Student Outcome Data

Employment Rates: Number and percentage of CSD graduates who have been employed in the profession within one year of graduation.
Academic Year Number of Graduates Percent of Graduates
2020-2021 23 100%
2021-2022 31 97%
2022-2023 29 97%
Program Completion Rates: Program completion rate for graduate students in the last year in relation to Iona University’s published expectation for length of time for students to complete the degree, based on enrollment data.
Academic Year Number of Students Completing Program within Expected Time Frame Number of Students Completing Program Later than Expected Number of Students Not Completing Program Completion Rate
2020-2021 23 0 2 91%
2021-2022 28 3 1 97%
2022-2023 27 4 0 100%
Praxis Examination Pass Rates: Praxis examination pass rates for the past year for graduates of the CSD program.
Academic Year Number of Students Taking Praxis Exam Number of Students Who Passed Praxis Exam Pass Rate
2020-2021 23 23 100%
2021-2022 29 24 83%
2022-2023 24 22 92%