Gabelli Center for Teaching & Learning

A Keystone of Institutional Commitment

Iona’s Gabelli Center for Teaching & Learning (GCTL) is envisioned as a catalyst for educational growth in people, pedagogy, and programs—a vibrant hub for institutional innovation, faculty development, and the promotion of student success.

As Iona meets the opportunities inherent in an evolving educational landscape, we continue to evolve with it and incorporate rapidly emerging technologies such as Artificial Intelligence into the classroom.

Iona’s mission-driven dedication to the transformative powers of teaching and learning continues to remain paramount and is reflected in this exciting initiative. Founded in 2024 through the generosity of Marc Gabelli and the EMG Madonna Foundation, the GCTL advances Iona’s leadership in Catholic education both on campus and off.

Teaching and Learning Hub

Even in a world of endless virtual spaces, the power of physically convening and the energy of face-to-face collaboration cannot be underestimated.

Our interim Teaching and Learning Hub, located on the first floor of Ryan Library, is a focal point for conversation, shared resources, and technological support.

The picture and renderings below showcase what will be the Center’s permanent home: a redesigned suite of meeting rooms and collaboration spaces located steps away from the North Avenue main entrance.

Explore Resources for Catholic Educators

Artist rendering of the Gabelli Center for Teaching & Learning.

The Gabelli Center for Teaching & Learning will be a vibrant hub for institutional innovation, faculty development, and the promotion of student success.

Artist rendering of the Teaching and Learning Hub.

The Teaching and Learning Hub will be a focal point for conversation, shared resources, and technological support.

Artist rendering of the Center for Teaching & Learning with chairs and desks.

Throughout the academic year, GCTL will sponsor workshops, seminars and speaker series.

Gabelli Certa Scholars Program

The Gabelli Certa Scholars Program provides Catholic schools in the tri-state area with a pipeline of well-prepared, passionate educators committed to teaching in K-12 Catholic schools. 

Open to students with and without prior teaching backgrounds, this 30-credit program provides academically rigorous, spiritually rich experiences for early career professionals exploring a vocation in Catholic education.

Utilizing a cohort-based model, students complete the program within 2-3 years by taking 15 credits each year while working or teaching in an urban Catholic school. As they work towards their master’s degree, students receive free graduate tuition and an immersive experience of teaching and learning through partnerships with Catholic schools in the region. With the Gabelli Center for Teaching & Learning, the program further drives Iona's commitment towards Catholic educational excellence in the New York community.  

Our first pair of Certa Scholars have been placed in local high schools:

  • Melanie Erikson, Cardinal Spellman
  • Gabriella Khan, Salesian High School

Explore Iona’s graduate education programs

For more information about the Gabelli Certa Scholars Program, please contact Shantell Smith at  

A Catholic school teacher at the head of the class.
Dr. Lee performing research in her lab with two computers.

Faculty Development

As part Iona’s commitment to faculty development, the Gabelli Center for Teaching & Learning is proud to sponsor a number of Presidential Fellowships each year to fund research and innovation on various major topics, with associated grants to additional faculty in support of these pursuits. 

2024-2025 Fellows


Collaborative Inquiry and Thought Leadership

Throughout the academic year, the Center sponsors workshops, seminars, and speaker series drawing on Iona’s internal pool of talent as well as outside resources to advance its mission and promote interdisciplinary cooperation.

The GCTL also hosts conferences that bring together educators, technologists, and business and policy leaders to share Iona’s initiatives and innovations and to facilitate the exchange of ideas and innovations addressing the challenges of teaching and learning in the 21st century.

Explore Upcoming Events

Presidential Speaker Series

AI@Iona Calendar

Faculty interacting with each other.