My Iona

Commencement 2024

Join us as we continue to celebrate the Class of 2024!

Mission Programs for Employees

As valued members of the Iona community, faculty, staff and administrators share in the mission of the Office of Mission & Ministry (OMM) – to make service, justice, and spirituality conscious in the minds and hearts of the University community.

Through various programs, OMM celebrates employees and provides opportunities for shared dialogue and spiritual growth.

Catholic Intellectual Tradition Series

The Catholic Intellectual Tradition (CIT) Series brings together faculty over lunch or dinner to extend the dialogue between faith and culture, a dialogue that is so characteristic of Catholic teaching institutions. The Office of Mission & Ministry encourages all full-time faculty members to attend each dialogue.

More on CIT

Celebration of Welcome

In the fall semester, the Office of Mission & Ministry sponsors a luncheon for all newly hired faculty and staff members. New employees are accompanied by their department chairs or supervisors to join in a festive lunch marking their incorporation into the Iona community. At the luncheon, a current staff or faculty member of the Iona community shares their personal reflection on how they live the mission of Iona University.

Loftus Dinner

Held annually during Heritage Week, the Loftus Dinner features the presentation of the Br. Arthur Austin Loftus Award to an outstanding Christian Brother. Long-serving faculty, administrators, and staff members are also honored.

More on Loftus Dinner

Hugh J. McCabe Memorial Award For Social Justice

The University presents the Hugh McCabe Award for Social Justice each year to a faculty, administrator, or staff member who embodies an exemplary commitment to social justice. Awardees have demonstrated through their work and contributions their exceptional dedication to social justice in building a more just and peaceful world.

More on the McCabe Award

Called and Gifted

Each year in the fall, we are invited by the Edmund Rice Christian Brothers to send Iona employees to a lovely retreat house on the Hudson River for two and a half days of reflection on the history of the Edmund Rice Christian Brothers, with special concentration on the founder, Blessed Edmund I. Rice. There are representatives from Edmund Rice Christian Brothers' schools throughout the United States, creating opportunities to compare and reflect on the Essential Elements of an Edmund Rice Christian Brother education. One result is a sense of connectedness to a larger, extended "Edmund Rice Family."

Contact Us

Office of Mission & Ministry

Robert V. LaPenta Student Union

(914) 637-2772 (914) 637-2772