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Paid Prenatal Leave

Effective January 1, 2025, Iona will provide employees with 20 hours of prenatal personal leave during any 52-week calendar period under paid prenatal leave law. Paid prenatal leave is in addition to other existing sick leave. The leave may be taken for health care services such as physical examinations, medical procedures, monitoring and testing, discussions with health care providers related to pregnancy, end of pregnancy care, and fertility treatments. Paid prenatal leave may be taken in and must be paid in one-hour increments. A spouse, partner, or other support person attending prenatal appointments with a pregnant person is not able to use paid prenatal leave for these appointments. The law does not state employees must work for a specified period of time before being eligible for prenatal leave. Iona will not pay an employee for unused paid prenatal leave upon termination, resignation, or other separation from employment.

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