Diversity, Cross-Cultural and Global Perspectives
All Iona University students are required to take three courses in the areas of Language, Human Diversity, and Global Perspectives. One course must be in a world language (contemporary or classical) and one course must be in Human Diversity. The third course can either be a language course in the same language, or a course in Global Perspectives. A second course in language must be the same language as and at a higher level than the first course. Either the Human Diversity or Global Perspectives course must be from a Humanities discipline (ENG/FLA/HST/PHL/RST).
The Human Diversity area will address the complex, rich, and deeply textured manifestations of diversity in our communities and surrounding social contexts. Courses in this area may examine: the history, causes, and consequences of racism of different types; the principles of socio-economic class; religion; disability; ethnicity; and sex and gender, as just a few examples. Courses may also seek to interrogate the structural inequalities that harm people and prevent the full flourishing of human communities and cultures.
Courses satisfying the Language area will introduce students to the grammatical and linguistic structures of a language as well as the cultural contexts in which languages work, grow, and change.
Courses satisfying the Global Perspectives area will seek to understand major topics, issues, and controversies outside the limits of national borders, and engage students in thinking within and beyond their own experiences to those of communities, identities, and cultural groups around the world.
International students may consult with the Center for Advising if they have questions about the Core language requirement. Students with appropriate documentation may fulfill the language requirement usually through the completion of an additional Diversity or Global Perspectives course. Students seeking a language substitution should consult with the Advising Center.
Choose one (1) course:
Course Number | Course Name |
FRE 150 | Beginning French Culture Through Conversation I |
FRE 151 | Beginning French Culture Through Conversation II |
FRE 250 | Intermediate French Culture Through Conversation II |
FRE 251 | Intermediate French Culture Through Conversation II |
FRE 305 | Advanced Composition I |
FRE 307 | Advanced Conversation I |
GER 150 | Beginning German Culture Through Conversation |
ITA 150 | Beginning Italian Culture Through Conversation I |
ITA 151 | Beginning Italian Culture through Conversation II |
ITA 250 | Intermediate Italian Culture Through Conversation I |
ITA 251 | Intermediate Italian Culture Through Conversation II |
ITA 305 | Advanced Italian Composition I |
ITA 307 | Advanced Italian Conversation I |
JPN 103 | Elementary Japanese |
JPN 203 | Intermediate Japanese |
LAT 103 | Elementary Latin I |
LAT 203 | Intermediate Latin |
SCS 108 | Introduction to American Sign Language [non-language DCCG prior to AY 21-22] |
SCS 109 | American Sign Language and Deaf Culture [non-language DCCG prior to AY 21-22] |
SPA 107 | Spanish for Health Care Professions |
SPA 150 | Beginning Hispanic Culture through Conversation I |
SPA 151 | Beginning Hispanic Culture through Conversation II |
SPA 250 | Intermediate Hispanic Culture Through Conversation I |
SPA 251 | Intermediate Hispanic Culture Through Conversation II |
SPA 255 | Conducting Business in Hispanic Cultures |
SPA 304 | Spanish for Hispanics |
SPA 305 | Advanced Spanish Composition I |
SPA 307 | Advanced Spanish Conversation I |
Choose one (1) course:
Course Number | Course Name |
BST 101 | Black Cultural Identity, Past & Present |
BST 255 | Jazz: Music, Race, Politics, and American Culture (cross-listed with FPA 255) |
EDU 210 | An Introduction to Special Education |
ENG 352 | Shifting Selves |
ENG 372 | Multicultural Writers of America |
ENG 373 | African American Literature I |
ENG 374 | African American Literature II |
ENG 379 | Diversity in Children's and Young Adult Literature |
ENG 384 | Women’s Lives in Modern American Literature |
ENT 303 | Social Entrepreneurship, Civic Engagement & Community Development |
FPA 209 | Women in Music |
FPA 236 | History of Popular Music in America |
FPA 255 | Jazz: Music, Race, Politics, and American Culture (cross-listed with BST 255) |
FPA 260 | Jazz Dance: From Roots to Hip Hop and Beyond |
HST 209 | America's Recent Past |
HST 215 | Medieval Europe |
HST 216 | The History of Violence |
HST 217 | Ideologies and Empires in Nineteenth-Century Europe |
HST 218 | Conflict in Twentieth-Century Europe |
HST 304 | From Hamilton to Mickey Mouse: IP and Politics of Innovation in American History |
HST 310 | American Colonial History |
HST 311 | The American West |
HST 315 | Civil War and Reconstruction |
HST 316 | The Age of Revolution and Historical Memory |
HST 317 | Advanced Topics in the History of Violence |
HST 330 | The Art of Storytelling: Digital and Oral Tools |
HST 337 | The Immigrant Experience |
HST 351 | Europe, 1648-1799: The Age of Reason and Revolutions |
MSC 326 | Race, Gender & Class in Media |
POL 337 | Gender and Politics |
PSY 321 | Psychology of Human Sexuality |
RST 205 | Buddhist Wisdom |
RST 310 | The Religious Traditions of China |
RST 324 | Christian Sexual Ethics |
RST 326 | Theology of Christian Service |
RST 327 | The Holocaust and the Churches |
RST 330 | Women, Gender, and Religion |
RST 343 | Sufism: Traditions of Islamic Mysticism |
RST 345 | Sacred Music and Poetry |
RST 370 | Creative Peacemaking |
RST 401 | Jesus Around the World |
SCS 220 | Intercultural Communication |
SOC 202 | Science, Society & Self |
SOC 304 | Sociology of Health, Illness, & Medicine |
SOC 322 | Race and Ethnic Relations |
SOC 324 | Sex and Gender Roles in Modern Society |
SOC 372 | Sociology of Popular Culture |
SOW 2200 | Sustainability and Community: An Environmental Justice Perspective |
SOW 2210 | Introduction to Social Work |
SOW 2220 | Human Behavior and the Social Environment: Human Diversity (Department consent required to take this course) |
Course Number | Course Name |
BEC 325 | Dimensions of International Business |
BLW 415 | International Law and Business |
CRJ 360 | Terrorism |
ECO 300 | Comparative Economic Growth and Development |
ECO 416 | International Economics |
ENG 389 | Climate Change Literature |
ENG 444 | Post Colonial Literature |
FLM 362 | International Film |
FPA 202 | Music Appreciation |
FPA 212 | Art History: Prehistoric Era to the Middle Ages |
FPA 214 | Theatre for Social Justice |
FPA 225 | Theatre History: The Ancient Greek Theatre to The Renaissance |
FPA 226 | Theatre History: The Renaissance to the Modern Theatre |
FPA 237 | Music in World Cultures |
FPA 240 | Introduction to World Dance Forms |
GEO 305 | General World Geography |
HST 221 | The Modern Middle East: From the Rise of Nation States to ISIS |
HST 222 | History of East Asia (DCCG-Global Perspective) |
HST 223 | History of South Asia (DCCG-Global Perspective) |
HST 224 | The Emergence of Modern Latin America |
HST 225 | Africa in the Modern World |
HST 240 | A Semester at the Museum: History and Heritage Institutions from 1850 to the Present (HST and DCCG-Global Perspective) |
HST 250 | The Age of Iona: Celtic Monasticism from its Golden Age through the Viking Age (HST and DCCG-Global Perspective) |
HST 335 | Development of American Foreign Relations |
HST 336 | American Foreign Relations in the Modern Age |
HST 338 | The Vietnam Wars 1939-1998 |
HST 374 | Revolution in the Modern World |
HST 391 | China: From Confucianism to Communism |
HST 392 | Japan: From Ancient Myth to Constitutional Monarchy |
HST 393 | A History of India |
ITA 260 | Italian Civilization |
ITA 261 | Italian American Experience |
ITA 265 | Dante’s Inferno |
ITA 266 | Sinners and Saints: Dante’s Purgatorio and Paradiso |
ITA 350 | Italian Immigrant Literature |
MNG 414 | International Management |
MNG 415 | International Human Resource Management |
MSC 399 | International Media & Communication |
POL 203 | Introduction to Global Politics |
POL 347 | Comparative Politics: The Non-Western World |
POL 362 | International Relations |
POL 364 | International Law and Organizations |
POL 365 | Contemporary Global Politics |
POL 371 | Politics of Global Health |
POL 373 | Global Cities and the Environment |
RST 215 | Islam: History, Belief, and Practice |
RST 335 | Liberation Theologies in the Catholic Tradition and Beyond |