Volunteer Service & Outreach
To view and sign up for the many community service opportunities offered through the Office of Mission & Ministry, please visit the Helper Helper Portal. (Iona OneLogin required.)
"Everybody can be great...because anybody can serve." - Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
As a Student Campus Minister, I co-lead Midnight Runs in NYC, and as a Spirituality Assistant I run the bi-weekly bible study on campus. At Iona, every single student has the opportunity to become a leader!
Affordable Housing
Promote affordable housing for all by helping to construct and repair homes through programs such as the Fuller Center for Housing.
Contact: Ryan Murphy, rmurphy4@gaels.iona.edu
Best Buddies
Befriend an adult who has an intellectual disability and participate in events with the Best Buddies program.
Contact: Maddy Anderson, manderson8@gaels.iona.edu
Children’s Rights
Learn how you can be a resource and mentor for children through programs such as the Boys and Girls Club of New Rochelle and the New Roads program.
Contact: Will Quincy, wqunicy1@gaels.iona.edu
Disability Programs
Support, coach and create relationships with children and adults with disabilities through programs like Backyard Sports and Cerebral Palsy of Westchester.
Contact: Annika Ziels, aziels1@gaels.iona.edu
Educational Concerns
Provide homework help and skill development for kids (grades 1-12) through programs like the Einstein and New Rochelle Public Schools.
Contact: Logan Reyes, lreyes5@gaels.iona.edu
Environmental Programs
Help promote sustainability and build community by working with local environmental groups such as Westchester Parks Foundation and Ward Acres.
Contact: Alina Denaut, adenaut2@gaels.iona.edu
Food Insecurity
Serve those experiencing food insecurity by volunteering with meal programs such as Hope Community Services.
Contact: Marie Marra, mmarra1@gaels.iona.edu
Homelessness Outreach
Share food, clothing and companionship with those experiencing homeless in New York City with evening missions through Midnight Run.
Contact: Emily Rivera, erivera7@gaels.iona.edu and Shakinah Silverberg, ssilverberg1@gaels.iona.edu
Prison Ministries
Students create relationships and visit female inmates at Bedford Hills Correctional Facility through the Woman 2 Woman program.
Contact: Cara Donnelly, cdonnelly2@gaels.iona.edu
Senior Citizen Concerns
Create relationships with local senior residents through programs like Willow Towers.
Contact: Emma Brannigan, ebrannigan1@gaels.iona.edu