My Iona

Humanities Requirements

Required Credits: 15

All Iona University students are required to take one (1) 3-credit course each in Fine and Performing Arts, Literature, History, Philosophy and Religious Studies.

Courses marked with "(DCCG)" can be used to fulfill your Diversity, Cross-Cultural and Global Perspectives requirement.

Courses marked with "(WI)" and "(OI)" can be used to fulfill your Written and Oral Intensives requirement.

Choose one (1) course.

Fine And Performing Arts Core Course Choices
Choose 1
Course NumberCourse Name
FPA 200Art Appreciation
FPA 201Introduction to the Theatre, Theatre Elements
FPA 202Music Appreciation (DCCG-Global Perspective)
FPA 203Drawing and Painting I
FPA 205Introduction to the Theatre, Theatre Foundations
FPA 207Shakespeare in Performance
FPA 209Women in Music (DCCG-Human Diversity)
FPA 211Introduction to Sculpture
FPA 212Art History: The Prehistoric Era to the Middle Ages (DCCG-Global Perspective)
FPA 213Art History: Renaissance to Modern Art
FPA 214Theatre for Social Justice (DCCG-Global Perspective)
FPA 220Dance Appreciation
FPA 225Theatre History: Ancient Greek Theatre to the Renaissance (DCCG-Global Perspective)
FPA 226Theatre History: The Renaissance to the Modern Theatre (DCCG-Global Perspective)
FPA 229Introduction to Classical Acting
FPA 230Introduction to Acting
FPA 233Music of the Enlightenment and Age of Revolutions
FPA 235Music in Film and Video
FPA 236History of Popular Music in America (WI; DCCG-Human Diversity)
FPA 237Music in World Cultures (DCCG-Global Perspective)
FPA 238Music History: Medieval through Baroque
FPA 239Music History: Classical to Modern
FPA 240Introduction to World Dance Forms (DCCG-Global Perspective)
FPA 244Introduction to Ballet
FPA 245Introduction to Choreography
FPA 246Digital Photography and Imaging Manipulation
FPA 250Modern Dance I
FPA 254Opera and Society
FPA 255Jazz: Music, Race, Politics, and American Culture (DCCG-Human Diversity; cross-listed with BST 255)
FPA 256Musical History and Culture of New York
FPA 258Music and Politics
FPA 260Jazz Dance: From Roots to Hip Hop and Beyond (DCCG-Human Diversity)
FPA 275Women in Dance

Please add the note Courses marked with "(DCCG)" can be used to fulfill your Diversity, Cross-Cultural and Global Perspectives requirement.

Choose one (1) course.

Literature Core Course Choices
Choose 1
Course NumberCourse Name
ENG 212Self and Society
ENG 213Transformations
ENG 214New Worlds
ITA 350Italian Immigrant Literature (DCCG-Global Perspective)
Note: this course is conducted in Italian.
SPA 302Introduction to Hispanic Literature and Literary Analysis
Note: this course is conducted in Spanish.

Courses marked with "(DCCG)" can be used to fulfill your Diversity, Cross-Cultural and Global Perspectives requirement.

Choose one (1) course.

History Core Course Choices
Choose 1
Course NumberCourse Name
HST 101The Evolution of Western Civilization
HST 120Timeless Issues in History
HST 125Tradition and Modernity: The Challenge of the Non-Western World
HST 209America's Recent Past (DCCG-Human Diversity)
HST 215Medieval Europe
HST 216The History of Violence (DCCG-Human Diversity)
HST 217Ideologies and Empires in Nineteenth-Century Europe
HST 218Conflict in Twentieth-Century Europe (DCCG-Human Diversity)
HST 221The Modern Middle East: From the Rise of Nation States to ISIS (DCCG-Global Perspective)
HST 222History of East Asia (DCCG-Global Perspective)
HST 223History of South Asia (DCCG-Global Perspective)
HST 224The Emergence of Modern Latin America (DCCG-Global Perspective)
HST 225Africa in the Modern World (HST and DCCG-Global Perspective)
HST 240A Semester at the Museum: History and Heritage Institutions from 1850 to the Present (HST and DCCG-Global Perspective)
HST 250The Age of Iona: Celtic Monasticism from its Golden Age through the Viking Age (HST and DCCG-Global Perspective)
HST 304From Hamilton to Mickey Mouse: IP and Politics of Innovation in American History (DCCG-Human Diversity)
HST 310American Colonial History (DCCG-Human Diversity)
HST 311The American West (DCCG-Human Diversity)
HST 315Civil War and Reconstruction (DCCG-Human Diversity)
HST 316The Age of Revolution and Historical Memory (DCCG-Human Diversity)
HST 317Advanced Topics in the History of Violence
HST 330The Art of Storytelling: Digital and Oral Tools
HST 335The Development of American Foreign Relations (DCCG-Global Perspective)
HST 336American Foreign Relations in the Modern Age (DCCG-Global Perspective)
HST 337The Immigrant Experience (DCCG-Human Diversity)
HST 338The Vietnam Wars 1939-1998
HST 351Europe, 1648-1799: The Age of Reason and Revolutions (DCCG-Human Diversity)
HST 374Revolution in the Modern World (DCCG-Global Perspective)
HST 391China: From Confucianism to Communism (DCCG-Global Perspective)
HST 392Japan: From Ancient Myth to Constitutional Monarchy (DCCG-Global Perspective)
HST 393A History of India (DCCG-Global Perspective)
HST 410Seminar in History

Choose one (1) course.

Philosophy Core Course Choices
Choose 1
Course Number Course Name
PHL 210 Action & Character: An Introduction to Moral Philosophy
PHL 215 Matters of Life and Death
PHL 216 Freedom and Morality
PHL 217 Morality and Skepticism
PHL 218 Markets and Morals
PHL 219 Ethics and Entrepreneurial Leadership
PHL 221 Nursing Ethics

Courses marked with "(DCCG)" can be used to fulfill your Diversity, Cross-Cultural and Global Perspectives requirement.

Courses marked with "(WI)" and "(OI)" can be used to fulfill your Written and Oral Intensives requirement.

Choose one (1) course.

Religious Studies Core Course Choices
Choose 1
Course NumberCourse Name
RST 204Christian Scriptures
RST 205Buddhist Wisdom (DCCG-Human Diversity)
RST 206Spirituality
RST 207Vatican II and Catholic Reform (OI)
RST 208Ethics and Morality
RST 209Peace and Social Justice (core course through 2018-19 catalog year)
RST 213Religion and the Natural World
RST 215Islam: History, Belief, Practice (DCCG-Global Perspective)
RST 220The Religious Imagination (core course through 2018-19 catalog year)
RST 310The Religious Traditions of China (DCCG-Human Diversity)
RST 317American Religious Experience
RST 318Violence, Peace, and Social Justice (not open to those who took RST 209) (OI)
RST 324Christian Sexual Ethics (WI; DCCG-Human Diversity)
RST 326Theology of Christian Service (DCCG-Human Diversity)
RST 327The Holocaust and the Churches (DCCG-Human Diversity)
RST 328The Religious Imagination (not open to those who took RST 220)
RST 330Women, Gender, and Religion (DCCG-Human Diversity)
RST 332Spirituality, Advocacy, and Activism (WI)
RST 335Liberation Theologies in the Catholic Tradition and Beyond (DCCG-Global Perspective & OI)
RST 338The Gospels
RST 341Story of the Universe
RST 343Sufism: Traditions of Islamic Mysticism (WI; DCCG-Human Diversity)
RST 345Note to Self: Sacred Music & Poetry (OI; DCCG-Human Diversity)
RST 370Creative Peacemaking (WI; DCCG-Human Diversity)
RST 375Wisdom Literature
RST 401Jesus Around the World
RST 404Catholic Creation Theology (WI)
RST 406Biomedical Ethics and the Christian Tradition (WI)
RST 412Environmental Ethics and Religion (OI)


Elena Procario-Foley

Elena G. Procario-Foley, Ph.D.

Director, Core Curriculum

Br. John G. Driscoll Professor of Jewish-Catholic Studies

Professor of Religious Studies