  • Considerations related to food, water, or restroom access 
  • Altering experiential requirements like clinical rotations, fieldwork, or internships 
  • Access to a clean and private lactation space on campus 

To request accommodations or to learn more about available options, please contact the Title IX Office at (914) 633-2455 or

Employees may reach out to human resources at