Faculty & Staff

Clinical Lecturer, Honors Program and Institute for Thomas Paine Studies
- Office:
- Ryan Library
- Email:
- aarenson@iona.edu

Professor of English
Chair, English Department
- Office:
- 32 Hubert
- Phone:
- (914) 637-2725 (914) 637-2725
- Email:
- mbeckwith@iona.edu

Associate Professor of English
Assistant Chair, English Department
- Office:
- 32 Hubert
- Phone:
- (914) 633-2157 (914) 633-2157
- Email:
- cmcarlson@iona.edu

Professor of English
- Office:
- 32 Hubert
- Phone:
- (914) 633-2156 (914) 633-2156
- Email:
- scleary@iona.edu

Associate Professor of Modern European History
- Office:
- 10 President Street
- Phone:
- (914) 633-2586 (914) 633-2586
- Email:
- mjhughes@iona.edu

Professor of Political Science
- Phone:
- (914) 633-2428 (914) 633-2428
- Email:
- rlacey@iona.edu

Associate Professor of English
- Office:
- 32 Hubert
- Phone:
- (914) 633-2055 (914) 633-2055
- Email:
- nmitra@iona.edu

Associate Provost
Associate Professor of English
Editor of The Shakespeare Newsletter
- Office:
- 32 Hubert
- Phone:
- (914) 633-2058 (914) 633-2058
- Email:
- tmoretti@iona.edu

Professor of Italian
Chair, Arts & Languages Department
- Office:
- 6 President Street
- Phone:
- (914) 637-2738 (914) 637-2738
- Email:
- tmussio@iona.edu

Professor of Religious Studies
Director, Honors Program
- Office:
- Spellman Hall, Second Floor
- Phone:
- (914) 637-2743 (914) 637-2743
- Email:
- kpaffenroth@iona.edu

Professor of English
Director of Writing
- Office:
- 32 Hubert
- Phone:
- (914) 633-2052 (914) 633-2052
- Email:
- arosenfeld@iona.edu

Associate Professor of English
- Office:
- 32 Hubert
- Phone:
- (914) 633-2056 (914) 633-2056
- Email:
- istabell@iona.edu

Associate Professor of English
- Office:
- 32 Hubert
- Phone:
- (914) 633-2056 (914) 633-2056
- Email:
- astackhouse@iona.edu

Professor of Philosophy
- Phone:
- (914) 633-2079 (914) 633-2079
- Email:
- jstillwaggon@iona.edu

Chair, Philosophy Department
Associate Professor of Philosophy
- Office:
- Spellman Hall, Second Floor
- Phone:
- (914) 637-2717 (914) 637-2717
- Email:
- asuen@iona.edu

Professor of Medieval History
- Office:
- 10 President Street
- Phone:
- (914) 633-2434 (914) 633-2434
- Email:
- dthiery@iona.edu

Chair, Religious Studies Department
Associate Professor of Religious Studies
- Office:
- Spellman Hall, Second Floor
- Phone:
- (914) 633-2644 (914) 633-2644
- Email:
- rumashankar@iona.edu

Assistant to the Director of the Honors Program
- Office:
- Spellman Hall, Second Floor
- Phone:
- (914) 633-2697 (914) 633-2697
- Email:
- cwray@iona.edu