My Iona

Written and Oral Intensives Requirements

Requirements: 2 each

All Iona University students are required to complete two (2) Written Intensive (WI) and two (2) Oral Intensive (OI) courses as part of their degree requirements. A single course could be designated both WI and OI, and such a course would count toward both requirements! Neither the Columba Cornerstone nor ENG 120/ENG 122 fulfills this requirement.


Written Intensives
Course NumberCourse Name
BIO 102General Biology 2
BUS 240Principles of Marketing
BUS 410The Role of Business in Contemporary American Society
CHM 140Chemistry of Emotions
CHM 222Analytical Chemistry
CRJ 400Research Methods in Criminal Justice and Criminology
CRJ 440Profiling Violent Crimes
CS 481Software Project Development: Design
ECO 310Econometrics
ECO 409History of Economic Ideas
EDU 382An Integrated Approach to Teaching Language Arts
EDU 462Observation and Student Teaching for Adolescence Education, Grades 7-12
EDU 466Observation and Student Teaching at the Childhood Level
EDU 467Observation and Student Teaching at the Early Childhood and Childhood Level
ENG 314Introduction to Literary Studies
ENG 358Advanced Writing: Strategies and Skills
ENG 499Senior Seminar: Literature and Criticism
FPA 236History of Popular Music in America
HST 301The Study of History
HST 497History Capstone
IST 497Capstone in International Studies
ITA 260Italian Civilization
ITA 261Italian American Experience
ITA 265Dante’s Inferno
ITA 266Sinners and Saints: Dante’s Purgatorio and Paradiso
MSC 350Narrative Screenwriting
MSC 370Writing and Storytelling for Public Relations
MSC 496Seminar in Media and Strategic Communication
MTH 236Introduction to Proof
NUR 420Research and Evidence-Based Practice
PHY 101General Physics 1
PHY 105Earth Science
PHY 106General Astronomy
PHY 120Computer Music System
POL 338The Challenge of the 21st C: Autocracy vs. Democracy
POL 497Capstone in Political Science
PSY 321Psychology of Human Sexuality
PSY 390Research Methods for Psychology 1
PSY 412Social Psychology
PSY 441Developmental Psychology
PSY 491Research Methods for Psychology 2
RST 324Christian Sexual Ethics
RST 332Spirituality, Advocacy, and Activism
RST 343Sufism: Traditions of Islamic Mysticism
RST 370Creative Peacemaking
RST 404Catholic Creation Theology
RST 406Biomedical Ethics and the Christian Tradition
RST 450Senior Seminar
SCS 418Principles of Clinical Management in Speech-Language Pathology I
SCS 419Principles of Clinical Management in Speech-Language Pathology II
SOC 322Race and Ethnic Relations
SOC 450Senior Seminar
SOW 3200Research for Social Work Practice
Oral Intensives
Course NumberCourse Name
BIO 325Virology
BIO 450Biology Seminar
BUS 220Principles of Management
BUS 470Business Policy and Strategy
CHM 150Chemistry and the Nanoworld
CHM 328Inorganic, Organometallic and Nanomaterials Lab
CHM 450Seminar
CRJ 490Contemporary Issues in Criminal Justice
CS 481Software Project Development: Design
ECO 355The FED Challenge
ECO 370Environmental Economics and Sustainable Development
EDU 337Instruction & Assessment Strategies on the Secondary Level
EDU 380Constructing Literacy Portfolios for Effective Teaching
EDU 462Observation and Student Teaching for Adolescence Education, Grades 7-12
EDU 466Observation and Student Teaching at the Childhood Level
EDU 467Observation and Student Teaching at the Early Childhood and Childhood Level
ENG 315New Contexts and Voices in Literary Studies
ENG 499Senior Seminar: Literature and Criticism
ENT 200Introduction to Entrepreneurship & Innovation: Practice & Mindset
ENT 308How to Master Your Pitch and Other High Stakes Presentations
HST 301The Study of History
HST 497History Capstone
IST 497Capstone in International Studies
MSC 496Seminar in Media and Strategic Communication
NUR 430Leadership Development in Transitions to Professional Nursing
POL 338The Challenge of the 21st C: Autocracy vs. Democracy
POL 497Capstone in Political Science
PSY 331Industrial-Organizational Psychology
PSY 338History and Systems: Psychology of Learning
PSY 342Violence Toward the Self
PSY 445Hormones and Behavior
PSY 491Research Methods for Psychology 2
PSY 496Applied Practice in Psychology
RST 207Vatican II and Catholic Reform
RST 318Violence, Peace, and Social Justice (RST 209 OI credit through 18-19)
RST 335Liberation Theologies in the Catholic Tradition and Beyond
RST 345Note to Self: Sacred Music & Poetry
RST 412Environmental Ethics and Religion
SCS 101Introduction to Oral Communication
SCS 205Interpersonal Speech Communication
SCS 209Business and Professional Speaking
SCS 220Intercultural Communication
SCS 332Problems in Media Communication
SOW 3610Social Work Practicum Seminar I
SOW 4910Social Work Capstone
Courses that Fulfill Either the Written Intensive or the Oral Intensive requirement
Course NumberCourse Name
CS 481Software Project Development: Design
EDU 462Observation and Student Teaching for Adolescence Education, Grades 7-12
EDU 466Observation and Student Teaching at the Childhood Level
EDU 467Observation and Student Teaching at the Early Childhood and Childhood Level
ENG 499Senior Seminar: Literature and Criticism
HST 301The Study of History
HST 497History Capstone
IST 497Capstone in International Studies
MSC 496Seminar in Mass Communication
POL 338The Challenge of the 21st C: Autocracy vs. Democracy
POL 497Capstone in Political Science
PSY 491Research Methods for Psychology 2


Elena Procario-Foley

Elena G. Procario-Foley, Ph.D.

Director, Core Curriculum

Br. John G. Driscoll Professor of Jewish-Catholic Studies

Professor of Religious Studies