My Iona

Social Science and Business Requirements

Required Credits: 6

All Iona University students take two (2) 3-credit courses in this area, with at least one (1) course taken from Economics, Political Science, Psychology or Sociology.


Courses marked with "(DCCG)" can be used to fulfill your Diversity, Cross-Cultural and Global Perspectives requirement.

Courses marked with "(WI)" and "(OI)" can be used to fulfill your Written and Oral Intensives requirement.

Social Science And Business Core Course Choices
Course Number Course Name
BUS 115 Personal Financial Planning and Management
ECO 100 Economics for Today
ECO 201 Basic Microeconomic Analysis
ECO 202 Basic Macroeconomic Analysis
ENT 200 Entrepreneurship & Innovation: Practice & Mindset (OI)
POL 201 American Government I
POL 203 Introduction to Global Politics (DCCG-Global Perspective)
PSY 201 Introduction to Psychology 1
PSY 202 Introduction to Psychology 2
SOC 101 Introduction to Sociology
SOC 102 Social Problems


Elena Procario-Foley

Elena G. Procario-Foley, Ph.D.

Director, Core Curriculum

Br. John G. Driscoll Professor of Jewish-Catholic Studies

Professor of Religious Studies