Iona University Follett ACCESS Program
Iona University has partnered with Follett to ensure every student has every book needed for every class, by the first day of class. Our faculty will provide their course material selections to Follett, who in turn will prepare all books and course materials so they are available in Blackboard, accessible to you and ready to go for the first day of class. There is enough to think about when starting a new term – Follett ACCESS allows you to check “books” off your list right from the start. No need to worry about getting the right edition or shipping delays, and since the costs are clear to see on your invoice as “Books and Course Materials,” there are no hidden fees or surprises later. And with Follett’s relationships with publishers and bulk purchasing, you can rest easy knowing you’re getting the best pricing for your course materials.
For undergraduate students registered for 12 or more credits, the cost is $375 per term. Undergraduate students taking 11 credits or less are charged $25 per credit. Graduate students and “bridge” high school students are also charged $25 per credit.
For students with term financial aid and payments in excess of tuition and fees and other charges (CAP, Food & Housing), the book charges can be covered with remaining financial aid.
Please note, some course material items may not be covered due to licensing restrictions. In this case, please contact the Iona Campus Store so they can assist.
High School Bridge and Visiting students must pay the books and materials fee at the point of registration.
Students receiving digital course materials through the Follett ACCESS program will receive an email from Follett. Your digital course materials can be accessed via the URLs provided in the email, and then on the first day of classes, they will also be available automatically in Blackboard. If you are picking up physical copies of books, you will receive an email from the Iona Campus Store with the date and time they will be ready for pick-up.
Students taking courses with physical course materials, and who would like those course materials shipped to their preferred address, can do so by adding the ACCESS shipping fee to their cart for a $10.00 charge. To have your items shipped, click here.
If you add a class to your schedule, look for an email from Follett letting you know that your digital materials are available, or in the case of physical materials, when they are ready to be picked up at the Iona Campus Store.
If you drop the course from your schedule on or prior to the last day of the add/drop period for this term (check the academic calendar here), digital materials will be removed from Blackboard. Return any physical books or materials to the Iona Campus Store before the end of the add/drop period to avoid being charged the retail value.
Recommended course materials that are not required by the instructor and course related supplies will not appear on your tuition bill and are not included under the “Books and Course Materials” line. For example, items like notebooks, goggles and calculators would not be included. Visit the Iona Campus Store website to see all they have to offer!
You have the choice to opt out of the Follett ACCESS program for the term and purchase your course materials elsewhere. Students who do not want to participate in the ACCESS program can opt out using the opt-out portal no later than the last day of the add/drop period. The opt-out portal is available 30 days prior to the start of each term. You can view the academic calendar here. You will need to use your campus email address and create a password to sign in to the portal. Remember to opt out for each term that you do not want to participate. All students are automatically enrolled in the program every term, even if they opted out in previous terms.
If you do not opt out before the deadline, you will be charged for course materials that are made available to you through the ACCESS program.
When opting out, you are opting out for your entire term schedule. You cannot opt out of individual courses. Once a waiver is submitted, the charge will be reversed from the student account within 3-4 business days.
Digital materials are removed from Blackboard at the end of the term – you don’t need to do a thing! Physical books do not need to be returned; speak to the campus store manager for information about textbooks eligible for buy-back.
For questions about access to Blackboard, please contact the Help Desk at
(914) 633-2635 or
For questions about access to digital materials through Blackboard, returns/cancels, opt-outs and pick-ups, please contact the Iona Campus Store manager at
(914) 633-2356 or
For questions about billing, please contact Student Financial Services at
(914) 633-2497 or