Iona University Club Sports Handbook


Club Sports are formed by groups of students with a common interest in sport and recreation who collectively organize and participate in activities. Most teams participate in established leagues and compete against other colleges and universities; however, Club Sports can be instructional or recreational in nature. This gives students an opportunity to participate in a sport they love (or one that they are brand new to) and also have time to participate in other areas of student life. All recognized Club Sports are supervised by the Club Sport Department. If you are interested in joining one of our Club Sport teams or in starting a new Club Sport, please feel free to contact the Director of Club Sports, or by visiting the Club Sports website.


The Club Sport program strives to develop our student leaders by promoting values of inclusion, wellness, teamwork and leadership through participation in competitive sport. The program is committed to providing, through co-curricular programming. an educational experience in which participation in Club Sports serve to enhance the development of the students learning, spirituality, and character development. 


The primary purpose of the Club Sports Program is to provide an outlet for students based around common interests, as well as helping to develop a feeling of belonging and understanding between individuals. Club sports offer a balance for students who have the desire to play the games they love and miss the competition, but still need to maintain their GPA’s and participate in other social activities. Club Sports focus on three main areas

  1. Competitiveness – students who are looking for the competitive aspect of the activity.
  2. Educational – students who are looking to either learn the sport for the first time or further develop their skills.
  3. Social – students who are looking for a social setting to get to know other students who have similar interests.


Membership and Eligibility:  The Club Sports program at Iona University is a nondiscriminatory, equal opportunity organization and strictly adheres to all University equal opportunity and non-discrimination policies. Club Sport programs are open to all Iona University students. Student(s) interested in forming a new club sport, should contact the Director of Club Sports. The Director of Club Sports after reviewing the surrounding market, facilities, interest and viability for the program will present the recommendation to the Dean of Students. The Dean of Students will then present to the Vice President for Enrollment and Student Activities who will determine the final decision.


All students must be current full-time undergraduate students and in good academic standing at Iona University. All students must be enrolled and maintain full-time status (12 credits). Each student must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 and adhere to the policies defined in the Iona University Student Handbook. Finally, all students must be cleared via the Club Sports Medical process which is conducted by the Club Sports Athletic Trainer. 


All medical forms must be completed in their entirety and signed properly before any club sport             student will be allowed to practice and compete. In the event a team member is injured during competition, either practice or game, the following individuals must be notified as soon as possible by the Head Coach: Campus Safety, Director of Club Sports, Athletic Training Staff. 


Any club sports student who is severely injured during a game or practice must be cleared by the Club Sports Athletic Trainer. Coaches and or players are not allowed to clear an athlete. 


Iona University strives to be leaders both on campus and throughout the community. All Club Sport teams will be encouraged to participate in at least one community service project each year. The community service project must be approved by the Director of Club Sports and comply with Iona University's overall guidelines and mission.


Iona University Club Sports coaching staff and team members are expected to conduct themselves accordingly as stated in the Club Sports Mission statement and abide by the guidelines in the student handbook as well as the best interest of the University. All team members and coaches must exhibit the highest form of Sportsmanship to officials, opposing teams, opposing teams and spectators. Any violation of the code of conduct, behavior is subject to discipline as deemed appropriate by the Director of Club Sports and/or the Dean of Students.


Hazing in any form is strictly prohibited and applies to actions on and off campus. Disciplinary sanctions could include fines, probation, suspension or expulsion on specific individual or the entire Club Sport team if deemed necessary.


All transportation to games and events is scheduled by the Club Sports Department. Teams will also have shuttles to Bronxville and New Rochelle Campuses.

Club Sports Department Administration

  • Director of Club Sports
  • Coordinator of Recreation and Intramurals 
  • Club Sports Athletic Trainer

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