My Iona

Commencement 2024

Join us as we continue to celebrate the Class of 2024!

Article IV: University Conduct Board

The University Conduct Board will consist of three or five individuals assigned to hear a conduct case from a pool of eight eligible members. The pool of eligible Conduct Board members will consist of: four student members, three faculty/administrator members and a non-voting Chair. The administrative members will be appointed by the Vice Provost for Student Life or their designee.

The four student members shall be chosen by student election as set forth under the Student Government Association by-laws, and no student member may be a member of the Student Government Association Legislative or Executive Boards. The three faculty/administrative members shall be appointed by the Vice Provost for Student Life or designee and approved by the Office of the Provost. The Non-voting Chair shall be appointed by the Vice Provost for Student Life or designee. The Conduct Board members selected to hear a conduct case will include at least one student member, except in cases involving allegations of violations of sexual misconduct and related offenses. In these matters the process will follow University, state and federal guidelines such as Title IX and the NYS 129B Enough is Enough legislation.

The University Conduct Board shall have the power to determine responsibility for alleged violations in matters referred by the Vice Provost for Student Life or designee. The term of office for all Conduct Board members shall be from August 1 to July 30 of each academic year. Sitting Justices will continue to hear cases for which proceedings were begun prior to August 1 of the new academic year. Any Justice having a conflict of interest shall be required to recuse themselves from the hearing of the case.

The duties of the Non-Voting Chair shall be to preside over all hearings of the University Conduct Board and to vote only in case of a tie in any hearing of the University Conduct Board.

Conduct Board proceedings will follow the established procedures of the Conduct Board, reviewed on an annual basis and approved by the Vice Provost of Student Life. All University Conduct Board hearings shall be conducted in closed session, and privacy must be maintained at all times. All decisions of the University Conduct Board shall be determined by majority vote and referred to the Vice Provost for Student Life or designee for notification of outcome and for imposing sanctions, if appropriate. The accused student may appeal any decision of the University Conduct Board to the Vice Provost for Student Life within seven business days after notification of the decision of the University Conduct Board.

University Conduct Board hearings shall be recorded and maintained as part of the student’s educational record. Any participant in the Court hearing may request an official transcript of the hearing be taken. The party who makes the request must bear the total cost of this service. The request of an official transcript must be made at the time of the notice of a Conduct Board hearing. The University will then secure the services of a court stenographer to supply the requested service. The fee will include all charges for services provided by the court stenographer to record and transcribe the minutes of the hearing.