President's Cabinet

Seamus Carey

Seamus Carey, Ph.D.

MaryEllen Callaghan

MaryEllen Callaghan
Senior Vice President for Graduate Admissions and Board Secretary

John DeMelis

John DeMelis, MBA, CPA
Dean of the LaPenta School of Business

Kavita R. Dhanwada

Kavita R. Dhanwada, Ph.D.
Founding Dean of the NewYork-Presbyterian Iona School of Health Sciences

Jason Diffenderfer

Jason Diffenderfer
Senior Director of Institutional Effectiveness & Planning

Susan G. Fiore

Susan G. Fiore
General Counsel

Matt Glovaski

Matt Glovaski
Director of Athletics

Gary Grant

Gary B. Grant
Senior Vice President of Advancement & External Affairs

Nathaniel J. Kane

Nathaniel J. Kane
Senior Vice President for Finance & Administration

Tricia Mulligan

Tricia Mulligan, Ph.D.
Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs

James Mustich

James Mustich
Senior Advisor to the President

Kevin O'Sullivan

Kevin O’Sullivan
Senior Vice President for Enrollment and Student Affairs

Mary Clare Reilley

Mary Clare Reilley
Chief of Staff and Senior Vice President for University Marketing & Communications

Michael J. Smeriglio

Michael J. Smeriglio 
Senior Vice President for Facilities & Campus Operations

Denise Smith

Denise Smith
Vice President of Human Resources

Joseph Stabile

Joseph Stabile, Ph.D.
Dean, School of Arts & Science

Christoph Winkler

Christoph Winkler, Ph.D.
Endowed Professor and Founding Program Director, Hynes Institute for Entrepreneurship & Innovation

President's Staff

Laura Prostano
Executive Assistant to the President

Phone: (914) 633-2203