My Iona

Password Station

What is Password Station?

Password Station is a self-service utility that allows users to change, reset and unlock their computer password. Your computer username and password are used to access numerous online services such as the MyIona Single Sign-On System, Office 365, Blackboard, PeopleSoft, and many others. The Password Station account can be activated right after the user receives their username and temporary password.

Important Note:
If you have forgotten your password or have been locked out of your account, you will need to be able to receive a randomly generated authorization code to your cell phone or email address and answer your security questions in order to gain access to your account.

  1. Go to
  2. In the User ID box type in your Iona computer id. Check the box next to 'I'm not a robot.' If the checkbox changes into a green checkmark, click on the 'I Agree' button. If it does not a new window may open asking you to enter text from an image, select images that meet a criteria, etc., follow the instructions and click on the 'Verify' button. Now click the 'I Agree' button.
  3. At the “You must first Enroll to use Password Station" screen, click on the 'Continue' button.
  4. At the “Primary Domain Logon Verification” screen, type in your Iona University computer password and click on the 'Continue' button.
  5. You will now see the first “Enrollment” screen. Choose three security questions from the drop down lists. These security questions will be asked in the future when you reset or manage your Iona computer account. Answer the three questions using all lowercase, one word answers. Click on the 'Continue' button.
  6. You will now see the screen for the second step of the “Enrollment” process.  You will have the choice to enroll your cell phone to receive a text message (preferred method) or a personal email address. Follow the appropriate step below:
    • SMS Text (Preferred Option): Please select the appropriate country from the drop-down list.  Next, select your mobile carrier from the drop-down list. In the Mobile box please enter your cell phone number using the following format: 999-999-9999. Next click on the 'Send Authentication Code Now' button. A text message will be sent to your cell phone. Type the code that appears in that text message in the 'Authentication Code' box. Click on the 'Continue' button.
    • Personal Email: Enter your personal email into the 'Email Address' box. The software product will send you an email any time your account is accessed via Password Station. The email will come from Next click on the 'Send Authentication Code Now' button. An email will be sent to your email account with a code. Type the code into the 'Authentication Code' box. Click on the 'Continue' button.

Congratulations!  You have completed your enrollment in Password Station.

  1. Navigate your browser to
  2. Enter your Iona computer id in the ‘User ID’ field.
  3. Check the box next to 'I'm not a robot.' The checkbox should change into a green checkmark. If it does not a new window may open asking you to enter text from an image, select images that meet a criteria, etc., follow the instructions and click on the 'Verify' button.
  4. Click the ‘I Agree’ button.
  5. Click the ‘Change Password’ icon.
  6. Enter your current Iona computer password into the ‘Old Password’ field.
  7. Enter your new computer password. Passwords:
    • cannot be reused
    • are case sensitive (i.e. a capital A is different from lower case a)
    • cannot contain any part of your first and/or last name
    • must be a minimum of eleven characters long
    • must contain a letter (A,B,C etc)
    • must contain a symbol (#,$,@, etc)
    • must contain a number (1,2,3 etc). .
  8. Enter your new computer password in the Confirm area.
  9. Click the ‘Continue’ button to submit your new password.