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Payment Agreement Terms

I understand that when I register for any class or any service from Iona University, I accept full responsibility to pay all tuition, fees, and other associated costs assessed as a result of my registration and/or receipt of services. I promise to pay Iona University the sum of the amounts incurred by my student account, including but not limited to tuition, room and board, student fees, bookstore charges, and parking fees and fines.

I further understand and agree that my registration and acceptance of these terms constitutes a promissory note agreement, a financial obligation in the form of an educational loan as defined by the U.S. Bankruptcy Code at 11 U.S.C. §523(a)(8), in which Iona University is providing me educational services, deferring some or all of my payment obligation for those services, and I promise to pay for all assessed tuition, fees, and other associated costs by the published or assigned due date.

I understand and agree that if I drop or withdraw from some or all of the classes for which I register, I will be responsible for paying all or a portion of tuition and fees in accordance with the published tuition refund schedule. When dropping classes, I acknowledge that my change in this term’s credit load may affect my enrollment status and eligibility for financial aid awards, loans, and other aid. I will consult with Student Financial Services and/or other lenders to determine the impact.

A non-refundable monthly late fee of $105 will be assessed for any past due balance.

Payment for all summer and winter intersession classes is due at the time of registration and in any event no later than the day web registration closes.

E-bills are issued monthly, and students are responsible for monitoring their student account and making payments for charges incurred that are due, but not yet billed.

Collection Agency Fees

I understand and accept that if I fail to pay my account bill or any monies due and owing Iona University by the scheduled due date, and fail to make acceptable payment arrangements to bring my account current, Iona University may refer my delinquent account to a collection agency. I further understand that if Iona University refers my account balance to a third party for collection, a collection fee will be assessed and will be due in full at the time of the referral to the third party. The collection fee will be calculated at the maximum amount permitted by applicable law, but not to exceed 33.3% of the amount outstanding. For purposes of this provision, the third party may be a debt collection company or an attorney. If a lawsuit is filed to recover an outstanding balance, I shall also be responsible for any costs associated with the lawsuit such as court costs or other applicable costs. Finally, I understand that my delinquent account may be reported to one or more of the national credit bureaus.

Updated: December 14, 2021