Retention and Graduation Rates Disclosure

First-Time Full-time Freshman Fall Cohorts

Retention Rates Disclosure

Fall-to-Fall Retention Rates
Start TermCohort CountRetained One YearRetention Rate
Fall 202380261777%
Fall 202280964780%
Fall 202169755479%

Note: Retention rate measures the persistence of first-time college students from the first fall term into their second fall term at Iona University.

Graduation Rates Disclosure

Graduation Rates
Start TermCohort Count4-Year Rate5-Year Rate6-Year Rate
Fall 201885250%54%56%
Fall 201786051%56%57%
Fall 201693549%56%57%

Note: Graduation rate measures the persistence of first-time college students to degree completion within four years, five years, and six years at Iona University. Four-year graduation rate is considered as degree completion “with 100% of normal time” for a baccalaureate degree. Six-year graduation rate is considered as degree completion “with 150% of normal time” for a baccalaureate degree. For instance, the fall 2017 cohort, the most recent, earned degrees within 150% of normal time by completing studies by August 31, 2023. 

Six-Year Graduation Rates

Six-Year Graduation Rates: Gender
Start TermFemaleMale
Fall 201662%50%
Fall 201761%54%
Fall 201858%54%
Six-Year Graduation Rates: Pell Grant and Stafford Loan Recipients
Start TermReceived PellReceived Subsidized Stafford Loan, No PellDid Not Receive Subsidized Stafford Loan or Pell
Fall 201649%59%63%
Fall 201752%57%65%
Fall 201845%66%61%
Six-Year Graduation Rates: Race and Ethnicity
Race/EthnicityFall 2016Fall 2017Fall 2018
American Indian100%0%18%
Black or African American47%50%36%
Pacific Islander100%--
Two or More Races41%22%78%
Non-Resident Alien71%53%52%

As of October 2024

Source: Fall 2024 Census Date Enrollment and Student Graduation Records