Accommodations for Employees with Disabilities Policy
Section 1. Discrimination against a Qualified Person with a Disability
Iona University recognizes and supports the standards set forth in Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990, and similar state laws (hereinafter "applicable law" or "law[s]"), which are designed to eliminate discrimination against qualified individuals with disabilities. Disabilities may include physical or mental impairments which substantially limit one or more of a person's major life activities, and which necessitate modifications to the facilities, programs, or services of the University. Iona University is committed to making reasonable accommodations for qualifying students, faculty, and employees with disabilities as required by applicable laws. Moreover, Iona University is committed to making the campus and its facilities accessible as required by applicable laws. The University cannot make accommodations that are unduly burdensome or that fundamentally alter the nature of the University's programs.
Because the University's Policy is intended to be co-existent with the requirements of applicable laws, nothing in this policy is intended to provide less substantive benefits or procedural protections than are required by these laws. Likewise, nothing in this policy is intended to provide greater substantive benefits or procedural protections than are required by these laws. This also means that the University's ADA Policy and Procedures may have limited or no applicability to the University's study abroad or other programs operated outside the United States. However, practical considerations of style and a desire to present information to the University community in a useful, efficient manner dictate that the precise wording of these laws is not restated verbatim in all provisions of this policy.
Therefore, the specific language of such laws and controlling interpretations thereof are incorporated by reference herein, and in the event of any apparent discrepancy between the language of this policy and such legal authority, the University's obligations will be determined exclusively by the latter.
Section 2. Procedures for Requesting Accommodation
While responsibility for the accommodation of employees with qualifying disabilities must be assumed and shared by all members of the University community, the University has established the following process that is designed to facilitate the reasonable accommodation of employees with disabilities:
- Eligibility: Any employee of the University may request an accommodation under this procedure.
- Request for an Accommodation: It is the sole responsibility of the individual seeking accommodation to make a written request for an accommodation by identifying their disability with supporting documentation that is current, complete and verifiable. The individual must then deliver the written request and the supporting documentation to human resources. Documentation of disability furnished by the employee will be kept confidential and will be shared only with University personnel involved with the coordination and facilitation of services and accommodations, except as is otherwise required by law or a health or safety issue. Since insufficient information may jeopardize the accommodations process, the University reserves the right to request additional documentation considered necessary to the formulation of a reasonable and appropriate accommodation plan. The cost of obtaining any such additional documentation shall be borne by the employee. The University also reserves the right to request an independent evaluation by a professional of its choosing. The cost of obtaining any such independent evaluation shall be borne by the University.
- Review Process: Human resources will review the request, consult with relevant University officials, and then render a determination as to the individual's request and may engage in an interactive process with the individual. Human resources must respond to the individuals request in writing no later than thirty (30) days after receipt of the formal written request. Each request will be assessed on a case-by-case basis.
Section 3. Documentation
The University requires appropriately current documentation of any or all disabilities for which an accommodation is requested, provided at the expense of the employee requesting the accommodation, prior to determining what services and accommodations may be undertaken for employees with qualifying disabilities. Documentation verifying the learning disability must:
- be prepared by an objective professional qualified in the diagnoses of such conditions;
- include information regarding the testing procedures followed, the instruments used to assess the disability, the test results, and a written interpretation of these results as they pertain to employment and/or participation in the University's programs;
- reflect the individual's present level of functioning in the areas related to the particular accommodations being sought;
- be appropriately recent, e.g., prepared within the last several years before the first request for accommodation.
Human Resources ultimately determines whether the documentation submitted is adequate to support a requested accommodation and whether the individual preparing the documentation is qualified to make the diagnosis at issue.
Section 4. Contact Information
Office for Human Resources
Iona University
McSpedon Hall, 2nd Floor
715 North Avenue
Phone: (914) 633-2496
Section 5. Harassment/Discrimination based on a Disability
- Prohibition of Retaliation: No person shall be subject to discharge, suspension, discipline, harassment, or any form of discrimination for having utilized or assisted in the utilization of the process for requesting an accommodation.
- Procedures Relating to Harassment/Discrimination Based on a Disability: If the individual feels as though they are being harassed or discriminated against by a member of the University community, the individual may file a complaint under the Harassment and Discrimination Policy. This complaint must be in writing, specific as to the allegations, as well as provide a statement for such relief.