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Parental Notification Policy

It is the policy of Iona University and its respective offices that, in the event of a serious medical and/or mental health incident, and/or violation of the University’s policy on the use of drugs and alcohol, the University reserves the right to notify the student’s parent(s) and/or guardian(s). Should such an incident occur and the conditions are appropriate, the student will be encouraged to inform their parents with the support and assistance of Student Life administrators. If the student refuses or is unable to notify their parent(s) and/or guardian(s), a College official will take the responsibility of providing the appropriate notification. The Dean of Students or their designee, in consultation with appropriate University officials, will determine the necessity of administering the call. Parents will also be notified if a student violates the University’s policy on drugs and alcohol. Parents/guardians may be notified of alleged conduct in accordance with college policies, including but not limited to the Alcohol policy and CARE team guidelines.