Education Department
Teachers change lives, one child, one classroom, and one school at a time.
If you have always dreamed of teaching, our Education Department is the place to start. Becoming a teacher and professional educator is a lifelong journey of learning and caring – and your lifelong journey starts with Iona.
You will be prepared for success in today’s classrooms through a combination of New York State-approved curriculum and mentorship from faculty who are experienced teachers, principals and school superintendents.
Join the new generation of knowledgeable teachers who consider the whole child in instructional planning and teaching!
Request for Public Comment
On December 4-6, Iona University will host an accreditation visit by the Association for Advancing Quality in Educator Preparation (AAQEP). In preparation for the visit, the AAQEP Quality Review Team is soliciting public comment about the quality of educator preparation provided by Iona University. All comments must be submitted by November 6, 2024 through the AAQEP website: Submit Comment.
Undergraduate & Graduate Education Programs
Undergraduate and Five-Year Education Programs
Graduate Programs
A Day in the Life of an Early Childhood Education Major
Join Ariana Rodriguez from the Class of 2024 as she shows you what it’s like to major in Early Childhood Education at Iona University. Ariana shares her experience as a student teacher and how much she loves being a member of the Iona Dance Team.
Mission & Student Learning Outcomes
In keeping with the mission of the University and the demands of the teaching profession, the Education Department at Iona University is committed to preparing teacher candidates who will be:
- committed to the service of others as the fundamental condition of educational practice, and to social justice as its guiding principle;
- directed by the needs of diverse communities of learners and the belief that every child can learn;
- motivated to excel as lifelong learners, critical thinkers, and problem-solvers as well as leaders in their classrooms and communities.
Student Learning Outcomes
The competent teacher candidate/completer:
- Demonstrates commitment to the teaching profession;
- Is knowledgeable of content and pedagogy;
- Applies educational research and learning theory to practice;
- Engages positively with local and global communities; and
- Uses assessment to inform instruction.