Parent and Family Giving
Welcome to the Gael family!
As a parent, you hold a significant role in the Iona University community. Behind every Iona student are amazing parents and families like yours. Your dedication and support are the cornerstones of our students' success.
We invite you to explore how you can help make a difference in the lives of Iona students and become an engaged member of our Gael family.
Support Your Student's Iona Experience
Throughout Iona's history, generous contributions from family, friends, and alumni have driven our institution's growth and success. You can help carry this legacy forward by supporting today's students through the Parent and Family Fund. Your contributions provide immediate-use funding that goes to work for students and the University today. This support enables Iona to respond to new opportunities and funding needs related to:
- Academic programs
- State-of-the-art facilities
- Extracurricular activities
- Career readiness initiatives
- Scholarships and financial aid

We value your involvement in our community. To get started, please fill out our Family Contact Form. Use this form to indicate your interests and how you'd like to get involved. Whether through philanthropic support, volunteering, or sharing your professional expertise, your engagement helps make a difference in the lives of Iona students.
We invite you to watch this video testimonial featuring a current Iona parent who shares the impact Iona has made on his family and the importance of supporting our university community.
Pathway to Parent and Family Giving
You can optimize your philanthropic impact at Iona University by structuring the size and complexity of your giving each year in relation to your student’s experiences and passion.
This guide outlines a giving strategy popular among Iona parents and families.
The First Step
Take the first step in supporting Iona University by making your inaugural contribution to the Parent and Family Fund.
Annual Contributions
Increase your annual contributions to the Parent and Family Fund in subsequent years.
Your Student's Experience
Add your support through giving to programs and priorities according to your student's experiences and interests.
Signature Gift
Leave a lasting mark on Iona by making your signature gift, investing in programs and priorities that honor your student's education and journey.
Ongoing Support
Sustain your impact with ongoing support for Iona, directing your contributions towards areas that resonate with your interests and passions.
Get Involved Today!
Contact Us
The Office of Advancement is here to help our parent and family community connect, stay informed, and get involved.
Gary Grant
Senior Vice President for Advancement & External Affairs
(914) 637-2412