My Iona

Catalog of Blackboard Ultra Training Workshops

These training workshops are intended to serve as faculty resources for transitioning to and optimizing course delivery in Blackboard Ultra. All courses will be in Blackboard Ultra by spring 2025.

  1. Building a New Course in Blackboard Ultra: Join Faculty Services as we go over, step by step, how to build a new course from scratch in the Blackboard Ultra interface. Learn how to use course modules to organize your course, how to use universal design principles, and even how to use Blackboard’s powerful AI tools to construct your course.
  2. Optimizing Your Blackboard Ultra Course Site: Course newly converted to Blackboard Ultra? Want to know where to begin with Ultra’s new features and navigation? Join Faculty Services as we go over the basics of using Blackboard Ultra, and highlight some new features that may help you maximize your course’s potential in Ultra.
  3. Blackboard Ultra Gradebook: Join Iona’s Faculty Services team as we showcase how to use the Gradebook in Blackboard Ultra to reflect your syllabus’s unique grading scheme and organize your tests, assignments, and other evaluation tools.
  4. Universal Design for Learning and Quality Matters: Best Practices and Paradigms for Building Courses in Blackboard Ultra: Our Iona librarians and ambassador faculty have attended courses on Universal Design for Learning, and Quality Matters, two frameworks that provide guidance on best practices for accessibility in the classroom and in online courses. Now, we bring that expertise back to you. Iona faculty will learn to design courses for all learners, and to meet the highest standards of accessibility.

Faculty Services is also available to consult one-on-one with faculty designing courses in Ultra. Please contact Aidan Callahan ( to schedule your consultation with a member of our Faculty Services team.